The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 76: (2)

「In other words, you see. I have a duty-like something that should take precedence over everything else. You get it, don’t you? But as someone whose heart of concern for people was as deep as a soup plate, I couldn’t afford to leave the situation of this town as it was. That’s why I had to bend my conviction and lend a helping hand. How is it? This situation that seemingly would be popular with girls? Hmhmm.」

He seemed as though would be able to make his way through the top company with his quick-wittedness alone. He was displaying such calmness and persuasiveness that made everyone involuntarily believe as such.

「I feel like I heard some words I couldn’t ignore. But well, very well. If it were possible, Tanaka-san, for the sake of the town, I would have liked to see you continue demonstrating your capability as you are, but fortunately, even with the results of this time alone, it seems like we will be able to evade the impending crisis, after all.」

「Right, right? Moreover, even if something were to happen, we’ll be fine since Sensei is here with us! To put it bluntly, Sensei is real wild, after all. These words are from me, who have received tutelage from Sensei while witnessing his exploits from up close for years, so there’s no doubt about it. Between you and me, it seems that even the sages once said that the one who gets their hands on Sensei will gain control over the world, after all. Really, I’m not joking.」

Tanaka secretly whispered as such to Echigoya. Omoi’s words of, ‘For some reason, I feel like my past is being created in the present, or is it just my imagination? Hahaha,’ reached neither of the two.

「That’s why! Sensei, I’m leaving the rest to you!」

Creating a fancy sound effect, Tanaka departed the office at lightning speed.

「Hahaha, I don’t even know what ‘that’ is, though. Still the same as usual, huh.」

The left behind Omoi couldn’t help but reply as such in a bitter smile toward the door where Tanaka had vanished into. Echigoya called to Omoi, who was staring at the door in such a manner.

「Nevertheless, I’ve never expected that we’ll meet each other again under such a circumstance. Senpai.」

Omoi looked a little bit surprised at these words.

「I thought I had mistaken you for someone else since you had changed so much, but it really was you, huh. Your Highness.」

「Please stop with the Your Highness. I’ve already abandoned that status, after all. I’m just a merchant now. Though, due to my ties with the guild, I’m also dabbling in politic-ish matters, but in the end it’s only temporary.」

「In that case, likewise, please stop with the senpai, too. Me taking care of you at the research department was something of the past, after all.」

The two of them exchanged wry smiles at each other. However, there was a faint air of tension between them.

「Nevertheless, quite an achievement you made two years ago. The offer from everyone at the top ought to have been lavish, right?」

「Haa, please don’t remind me about it. For some reason, it had turned into me lending a hand to the Empire, but I’m sure you haven’t forgotten the reason why I left the Research Department.」

「I’m really sorry. But from the looks of it, the people there seems to be still the same as ever, so I have nothing to say.」

At the figure of Echigoya showing a somewhat exhausted appearance, Omoi asked quietly.

「Have you really abandoned it? The you of the past that I knew of was someone brimming with strong conviction, you know? To the point of everyone expecting that you would surely be able to stop the influence of those people.」

「You’re overestimating me. My conviction was nothing more than something that could be easily dismissed.」

Omoi couldn’t find the words to say at the sight of Echigoya’s self-deprecating figure.

「Well, let’s let the past be the past. There is a lot we have to do at present, after all. At any rate, I’m looking forward to working with you. Omoi Sensei.」

Perhaps being considerate. Omoi replied with a smile to Echigoya, who forcefully changed the subject.

「Hahaha, that’s kind of embarrassing.」

Omoi was about to leave the office as he was, but suddenly stopped.

「He’s a strange man, you see. His free and unrestrained gait is unreliable, and he tends to take a lot of unpredictable actions, yet he never makes you feel uneasy at all. To the point making you think that he might be able to turn the impossible possible.」

As Omoi turned around while uttering these words, Echigoya showed a questioning look at the sudden topic.

「If there’s even a shred of conviction left in you, no matter how small it may be, I suggest you rely on him. If it were him, he would surely be able to live up to your expectations. Just like how he saved the people of this town.」

「I’m grateful for the suggestion, but I’ll refrain myself. When it comes to him, problem tends to multiply even more, after all.」

Echigoya responded with a wry smile, but he could not keep the smile at Omoi’s following words.

「You’re a sharp man. So I’m sure you’ve noticed it, haven’t you? That his power is something far beyond common sense.」


「Otherwise, there’s no way the intelligent you would ever maintain connection with him, who at a glance is nothing more than a troublemaker, after all.」

Omoi continued on, paying no attention to Echigoya who was showing no reaction.

「Let me give you a word of advice. If you want to take advantage of him in any way, you better stop it. He may call me his teacher, but he’s still the benefactor of me and my father, after all. I’m prepared to go to any length against anyone that may threaten his stance. Well, he may not even need my help, though.」

Omoi really moved to leave the office this time.

「Just honestly ask for his cooperation. As incompetent as I may be, I’ll also lend my assistance.」

With these words left behind, Echigoya could do nothing but see him off in silence.

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