The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

103: Liliana’s plan revealed

*Menacing glares*


My slaves were throwing daggers at me right now. And that's mostly because Carmilla and Tiana were each pressing their breasts on one of my arms. I ended up putting them under my slave contract as well. It was pleasant, but the other girls sure got jealous.


With these 2 I didn't apply my custom demonization like I did with Amelia, mostly because I was too tired. After sex with them I think I slept for a week. Regardless, I had to calm down my girls. Partially I am to blame. I did erase their memories, but I think I increased their affection level for me a bit too much.


"Will you two stop that? You're too close to Yurishia!"


"Ara? But it's necessary. After all, we displayed our bare skin before her and made love. For us vampires, there is only one action we must take in this scenario. We must be wed to lady Yurishia!"(Carmilla)


Myself included, everyone went speechless. What the hell drove this scenario? Even if I am a temporary futanari… getting married is…


"Oh no you don't! You think you can just barge and mess with the pecking order? Get in line!" (Bessie)


"Yeah. Yuri-nee was ours first."


"All of you shut up already. Honestly, do you really think it's wise to start a fight in my presence? I gave you all a little bit of leash for some room. Don't make me restrict you again."


"Sorry." (x7)


Sheesh! Sometimes, having a harem can be troublesome. Marriage… yeah, it's not something I want to think about now. Technically it isn't illegal in this world for people of the same gender to get married but… there have been no recorded cases of it. And I don't think priests would take kindly to that idea.


Anyway, let's leave the trivial matters aside for now.


"Carmilla, Tiana, I want to ask you something. What's Liliana planning? That attack was definitely her idea."


Carmilla and Tiana both took on serious expressions and bowed before me. You might be wondering how can they remember since I erased their memories. Well… there's a thin line between memories and knowledge. That line gave me some wiggle room when I brainwashed them.


"My lady, miss Liliana's plan is quite simple. She had been working on it even before the news on your return. She wants to resurrect Bull Beelzebub."


At those words everyone was gasping in shock. Beelzebub. A name many know. Back on earth, demonology rates him as one of the seven princes of hell, or also call him Lord of Flies. Whatever the case, in this world, it was a bit different. While there might have been an original demon with that name, that demon vanished. His ancestors still retain his name. And the last known of this bloodline is Bull Beelzebub.


"Carmilla, this isn't the time for jokes. Are you sure about that?"


"I wish it were a joke. But it's true. Our army was wearing enchanted armor. Each enemy they kill, the soul would be offered to Beelzebub. The same thing applies if they themselves die."


What the fuck is Liliana thinking? Bull Beelzebub… I only read stories about him because I was summoned after his sealing. Yes, this demon was sealed away. But not by the humans. But by us Mazoku. Bull was a vicious tyrant. A monster that killed anyone in his path, friend or foe. He was extremely dangerous. However, he also failed to pull Zeshia out of the stone. Yet, that didn't stop him in scorching the land.


His brutality knows no limits. Everyone feared him. The reason he was sealed away is also pretty simple. He couldn't be killed. And now Liliana wants to release that monstrosity again… is she hoping she can use her powers to manipulate him? Absurd. If the stories about him are right, any form of submission or charm won't work on him.


That thing is major trouble. This is bad. If Liliana actually does set that thing free…


"Yurishia!? Are you ok? You look a little worried."


"No. It's nothing. Don't worry about me. No matter who my opponent is, I will obliterate him. Someone like Bull isn't even worth my time."


"Yuri-nee… that's a lie."




Crap. I forgot about Lumi-chan's Sense Lie ability. She figured me out. Kuh. I guess there's no point in hiding it now.


"Fine. I'll come clean. Although I never met Bull Beelzebub in person, when I was still the Warlord I had access to tons of libraries. I read a lot about him. And of course about the spells he can cast, his physical strength and his abilities. Giving the things he could do and the things I can do… I'm not confident I can beat him in a straight 1 on 1 fight."


Perhaps Beelzebub might be at the same level of the current Guilford. Regardless it seems I keep getting power crept lately. This isn't good. First, I can't let him get his hands on Zeshia. I'm the only one that deserves the Maou title. And… I also don't want him to kill Liliana. She is my prey. Her death must come from my hand.


I turned my head around to Zeshia.


"Hey, you think you could teach me more of the Hakai Mode series? I might need it against this guy."


"Although you could probably be able to handle it… I can't. Don't get me wrong, I want to help you out, but I can't teach you in sword form. I need an actual body to do it."


"Umm, lady Yurishia… you're talking to a sword, you know?"


"Yeah. I don't have time to explain. But I can talk to Zeshia like I talk with any one of you."


My girls were confused at first, but they didn't press further for now. I'll make sure to give them a proper explanation later.


"Whatever you do, you better think of something fast. I really don't want to be wielded by that guy. Although technically I can reject any wielder… something about him was always strange. He might just brute force his away through all my limiters."


As I was pondering the words Zeshia told me, like a kid in classroom, Lumi-chan raised her hand as if wanting to say something. I nodded and allowed her to speak.


"Yuri-nee, if you are worried that your power isn't enough there might be a solution. Why don't you try becoming a demi-goddess like me?"

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