The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

105: Each side makes it’s move

"Umm… Yurishia, what are we doing at this lava lake again?"


I decided to take a small stroll and I brought Shizu along. My other girls are back in town in case something happens.


"This small lake is going to be my cooking bowl. You know I said I planned to make chocolate, right?"


"Isn't using lava dangerous? You'll pretty much burn any kind of food."


"You got it wrong. Let me show you exactly. But for that, I'll need to borrow your moon stone again."




As I took the moon stone in my hand, I also drew a magic formation. The moon stone can control any material. However, it can't turn one material into another. Also, it doesn't have any effect over fluids. So that's where I have to come in.


It was time to use Geo Ryzia. Geo Ryzia was a form of transmutation. Although I only used it once and that was to turn an apple into an orange. I lack the skill to use it on a larger scale. But with the moon stone…


I thrust the stone into the magic formation and large dazzling purple light emerged. It engulfed the lava lake in the blink of an eye. And when the light show was over…


"I… I can't believe this. You… you turned the lava into chocolate!! How is that even possible?"


"There's nothing impossible for me. You should know that by now. And this isn't regular chocolate. It's super sweet, with a mix of fresh milk and… hey!! Stop eating my bait!"


Shizu threw her head into the liquid chocolate and I had to pull her out.


"Sorry, but I couldn't help it. It's soooo gooood!"


Let's just hope the scale is good enough. Because it's hot chocolate, the scent should travel further. I can only hope that Edenweld forest catches a sniff of this.


"So, what are we going to do now, Yurishia?"


"We wait."




A large crowd of demons gathered in the royal court of Liliana's castle. The streets was bustling, and the capital that usually gives of a cold feeling was now buzzing with heat.


"Lady Liliana, please restore order!"


"It's going to be a huge triumph!"


"Liliana is our savior!"


The demons were so happy that they held hands, which isn't a common sight.  Yet, they were all smiling. When a beautiful succubus emerged, the demons shouted even more loudly.


"Lady Liliana!! Lady Liliana!!"


"Hurray!! The Demon Archer!! Hurray!!"


"Here me, my fellow demons! The lord of the western faction has granted me temporary authority over this land until the crisis we are facing is dealt with.


And that crisis is called… Yurishia Bahamut. The former Warlord who I thought was my friend has deceived us all. She used dishonest means to steal our prized demon sword, Zeshia. Furthermore, she has also killed my dear friends, lords Byron and Volmund.


Her deeds must not go unpunished! That woman has no pride and respect for nobility."


"Death to Yurishia!!"


"Kill her!! Justice to the nobles!!"


"Listen. We now have the means to fight her. And not just her. We have the means to deal with the dimensional monsters as well. We shall resurrect Beelzebub Bull! Breaking his seal requires a large amount of life force. But… we now have enough to perform his awakening ritual. Our warrior's death won't be in vane!"


Most demons have completely forgot the atrocious stories about Beelzebub. They only cared about Liliana. Her charm skill were more powerful than the lost fear.


"And now, the long awaited ritual will soon commence!"


Upon seeing Liliana's signal, some demon priests came and carried a large crystal in the middle of the courtyard. They surrounded the crystal with the magical demonic seal. Then looked up to the sky and spread their hands. It seemed that they were magically collecting and injecting the life energy of the large army that Yurishia killed.


…However. Among the crowd, there were some hooded figures that were whispering.


"What should we do?"


"Should we hurry back and inform lady Yurishia? Nelia's spiders can't get the message through."


"But if we leave now we might be discovered."


It was Cynthia and Yurishia's Worshippers. They were tasked to gather intel and observe Liliana.


"If we make any sort of move now, we might get killed. Trying to send a message to Yurishia now is also impossible, we can only wait."


Suddenly, there a huge crack appeared in the crystal with the magical demonic seal surrounded by the demon priests. More cracks were slowly spreading apart with a crunchy noise as if it were the opening of a cocoon.


"It’s breaking…! The crystal with the magical demonic seal is breaking apart…!"


The moment where someone muttered aloud, a crushing sound as if a large glasswork fell from a high place to the floor! The crystal with the magical demonic seal shattered into pieces! Soon, a terrible and evil energy engulfed the whole surroundings! And then, the one who stood there was…


"Is…Is that thing…Bull Beelzebub…!?"


Cynthia and the worshipers were left speechless before the monster that emerged from the crystal.


A being with large muscles and roughly 2 meters tall. It resembled a mix between a fire golem and a balrog. Flames were emerging from it's body.


"Wonderful!! The ritual was a success! Behold, our savior. The one that will bring great prosperity for the demon race!"


Liliana bowed before her, however she displayed an evil smile.


"Oh, great Bull Beelzebub, please help us and lead us towards a bright future and…"


But before she could finish her sentence, Beelzebub ignored her completely and passed right by her. He took a long look at the demons.


"So this is what the world looks like now? Filled with a bunch of weaklings? I have slept for too long. But now, I will correct everything. The strong are the only ones that deserve to live. Nobility or not. After all, nobles are the ones that betrayed me.


I won't make that same mistake twice. All who are here present… are too weak to live. I shall kill you all!!"


Everyone was left shocked at those words, including Liliana. Her plan, didn't turn out the way she expected. All she did was unleash another threat upon the world.

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