The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

111: Evil Goddess

"Your Highness, please understand, this council has reached a decision."


"I'm well aware of that. But since it's a stupid decision, I decided to ignore it."


2 weeks have passed since I killed Liliana. The process was long, but eventually nobody could deny me anymore. The demon council proclaimed me the Maou. I was given the Maou crest and had now complete authority. Of course, that didn't mean that life got easier. There was one thing I wanted to implement. A proper monarchy rule but with modern society touches.


Basically the main objective was to make the law and rules apply to everyone. Treat everyone equal. But of course, since the council is made out of nobles, they obviously still tried to give some benefits to nobility. Which is why I turned their decision down.


"Your Highness, I think it's better if you take things slowly. We don't doubt your decision, but making such drastic changes… the people won't stand for it."


"So? What's your point? If anyone wants to complain, they can say it to my face. I'll just kill them."


"Your Highness…"


"Now that I think about it, I don't need to take your crap either. You're dismissed. Permanently. [Black Hole]!"


"Whaaa!! Aaaaaa!!!"


A black sphere appeared in the center of the room and sucked in all the council members present. They were obviously trying to plot something. So it was better to deal with them that way. I then left the room casually.


"Lady Yurishia."


"Oh, hi Amelia."


"Lady Yurishia… you have to stop killing people like that. It's not a good idea."


"Rule by fear is the only way to get my message clear. They need to learn that they either do things my way, or they die. Anyway, I'll leave the rest of the paperwork to you."


"As you wish."


Amelia is amazing. Honestly, ever since my coronation, I didn't have a moment to rest. Amelia told me that the first few days are gonna be rough, but after that, things will go back to normal. But for now…. I'm tired. I haven't gotten proper sleep in days so I teleported back home.


When I say home, I mean the house assigned to me and my slaves. Sure, now that I am the Maou I am entitled to a castle but… it's too creepy, even for me. And I got attached to my house, so I still intend to use it and make Vilethorne my base. But now… all I wanted was to stuff my face in the pillow… and… sleep.






I found myself floating in strange space. I can't see anything in here. The notion of up and down doesn't even make sense. Is this a dream? I remember going to sleep, so this might be a dream but… it feels… real? As I spin around over and over I see a small rock island, so I try… swimming towards it. As soon as I got near it, gravity made me fall on the ground.


Wait. Something isn't right. I sense… Something evil…


"Ara, ara! Did you have your fun?"


A voice called out to me. My eyes were drawn in that direction by instinct. A mysterious woman was sitting on a stone throne. We were the only ones here.


"Fufu. We finally meet again. I'm so happy to see you."


"Huh? Listen sister, I don't know what you mean. Again? This is the first time I see you. Who the hell are you?"


"Ara? I guess in a way you don't know me, but your body should know well enough. I am the Goddess of Vengeance, Delta. But you can call me… mother."


"What the fuck are you saying? You better start making sense, or I'm gonna kick your ass until you do."




She pointed her finger at me and in the next moment, a powerful shockwave ran through my body. The impact was so great that it made me cough blood.




"That's not a proper way to talk to a Goddess. Especially when you are so weak. You may have inherited my genes, but you don't have the slightest clue on how to use them."




Dang. My organs feel like exploding from the impact. Just from that small flick? My Cure All activated. But this woman was on another level. Around Ariadne and Rosalie, I never felt this much malevolence and power. Is this really the power of a God?


"What… do you want from me?"


"A small test. You can call it a bet. If you can make me move from my throne, I'll more than gladly share my story with you."


Tsk. Why did things end up like this? All I want is rest. Why can't people leave me alone? For now it seems like I don't have a choice. This isn't a dream. It's all happening. But don't underestimate me. Zeshia isn't with me, but even so, I'll show you what happens if you bare your fangs at a Maou.

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