The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

49: Challenge in the dungeon

-The next day-

For once Nelia didn't have to handle the cleaning duty. Leona said she'll cover it up. For now I decided to not put Leona under my Subordination Magic. That doesn't mean I fully trust her. But she loves having sex with me too much.

Also it would be troublesome for me if someone would find out a teacher became my slave. She would only get in trouble and I will lose any advantage I can get out of her.

Leaving things aside for now, I decided to follow her suggestion. Today I'll focus on the dungeon. Today's lesson in class was pretty basic. I think lame would be more accurate. I was praying for class to end. 

After class ended me and my slaves were heading towards the dungeon. 

"Aneue, did you listen to the dungeon explanation properly?"

"What's there not to understand? Go as deep as you can and find all secret classes locations. I remember a clause saying that if you reach the final floor and bring a tiara like object hidden there you are imediately accepted as a candidate for the end year tournament. Simple."

"You weren't listening at all. We should only go up to to floor 20. It's impossible to go all the way to the bottom. Not even teachers managed to go beyond. The principal is the only one that went all the way and placed the tiara there. Our numbers… might not suffice. Besides, it will take forever. It's a dungeon labyrinth after all. We need to also draw a basic map so we don't get lost each time we come in."

"Not necessary. I can teleport, remember? I just need to think "stairs floor 20" and we are there. As long as I get there once, even if I don't memorize the labyrinth, as long as the location of the stairs don't change I can teleport as I please just by thinking about it."

With that aside we headed for the entrance. A big staircase descend into the dark. The first floor was quiet. As expected it was free of monsters like promised. So we just had to look for the next stairway.

But yeah. This place was totally like a labyrinth. 

"Oof. Another dead end. We need to turn back."

"Wrong. The next waypoint is really near. I'm not going back."

"Lady Yurishia… the walls have been coated with high amounts of anti-magic layers to withstand combat. You can't expect to break through it with magic."

"Nope. I'm breaking it with my fist."


While it's true that the anti-magic layers are a stretch even for me, that doesn't mean physical attacks don't work. I collapsed the wall and a new path opens up. And as expected… my slaves were very confused.

"Well don't just stand there. Nobody said it's against the rules to find shortcuts."

Nelia and Shizu giggled while the rest were still a bit shocked. Nevertheless, we marched on. Soon we reached an open space and what seemed like a door with stairs going deeper. This must be the waypoint. The door itself… I could sense a powerful barrier placed on it. It's a very potent magic. Whoever put it was a very skilled caster. It makes sense monsters can't reach floor 1. I'm curious what kind of monsters they put. 

As I was preparing to go further a cold and sharp voice calls out.

"So, you finally show your face around here, miss Yurishia."

I turned around and from a shadowy corner a man wearing the red uniform, with blue hair and cold like black eyes was approaching me.

"I was starting to think that you truly are a coward and refuse to venture into the dungeon. So you're the girl I heard so much about. An absurd mix of slaves that follow a girl who don't even show proper respect to the teachers."

"You seem to know me, but I don't know you."

"Allow me to enlighten your ignorance. You are standing before Celsus Aquinas. Heir of the Aquinas household and a student from the first training class."

That means nothing to me. But I did notice that he also had 5 other red uniforms behind him. 

"Allow me to also introduce my friends. From left to right: Crixus, Lars, Eustace, Viola and Cornelia."

"Okay. So what do you want from me?"

"To teach you respect since you clearly lack it. You have insulted not only Azamar, but sensei Amelia as well. The Ornelia family have a close relationship with us. You need to learn your proper place. Listen, I personally don't want to hurt you. If you get on all fours, beg for forgiveness and admit that us nobles are superior to you commoners then I am willing to let you go and overlook everything you did."

"I would be lying. You're no better than me at all. If you ask me, it's you nobles that need taught respect. You think you can still keep up that attitude once I become Maou?"

"Take that back! As if the future Maou will be a filthy commoner. Everyone knows that the Maou will 100% be a royal."

"Then tell me, in your eyes what is a maou?"

"A title bestowed upon the purest Mazoku. The bloodline that is worthy of ruling all the Mazoku. The authority that shall make nobility prosper."

"Every word you just said is incorrect. A maou is only one thing. Absolute power. The power to do whatever he pleases and bend everyone to his will. I'll happily teach this lesson to you."

"Boss, wait. Remember it's not allowed to fight in the dungeon."

Celsus claped his hands. The 5 red uniforms behind him made a path and pushed forward a white uniform girl.

"Battles are allowed as long as there is a third party not involved as a witness. You're not getting out of this one with words now that you insulted us."

"I'll take care of that cow."(Crixus)

"Cow!? Don't you dare call me that! Boss, let me show this guy what a minotaur can do. I'll mop the floor with him!"

"I'd very much like to humiliate Nelia."(Lars)

"I'll handle that pathetic excuse of a demonized human."(Eustace)

"Then I'll pick that tiny elf. Toying with her will be fun."(Viola)

"Who are you calling tiny? I'm not small. You're all just too big!"

"Guess I'll handle the dwarf then."(Cornelia)

So one on one battles huh? I was hoping to get some exploration done. But seems like I have to handle this.

"Fine. I'm game. Girls, enjoy yourselves just take some distance from one another. Crush them if you want but don't kill them."


"You'll pay for mocking us. [Iblis]!"

Celsus casts the magic Iblis which grants power to his allies. You know, it's been ages since I used Iblis on someone other than myself. Let's show him the difference in power.

"[Iblis]! Now come. Let me show you that you're nothing more than an insect."

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