The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

51: Nelia and Lumi-chan unleashed

"Lady Nelia, why do you follow that bitch around? Even with your bad history, if you swear loyalty to Celsus I'm sure he would take you under his wing and give you a nice life. Why are you hanging around with trash like that?"

Lars was a Mazoku with long spikey blonde hair, goat like horns, and emerald green eyes.

"Lars, was it? I doubt you could ever understand, but your ideals and mine don't match. It's because of people like you that I was forced to do what I did. Furthermore… you just called my friends trash. I can't ignore that. Never again will I lose a friend or let them be insulted."

"Kuh. Seems reason won't get to you. Then I'll brutally kill you. I should warn you that I specialize in lighting attacks. Your web is going to be useless. It will just conduct electricity. But don't worry. I'll make sure to adjust the output so you can properly regret your actions before I kill you."

Lars crosses his fists and draws and magic formation.

"[Domination Strike Sephiro]!"

A large electric sphere break into 8 pieces and attack Nelia from all sides but she sees straight through. She generated sharp threads through her fingertips and cut the floor. She raised chunks of rocks and easily intercepted the blasts.

“Hurry up and come at me with your full might Mr weakling. If you don’t you’ll get crushed before putting out your full strength.” 

Lars grits his teeth.

“……How did you know…..?” 

“That you’re weak?” 

“Stop screwing around! You want me to get serious? Fine!"

Lars drew an even more complex magic formation and two yellow electric snakes emerged. It was the spell Double Grandis.

"Weakling-san. No matter how amazing the magic power is, it’s useless if the user messes up.” 

“Haa! What was that? You scared?” 

Nelia sighs again.

“I’m saying the spell is wasted because you are such a fool. Is that any clearer?"

Nelia also drew a magic formation. Although she specializez in web attacks, that doesn't mean she doesn't know proper spells too. Yurishia also taught her a few things. Which includes the jet black flame Nightmare Flare.

However the electric snakes devoured her attack.

"What were you saying?"

"You need to pay closer attention to your surroundings. [Agni String]!"

As if out of thin air, purple strings violently entangled around Lars and restrained him.

"Haa. This won't hold me. I'll cut right through… Guaahh… fu… what… the…?"

The moment he tried to electrify the string, it tightened and violently cut him, spreading blood.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. That string is unbreakable for a reason. If you try to use magic on it, it will only tighten and eventually slice you. The only way to break free is through brute force, however seeing how easily you bleed… you won't be able to do that either. Your body is like butter."

"Shut up! Even if I am tied like this, my snakes will still strike you! Go! Your strings won't save you now!"

"Want to test that theory? [Tempest Shredder]!"

From behind Nelia, entangled web emerged. It had the thickness of a spear and the web was constantly vibrating. The speed of the vibration prevented the electricity to get to her. Raging thick webs scattered around like whips, excavating the ground. The debris and threads destroyed the snakes.

Like a spear, Lars was pierced by the web and then the whip like force sent him flying and crashing against the wall.

"GUaaaRfh!! It hurts…. Stop…!"

"Aww, calm down. You're only bleeding. I avoided any fatal spots. Although you might still die from blood loss, Mr weakling."

"I… I'm sorry… please! Don't let me die…!"

"Very well. Then… I will wrap you like the insect you are! My cocoon will stop the bleeding."

Nelia got close. With her spider legs, she tumbled Lars around like a log, constantly wrapping him in spider web until only his nose and mouth were visible. He almost looked like a mummy.

"There we go. Honestly though, lady Yurishia's support is quite strong. I never felt this powerful before. Or maybe this guy really is just week. Nobles like these… really are nothing more than insects."


"Fufu! You're so cute and small."

"Quit calling me small! You're going to regret it!"

Viola was a woman with rather small breasts, long black hair that went all the way to her waist. Her bangs covered her left eye. She had a creepy smile. The most noticeable thing was that she had 5 rings. 3 on her right hand and 2 on her left.

"My name is Viola. I am what you call a summoner. Fighting is boring, so I have others deal with it. A hobby of mine is collecting criters and playing with my enemies like toys. However most break too easily. And you totally look like a doll. So let me play around with you for a bit."

"Hmph. From that you just described yourself as a coward."

"Say what you will. Unlike others I don't care for insults. Let's have some, shall we?"

Viola raised her right hand and one of her rings glowed. These rings contained a summoning stone. You can think of them as a place to store your familiars. And right now, 4 wolves around the size of a horse were summoned. 

"These are my cute puppies. Look, darlings. I found a new chew toy for you. Go get her!"

Following the instructions, the 4 wolves jumped at Lumiera. However she only let out a small sigh. She waved her hand and from the ground, thick plant vines erupted and wrapped around the wolves.


Lumiera ignored her and commanded the vines. Like the tentacles of an octopus they started to slam the wolves up and down, hitting the ceiling and ground. The sound echoed across the labyrinth. Eventually after taking enough damage, the wolves faded into light particles.

"He… hahaha… HAHAHAHA!"

Viola burst into a crazy laughter. 

"Amazing. You're… the first that didn't break! This is nice! That means I can use my other toys! Let's play some more."

"You're so stupid."

"What was that?"

"I said you are stupid. Familiars are living things that should be treated with love like any other living creature. Even if you see them as toys, you should cherish them. But you don't. You see them as tools that can be replaced."

"Shut up! I don't mind insults, but I won't let you get away if you talk like that about my toys. A toy is meant to be used until it breaks or you get bored of it. You don't need attachment to it!"

Viola released all her rings at once. 2 giant ox, a huge rock golem, a human sized eagle, a giant centipede, a huge iguana with fangs and a blue gorilla like creature with sabertooth fangs. A stone can store more than one creature, depending on it's power level.

"These are all my prize toys. I said I would try not to break you, but I'm taking it back, miss chibi-chan. You're probably blind since you keep your eyes closed. It will be over before you know it! Strike her down already!"

"I don't like being called chibi-chan. For that… I am going to take… a small look at you."

Lumiera opened her eyes. Her eyes looked exactly like the night sky filled with stars. The moment she opened her eyes, a wave was unleashed. It felt like the space itself distorted. A blast like countless sound waves were generated. It felt like even the anti-magic walls couldn't contain it. The moment the sound like blast made contact with the familiars it turned them into light particles.


The force also reached Viola. She felt as if her body was being disintegrated and wave force pushed her against the wall, forming a giant crater.

Lumiera closed her eyes. If she left them open, she could have collapsed the corridor. She is a demi-god with magic power greater than Yurishia. Viola was pale as a ghost as her body was convulsing.

"That's what you get for calling me tiny. Don't worry. You'll have nightmares for a few weeks, but you'll live. Well, at least I got to take a quick peek thanks to you. It was an amusing game. But you're the one that ended broken. After all… you shouldn't play with toys at your age. Your parents should have raised you better.

I wonder if Yuri-nee will give me some affection after this?"

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