The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

54: Yurishia’s worshipers

We managed to get all the way to the 10th floor. I can see why monsters might have been tricky, but it was too easy for me. We decided to stop since it was getting pretty late. But we did find a rune on the 7th floor with the first secret class. We didn't miss it. 

Of course there was still plenty of time until that class. It's only in 3 days time. So we headed home.

The next day, Amelia seemed a little annoyed seeing me. Serves you right. Nevertheless she begins the lesson like always.

"Today I'll teach about holy gear."

With that said she puts on a pair of white gloves and carefully presents a holy sword. The class became restless again.

"Sensei, isn't it dangerous? Even with gloves a Mazoku can't wield a holy sword."

"Correct. However wielding and transporting are 2 different things."

She then draws a magic formation on the blackboard. The magic formation for Licht.

"This is the formation the humans use. It's called [Licht] and it's a magic meant to give powers to weapons, armor and tools. Simply put it promotes the function of an object. A sword, for example will cut better and harm even Mazoku. Such as the one I am holding right now."

The class gasps in awe… however in my case… time for a little payback.

"I'm sorry, sensei, but that's false."

"Lady Yurishia, are you going to criticize my teaching again? I think I explained Licht properly."

"That part is correct. But you made a mistake. That piece of junk isn't a proper a holy sword."


I get up from my seat and walk slowly towards the her.

"The part where you say that Licht can turn any weapon into a holy one is a big exaggeration. At best that thing has the power close to a magic tool."

I step closer and pick up the sword and give it a few swings.


"She's alright?"

"Shouldn't her hand be burning?"

"Like I said this is a piece of junk. Let me go on. A true holy sword can only be obtained in two ways. Either if a spirit resides in it or if it receives a blessing from a God. Licht only grants light property to the sword and a slight durability increase. Nothing more. I won't say this doesn't sting… but if you feel pain just from this then you guys have really low standards."

I wish they could see Einehal. That thing was a true monstrosity. Amelia clenched her fists.

"You need to discard that way of thinking, sensei. After all, if a teacher doesn't have proper knowledge then the students are going to be ridiculed."

She knew I was right, so she couldn't talk back. I put the sword back on the desk. And as I prepared to return to my seat I whisper in her ear.

"Listen, try a stunt like the one from yesterday and next time you won't get off this easily. I'll kill you. Get it?"

She froze stiff for a second since I also released my aura and direct my bloodlust towards her. But her reaction proves my guess was right. She probably told those guys to fight me.

"Relax. I'm joking. Continue your lesson."

I went back to my seat. She was still heavily sweating though.

"A… alright class. Let's move on…"


The class continued normally. After that most students left. They were probably heading towards the dungeon again. I'll assume I am ahead with exploring since the first secret class will be held in two days, after the weekend. I think I'll just take it easy today.

"Lady Yurishia."

When I stood up a woman in white clothes called out to me. It was the girl from yesterday. The one that was forced to act as a witness.


“Thank you for protecting me back there.”

“Aah, I wasn't protecting you. I was just doing what I pleased. I hardly noticed you actually. What's your name?”


She laughed with a smile on her face at my words. Cynthia has long brown hair and green eyes along with small cow like demon horns.

“However, thanks to what you did I avoided any injury. Those guys forced themselves on me.”

"Be more careful next time."

With that I wanted to leave but…

"Umm… lady Yurishia…"

"What is it? You still need something?"

"I am sure you are aware about the difference between commoners and royals and the separation between the white uniforms and red uniforms."

"Yeah. What of it?"

"The nobles really believe that the future Maou can only be someone of pure blood. But us white uniforms really believe that the Maou must be someone that treats everyone equally."

"And you're telling me this because…"

"We strongly believe that you can become the Maou."

I almost choked when she said that.

"Lady Yurishia, you're stronger than more than half of the red uniforms in this school. That says something."

"Well it's true that my goal is to become the Maou…"

"If you do that then we can finally prove our point. Everyone should be equal."

"Wait a minute… 'we'?"

"Please come with me. We made a form of club in your honor. And we're all fellow girls so you don't need to worry about slimy men."

"Well… okay…"

I'm a bit intrigued. Having some more followers is never bad. And if they see me as a rock star I don't have to force them to become my slaves. So for now I followed Cynthia and her set of servants.

"Lady Yurishia, are you sure it's wise? I hope you're not doing this just to get under her skirt."

"Is it wrong to pick up girls in dungeons?"

"Lady Yurishia!"

"Calm down. Listen Nelia, we all know that I'm going to need more support on the path I walk on. Taking a look doesn't hurt."

"I guess so."

Moving along we came to a door with a particular sign.


“Fufufu. How’s this? Us fans formed a club for supporting lady Yurishia. We are making pure remarks about lady Yurishia's everyday life, her intelligence and and when she says something wonderful."

“How stupid!”

"Oh, come on. We put lots of thought into this."

Cynthia then opens the door and steps in. When we entered the room all the students inside turned to me at once.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Lady Yurishia! It’s her!!”

“No way. It’s a lie, right? Why? Why!?”

“What should I do? Right now? Maybe…. No… my makeup isn't even right!?”

“I'm in the same room as lady Yurishia. I can die happy now!!”

I face palmed myself. What's with this creepy cult? It's scary. I like attention but this is crazy. Should I watch my back more? Or are they just idiots. Including Cynthia there are 10 girls.

“Ah…..ahaha…..I’m ashamed to say, but this did start out as a temporary thing but before we noticed it, everyone had been taken in by…. your charm……..”

At that time a girl seemed to have resolved herself and stood in front of me.

“Lady… Y... Yurishia! Could you sign this!?”

She shows me a pocket notebook and presented it to me.

“Hey you, wait a minute. Stealing a march is no good. I want it too please!”

“Me too.”

"Will you quit it? I'm not signing anything. For all I know you plan to use it for some plot. There's no way I would randomly put my signature on something."

The girls dejectedly lowered their shoulders. Cynthia tried to lighten the mood.

“Everyone just wants to show their loyalty.”

"Loyalty must be earned. You girls want my trust?"


"Then I have the perfect test for you girls. Nelia, Bessie, Sylvia, Lumi-chan, Shizu… wait outside and don't let anyone enter."

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