The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

65: First step towards the goal

Holy Judgement. A spell of pure light. The reason why Volmund was so shocked is because this spell… can't be used by Mazoku. As a general rule, it's impossible for Mazoku to use holy spells. But I was an exception. Although I can't use the same output as the humans did when I first saw the spell, it's still powerful enough.


A pillar of pure light erupted from the magic formation and engulfed Volmund. His screams of agonizing pain were music for my ears. Eventually the spell was over and Volmund fell on the ground. Smoke came out of his body. His flesh was torn and he had bruises over bruises. But most importantly, he wasn't regenerating.

"Vampires can be absurdly powerful, but that power doesn't come for free. They also have a big weakness. They are weak to holy magic."

"P… please… don't kill me. Spare me… I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault… It was Byron and Liliana! They… dragged me into this. I truly just wanted to create a better world for my sister... They turned me against you… I… I'm just a victim like you… I…"

"Lies. Yuri-nee, every word he just said was a lie."

Hmph. I don't need a skill to know that. As if I'm just gonna believe him. At first I thought it's better to leave his body here to be found. But only his ashes will remain.

"You know what, Volmund? I'll show you some mercy."

"Lady Yurishia… Thank you… together I'm sure we can…"

"I'll kill you. As for this so called sister of yours… I'll make her my bitch. I'll train her to be my loyal dog."

"What!? How… how is that mercy?"

"Death is a mercy in my book. After all, you won't be around to see your sister at my feet. Now die! Once more… [Holy Judgement]!!"

The pillar of light erupted once again.


He screamed in agony. Until eventually his voice faded away. When the attack was over, only his carbonized ashes remained. He was dead. I did it. One of the ones that betrayed me was finally punished. The satisfaction… the look on his face… everything was worth it.

We traveled together, we ate together, we slept under the sky together… and now I killed him. No remorse. No regrets. Rather, my anger didn't diminish at all. I got a taste of revenge and I won't stop until the others are dead two. One down, two more to go.

"Lady Yurishia…?"


"Are you okay? You spaced out for a moment."

"Sorry. I'm okay. We did it girls. We took the first step."

"Boss, I don't wanna argue with your decisions, but taking out all 3 pillars of the demon realm… that will put the race in chaos."

"It won't. Yeah, Mazoku won't aprove, but at the end of the day, if I become the Maou, they can't defy me."

Once the Maou is elected, he will receive a magical engraving on his body. Think of it like a tattoo. Once you obtain both the tattoo and Demon Sword Zeshia you are the Maou. I don't know all the details. But it's a law given by the Demon God. The Maou's word is absolute. If someone is to try and assassinate him, the tattoo would send a violent curse. 

If you you try using someone else to kill the Maou, the tattoo curse will kill the person as well as whoever was involved in the plot. Challenging him straight forward to a fight is okay though. I dunno why it works that way, but I don't care. 

"Yes. Lady Yurishia is right. The world will have to change regardless if people like it or not. The nobles can all go and die if they don't like it."

"You seem rather excited about this, Nelia."

"Err… I am just giving my support to you. Your wish is my wish. By achieving your dream, I will also achieve mine."

"Anyway, girls, that's enough action for today. Let's get back home. Let's not stay any longer than needed. Nelia, gather your web. Shizu, make the iron pillar fade away. We can't leave any trace."


A single man’s footsteps echoed loudly through the night. A figure enveloped in shadows.

“Murgleis. Is it true that our scout in the elven lands was taken down by a Mazoku? My dear pet Zelos?" 

The muddy creature he was addressing, Murglais, was the same person that conspired with Azamar. 


“Why... How? Was the Mazoku just that strong? If they’re strong enough to kill a monster of that caliber, then our plans are...”

“Calm yourself, my lord. Our investigations were thorough. That person is an isolated case. She won't be a threat.”

“Do I also need to remind you about our scout in Lyndwurm!?”

“The plan to subjugate Lyndwurm ended in failure as well. We decided to abandon it. True. But...”

“ Tell me. Who is this unforseen opponent?”

“Unforeseen opponent? A Mazoku female with 5 slaves."

“I know the monsters that we sent weren’t strengthened by your ability, Murglais, but for just one woman to do that much damage… Normally it would take an army to subdue an A class dimensional. Surely you jest.”

“I wish I was... At any rate, it seems that insane party is currently at the Demon King Academy. The enemy’s strength is beyond measure. Although I am pretty confident that nobody can match us S classes… it's better to play safe. Have no worry, my lord. We have our little pawn over there. Collaborating with him will also lead to this woman's demise and we can continue our plan."

“Remember, everything we do, we do for the god which we serve. This world requires a correction. Mazoku, humans… all the races… All they know is to hate each other and start wars. We will unify the world and give it the peace it deserves."

“Ah. Yes, sir.”

"By the way, what's the name of this woman?"

"I believe she's called… Yurishia."


You are dismissed. Set your plan in motion. The necromancy magic from our world… you are authorized to use it."

When Murglais was finally out of sight, the shadow figure's stern expression crumbled. He’d been holding his anger back in front of his subordinates, but there was no one to see him now.

“Can this be a coincidence? No matter. I don’t know who you are, but you’ll pay dearly for interfering with my holy mission. God is with me. The day we finally meet will be your last. You will either join us or die.” 

Who would the goddess of victory smile upon when they finally met?

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