The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

73: Sudden death graduation

A few days passed, but eventually, all students were summoned to the arena. Although the Academy hasn't recovered yet, the Arena and all its spectator seats was preserved. 

Trumpets were blowing and confetti were flying across the arena. You would think it was some sort of holiday. And all the spectator seats were packed full. As students, I think we were over 100, yet we didn't even fill half of the arena. All the teachers were sitting on opposite ends.

The principal was sitting in a fancy chair in a special place of the arena. And I couldn't help notice that there was an even fancier seat next to him. Silence then filled the Arena. And after a moment, I saw him.

"All stand for the great Byron of the Eastern Faction!"

Everyone stood up and bowed their heads as Byron made his way across the Arena and next to the principal. The ogre warlock with red skin and 2 oni horns. I would never forget his face. This guy… is my prey! I'll murder him somehow too.

"Attention all students. Due to the unforseen events, the demon generals as well as myself have decided to cut the school year short. Therefore, the final graduation exam will be held now! I know some of you might think that they haven't acquired enough knowledge, but a Maou is someone that makes do with whatever he has at his disposal and still comes out victorious! Show your might before everyone!!"


Why is everyone so excited. Normally a decision like this would be a serious handicap for many. Half of these students wouldn't last a minute in an actual fight. They have no clue about warfare. So pathetic. I wonder what's the real reason for rushing things so fast.

"The exam will last for 4 days and it is separated into 2 categories. The first category lasts an entire day and is called "Extreme March".

Special teleport stones have been activated for this day and you will pass through 3 different terrain types. You start at the Lake of Doom, followed by the Fallen Forest and eventually Brokeback Desert."

Is this guy in his right mind? Those are some of the most harshest terrains in the demon realm. There are trained military personnel that can't handle those places properly. Most of these guys won't last in these harsh fields. Does he intend to get everyone killed?

"The first 8 to clear these challenges and find all teleport statue will be able to advance to the second stage. If you feel the danger is too great, leave now, as we can't guarantee your safety."

So he's just gonna fucking say it so blandly? From how I see things he's just trying to get us killed. Byron then flashed his magic wand and a bunch of magic circles appeared in front of each student.

"This is a contract. If you sign it, then you agree that the school holds no responsibility towards your life. Those who wish to still take part in it, you have 30 seconds to sign it. Then you will be registered."

I don't sense anything weird with this magic formation. It is indeed a typical magic contract. I have no reason to refuse, so I placed my hand on it and sign it. A good portion of the students refused and backed away. I also turned my head around and looked towards Cynthia and the Worshippers. I signaled them not to sign it. They did improve under my guidance, but these areas are more than they can handle.

30 seconds have passed and the total number of people that registered was 30. Only 8 of those are commoners, including myself. 

"For you white robes who have decided to take this test, on this stage you may use your slaves to assist you. Making up teams is also permitted, but keep in mind that only the first 8 who return first will advance. You have a few minutes to prepare while we get the portal ready. That is all for now."


"Lady Yurishia, what do you think of this?"

"I don't like this at all. He calls us out of nowhere and wants us to take the test right now. I heard of pop-quiz, but this is ridiculous. Does this guy really plan on using such extreme measures?"

"Aneue, is that person…"

"Yeah. Another one of my former companions. He's a already dead. He just doesn't know it yet. I'll find a way to kill him. But for now our only option is to go along with this exam."

"Our lady, Yurishia!"

Cynthia and the Worshippers also came near me.

"Thank you for thinking about our safety. Considering that lord Dante is participating and the dangerous terrain… we would only burden you. However, we will cheer for you. Our hearts are always with you!!"

"Well said, girls. Don't worry. I'm going to win this no matter what they throw at me."

"We really want that too. Everyone's lives will only change for the better. We believe that you are going to be the first white uniform that wins!!"

"Yeah, just leave it to me."

I have the perfect scenario in mind. Once I win this and Byron will personally step down to congratulate me… what better opportunity to strike him down. I'll claim Byron's life and the title of Maou at the same time. Just you wait.

Once everyone except the 30 students left the arena, Byron spoke once again. 

"Very well. It is time. The portal is ready. Walk through it and you will be transported to the first location. Fight with honor. Let the exam commence."

Everyone dashed like crazy and was charging towards the portal. Everyone except me. 

"Lady Yurishia, shouldn't we rush?"

"Nah. There's no need right now. If the Lake of Doom is still how I remember it, everyone is going to come to a complete stop on the other side. Besides, I hate crowds. Let's do this casually girls."


Alright. Now let's see what traps they prepared for us.

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