The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

81: Me and… me?

I tried calming down. What the hell is going on? This woman is saying I am the Maou? That's not possible. I'm still in the middle of the exam. 

"Hey, lady Yurishia, do you know what's going on?"

Nelia whispered in my ear.

"This is definitely a trap of some sort. Nelia, I tried using my teleport ability just now. It's jammed."

Technically speaking I could have used my ability from the start. But those teleport statues… they might have some sensor that let's the school staff know who touched them to prevent cheating. So I had to play fair. 

"Won't you come in, Your Highness?"

"This scenario is strange. How come this town is safe, yet outside there were all these skeletons?"

"Yuri-nee… I actually feel mana from them. They are… living and breathing creatures."

"It’s obvious that the people of this town are strange and suspicious. The real problem is the truth behind this oddness. For example, “effects of illusion”; “demon transformations”; “clay dolls”;…There are too many possibilities. We can't exclude anything."

I then suddenly walk up to Zeta and grabbed her wrist.

"Your Highness, what are you doing? It… hurts…"

She is warm. And I can feel a pulse. Everything is telling me… this woman is a genuine demon.

"Ugh, sorry about that."

"It's… okay. You just startled me. Anyway, a sand storm is coming soon. So why don't you come in."

"How long will it last?"

"Our mages estimate just around 2 hours."

"Guess we got no choice. We'll stay for a while. Girls, don't leave my side."


This was a town in the desert. Therefore, the ground beneath our feet was not paved. The streets were lined with tents, and the goods were placed on the ground like bazaars. For the time being I gave up on my mask since everyone was aware of who I really am.

"Lady Maou! Greetings!"

"Good day to you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you for visiting us all the way here!"

The people spoke to me as we passed through the streets. Everybody seemed to know me. Unlike the discrimination I receive alongside the white uniforms, people here actually respect me. They all think I am the Maou. Are they all under someone's brainwashing? No. A massive spell like that should be impossible.

"You all must be tired. I shall prepare your usual room and…"

Zeta stopped abruptly. She turned back to look at me. Then she looked again at the opposite direction. She glanced back and forth. I also looked in the direction that caught her eye. I couldn't believe my eyes.

A woman was walking towards us. My heartbeat increased with each step.

"Lady Yurishia… that is…"

"Oi, boss, are you seeing this too?"

"I feel two identical auras… it can't be."

"Impossible! What on earth…?"

The reason we were all shocked was because… that woman… was me!! I felt that I was looking in a mirror. Zeta was the one that opened her mouth.

"Two… Yurishia's?"

My girls also looked back and forth between me and the other Yurishia. Yet even I looked puzzled. Our facial traits, horn color, hair color… everything was identical. The only difference was the armor color. If my armor is dark with red accents, her armor is gold with red accents. 

Eventually we stared at each other. She had a refreshing smile on her face, while I had more of an angry look. Both of us had our Ruin Eyes activated. Then, gold Yurishia was the one who spoke.

"This is interesting. What's your name?"

"Yurishia Bahamut."

"Oh? We're not just similar, but we also have the same name."

When I watched her closely I was wondering what move she's going to make but she just ended up cheerfully laughing.

"Hahaha! This is amusing. Since we're so similar, let's get along well, ahaha! Tell me. What do you want in this town?"

"I am currently in the middle of an exam. My goal is to become the Maou."

"How strange. I already became the Maou."

"If that's true, show me proof."

"Ah. If you are referring about demon sword Zeshia, I don't have it with me. I left it at my Shrine back at the imperial palace. But I can show you this!"

She turned her back at me and exposed her skin. There I saw it. The tattoo. The mark of the Maou. There was no mistake. I've seen pictures of it many times. She had the sacred tattoo.

"Anyway, can we put this conversation on hold for a few minutes? There is something I must attend to. But don't worry, I will be back shortly."

"Yeah. Go ahead."

"Zeta, please take care of them. Oh, and if anyone asks just tell them that I have a twin sister which for reasons I kept hidden."

I nodded towards the golden Yurishia. I need to gather my thoughts too. Everything that happened so far… none of it makes sense. Especially the fact that I can't find a single trace of anger in her. This doesn't feel like an illusion either. More like… is it possible that we stepped into a parallel world? A world where I wasn't betrayed? I glanced over at Lumi-chan.

"Was she telling the truth?"

"Yes… I didn't feel anything."

If Lumi-chan's Sense Lie didn't trigger then it must be true. Still…

"What a crazy thing just happened. How is it possible?"

"I don't know. But I'm still suspicious of her. We need to clear our minds and think of an explanation. For now… let's go along with this freak show."

This other Yurishia... Her personality is the polar opposite of mine. She is how I used to be. Idealistic, cheerful and trusting towards everyone. That's how I was before my betrayal. Can this really be a parallel world?

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