The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

87: An unusual meeting

I really enjoyed my fun time with the girls. But I had maybe a little too much fun, as they all fainted due to exhaustion. It can't be helped. Ever since recovering my full powers, my stamina also increased drastically.


So the next day was pretty much a repeat of the first. I finished my opponent easily. Since last time I won in a physical bout, this time my opponent tried shooting various spells at me and take distance. However, he was also weak. 3 layers of the demon barrier Fuka was all it took to negate his attacks completely. And of course, one spell from me was more than enough to end the match.


The displeased look on Byron's face really made my day. Seeing him squirm like that is a nice treat. I'm actually curious why they didn't try to rig the matches so far. Regardless, the final day, tomorrow, is when this whole tournament is decided. And just like I predicted it, it's going to be between me and Dante. And speaking of Dante…


When I left the arena, I passed by him and he slowly whispered in my ear: "Come to the center plaza, later. I want to talk to you."


I had no reason to agree to this meeting, but I was intrigued in what he wanted to say. So, since I had nothing better to do, I decided to go see what he wants.




"Thank you for coming."


"Whatever. Wanna tell me what this is about? Don't tell me you got a crush on me or something."


"Of course not. The reason why I called you here is different. You… are a commoner. Despite this, you continue to tarnish all we nobles believe in. I'm not going to say that I agree with everyone. In fact, there are fellow nobles that simply disgust me."


For now I listened to his story. Where the hell is he going with this?


"Even with your status as a commoner, nobody thought that you had the potential to get where you are. You are already seen as the white uniforms' hero."


"So what?"


"I have a proposition for you. Forfeit the match tomorrow."


"What kind of absurd idea is that?"


"Let me finish. I am someone always in the look for strong people. And you are strong, there's no question there. And also, as you know, I am part of the Wilnas household. Regardless of the result of tomorrow's match, I will be named captain over a small army. Each one of them hand picked by me. And I want you to be my second in command. I want you to be my lieutenant. Given my authority, it won't be a problem to obtain that position for you."


You're speaking as if you won the competition already. You can just go fuck yourself, buddy.


"That's not going to be alright. I mean, lieutenant sounds pretty low compared to the title of Maou."


"Hmph. You're pretty greedy. The position I am offering you is quite generous considering someone with your status."


"Why are you trying to make these decisions for me?"


"This is simply out of the good will of my heart. It would be a waste to injure you tomorrow. Besides, even if by some miracle you do manage to win, it was long transmitted that only a pure blood will be able to become the Maou. You'll just end up a failure and…"


"Shut the fuck up! You're so full of shit. I can't stand this anymore. How many times must I repeat myself for the message to sink in? A maou is someone that does everything he pleases. He doesn't even have to run the demon country if he doesn't want to. A maou is someone so strong that nobody dares to get in his way. Strength that goes beyond bloodlines. If your objective was to piss me off, then congratulations. You did it!"


"I should be saying that. You're mocking everything that was taught to us. Even the former Warlord had this view. Just because you have the same name as her, doesn't mean you can get cocky. This is my last warning. If you meet me in combat tomorrow… I will kill you."


"Hehe. That's funny. I finally know why you wanted to meet me here. It's because you are afraid of me."


"What? Afraid of you? Is that a joke?"


"You're a noble, which means that you lived an easy life and enjoyed the best education and received the best combat training. However, because of that, you never felt defeat. The fact that you want me to forfeit… simply means that you doubt your own abilities. In other words… you're scared that I will beat you."


"Enough!! Now you've done it. It's not every day I get angry! But you… you've successfully managed to anger me!"


He released a powerful aura. As I suspected, he really is as strong as I was. With a big emphasis on was. Kek. This amount… doesn't phase me at all.


"Hou? Not bad. You managed to stir up quite the breeze. Do you want to settle the match here and now?"


He soon calmed down.


"Tsk. It seems I can't stand your guts after all. Enjoy the rest of the day while you still can. Tomorrow… I'll make sure you suffer 1000 times for all your insults."


He turned around and left without looking back. Honestly, he still kept a rational judgement. But, he's still just a jerk. All these nobles trying to dictate everyone's lives… heh… hehe… hahahaha! I can't wait to see what happens when I crumble all your beliefs!! There's just one last thing I need to do, before that.




~Day of the final match~


The principal walked into the arena too this time. Seems like he'll be the one that will make the announcement today.


"And now, the moment you have been waiting for! The final match who will determine the winner. He or she shall receive 5000 lila and the chance to take the Maou test. For this match, the ring is your battlefield. Don’t step outside it. There are no restrictions. For both of you to display your full potential, lethal force is permitted! So, without further delay, face each other, and let the match begin!"

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