The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

90: 10 years of lies. Yurishia reveals the truth

"Listen. Nobles… commoners. Bloodline doesn't matter. A true Maou has nothing to do with that."


The audience became even more restless. One man summoned his courage to speak.


"But… you yourself said that only a noble can become the Maou. It was transmitted years ago that the Maou can only be…"


I turned my gaze towards that man. A mix of anger and fear enveloped him.


"I never said that crap in my life. That was falsely transmitted. The history you have all been taught is nothing but a lie. A Maou would never discriminate. He rules over all equally with absolute brute force."


I turned back towards Byron. I grabbed his head and once again lifted him in the air.


"Let go of me, you bitch!"


"Tell the truth."


"Fuck you!"


Bzzzt. Wrong answer. I used my free hand and pierced his shoulder. Then, I twisted my claw inside the wound.


"Gaahaa!! Shit!! Stop!! That hurts! That hurts so much! Aaaaahhh!!"




"Alright!! Alright… just stop. Lady Yurishia is right. She never said those words. Myself with Volmund and Liliana… we said them. But that was only to establish the rightful order."


I tossed Byron again. I turned my attention back to the audience.


"As you can see the 3 nobles you respect so much, my former companions, they deprived commoners of a chance to succeed in life. You say that a commoner can't become the Maou? On what basis? Was a commoner ever given the chance to even take the Maou test? Furthermore… Gahuu!!"


As I was holding my speech, 3 green laser beams pierced my body from behind. Byron stood up and his staff was pointed towards me. This is the same spell he hit me with 10 years ago.


"Even after so many yours, you let your guard down. Such a foolish woman. I can't stand your nonsense anymore. This time I'll make sure to kill you properly! So what if everything was a lie. Society exists because of our teachings. It's thanks to us that the dimensionals haven't overtaken the demon race. Our acts were all done for the greater good! Now rot away and… what!?"


"Honestly, did you really think the same trick would work twice on me?"


This curse might have been designed to specifically counter my Cure All. However, just like the human body develops antibodies for a disease, the same principal applies to my ability. Since I recovered from it once, my ability assimilated that tea I drank and now it's fully able to cure this.


"Is this really who all of you have been respecting so far? He's nothing more than a backstabber. There's nothing noble about him!"


"Grr… shut up! I won't tolerate this! With the authority invested in me, I order all the guards stationed here… attack her! Kill her!"


However nothing happened.


"Oi, aren't you listening? This is an order!"


In that moment troops did enter the arena, however it wasn't what Byron expected. Amelia was leading a large group of black knight Mazoku. The Black Dragon squad. Years ago, while I was still training I was assigned to this squad to learn about military tactics. However it didn't take long before I started giving the orders. This particular squad was loyal to me.


"Great job, Amelia."


"Thank you for your kind words."


"Impossible! The Black Dragon squad was cancelled. Everyone was made to retire!"


True. I heard that story from Nelia. But all I had to do is ask Nelia to send her spider minions and tell them that I am alive. I told Amelia to lead them and subdue the current law enforcement crew in this town. Which means, you have no authority here. All of the knights bowed before me.


To be honest I wasn't sure at all if the Black Dragon squad was alive or not. But I took every possibility into account. I never used my brain this much. But I analyzed every twist and turn. Every possible outcome. With Amelia's influence and knowledge… alongside Nelia's spiders… we planned this for a long time. This may seem like I am a tyrant trying to take over the town… but I don't care. Crumble away with your beliefs.


"Seems like you're out of tricks Byron. Don't you see? I predicted all of this. There's nothing you can do."


"Why… why must you get in my way? Why can't you all see that this is wrong!? You really think someone like you will be able to become Maou? Never!!"


"Byron, tell me this. If a commoner would become the Maou, would you obey him?"




"Well? Cat got your tongue? Answer honestly."


"The Maou is a sacred being. So… of course I would obey him regardless who he is."


"Very well. Because I'll tell you this now. I AM THE MAOU!!"


"Enough of this stupid joke! You proclaim yourself the supreme being!? You insult every living Mazoku. No matter how strong you are, you will never have the right to call yourself the Maou!!"


"Guess only one thing will get through you then."


I raised my hand in the air.


"Come forth… ZESHIA!!"


Fufu. Thanks for the info, Ariadne. You weren't a useless goddess after all.

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