The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

93: Liliana

"Listen everyone! As I already said, blood doesn't make one noble. True nobility comes from the heart. Your thoughts and beliefs determine how noble you are. Polish your mind and heart, because those are the key elements towards power.


You might feel confused right now. It's not unusual to believe something false. However, even if the scale is different, the exact same rule applies here. You all believed what you were told without raising a question. Don't entrust your beliefs and values to someone else, otherwise you will just become a hollow shell. All of you, I can only tell you that under my rule, you won't live as nobles or commoners. You'll all live as Mazoku!!"


"Yes, Your Highness!!!"


"Jeez..  that was so cheesy! You should have gone with "I'll slaughter anyone who disobeys me" or something like that. You sure are a twisted one. I guess I won't get bored at least if I stick around you. For the time being I will acknowledge you as my wielder. But don't send me back into that dark place again!"




I placed Zeshia in the sword slot of my back carapace armor. A lot of organization will be needed now. Naturally me taking over this town won't be that easy. I must first make sure that the Black Dragon Squad will eliminate any resistance or people who might try to rebel. As for politics and other management situations I might need Amelia's help. Since she was a noble with a high education, I'm sure she can help me cover and sort things out.


Word that Zeshia is in my possession and that I killed Byron and Volmund. I wanted to keep low until I killed all 3, but events evolved this way. She'll be on her guard now. The question is, will she chose to try and attack me, or hide in some sort of fortress? Well then, my sweet Liliana, let this little chess game between us start. You may have the first move. What are you going to do?




~Western Faction main castle~


This was the headquarters of the Overlord ruling the western faction. A large sinister castle from a horror movie. And this castle was also the home of the succubus named Liliana. Giving her powers, in time it wasn't hard for her to turn the Overlord into a puppet ruler. He was ruler only in name. But in fact, Liliana was the one holding the power.


However, right now, she launched an arrow towards a flying eyeball with bat wings. It was a familiar that she instantly killed. Up to this point, she used it to watch the events of the Demon King Academy tournament. And as you would expect, right now, her seductive pose was replaced by sheer anger after finding out that Yurishia was alive after all these years.


"Fuck!! Shit! For that bitch to be alive after all this time… the timing couldn't possibly be worse. All my efforts… my great plan to rule over all the demons will crumble if she makes a move on me now!


Fuck! And after the way I grinned and laughed at her 10 years ago, she won't believe any excuse I might make. She killed Byron with ease and stated that she killed Volmund too. I'm next for sure. No. I can't give up when I am this close. Just a little more time is what I need. If I can keep her attention focused elsewhere, there's still hope.


I was destined to rule. I don't give a crap about her ideals. I only care about myself and power. But how should I approach her? It would be suicide to attack her head on. Unless…"


Liliana paused her thoughts. After a moment of silence her angry face turned once again into an evil grin.


"Fufu. Yes. That could work. Byron didn't have anyone close. But Volmund… he always talked about how much of a sadist his sister is. Not to mention his mother is also a terrible blood sucking vampire.


And lucky for me both of them are here right now, in the western faction. If I tell them who killed Volmund… yes. It will work out just fine. They'll keep Yurishia busy.


We also need a pretext to attack her. Hmm… yes. That will work splendid. A few false accusations and at least the nobles will refuse to grant her the Maou Crest. Hehehe.


You might have startled me a little, Yurishia. But actually, now that I think about it, my plans will greatly advance thanks to you. The more you'll kill… the faster 'He' will awaken. And once he's mine… the whole demon race will belong to me, ahahahaha!!!"


Liliana then clapped her hands a few times. Shortly after, two skeleton warriors appeared and bowed before her.


"You two. Please go and find ladies Carmilla and Tiana. Tell them that I request an audience with both of them. I have important information I must share with them."


"Your will!" (x2)


The 2 skeleton warriors nodded, slowly got up and left Liliana's chambers to go and fulfill their duty. Alone again, Liliana started laughing and praising herself for the plan she was about to set in motion.


"Now then. I guess I should also write a letter to the southern faction, demanding some military personnel. I don't want to use that many of my own resources after all. Vilethorne is a small town after all. Even with Yurishia, overtaking it shouldn't be that hard. And now for the most important moment.


I need to practice a speech. Something motivational to make the demons believe that she stole Zeshia. Some sort of cheat. Yes. After all she just went straight for the sword. She didn't take the Maou test. The test is there for a reason after all. Oh, how delightful. The nobles truly will be my side. Get ready, Yurishia. Cause when I am done with you, you will wished that you died when you had the chance."

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