The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

99: I can win a war by myself



The knights charged at me with everything they had. However, I could easily dodge them. And at the same time I slightly touched them. Even with just the tip of a finger, it was enough to make them explode into a puddle of blood.


Coating my hands in a small magical aura is enough to blow up these pathetic losers.


"Then how about this! [Incendio]!"




Pathetic. Although I could use my Ruin Eyes to cancel it completely, this isn't worth the trouble. Like a candle, one big puff is all I need to extinguish it.


"Come on. Is that really the best you can do?"


"Darn you! Don't get cocky! Men, unleash the spirit!!"


When Tiana gave out those words, a few men in the back chanted some strange spell. In the next moment, an 8 headed water dragon emerged from the ground itself. Now this is interesting.


Spirits tend to have a great amount of Holy Magic in them. Summoning this guy to face me isn't a bad idea, however… spirits can't normally be compelled to follow the orders of Mazoku.


This Dragon started howling and rampaging, obliterating everything in its path, including Tiana's troops.


"Fumu. It seems your power is that of Great Spirit indeed. If I would have brought troops, they would have surely been taken out. But I am a different story."


"Want me to slice that thing into sushi?"


"No. I want to show them that I am not just relying on you. They need to see my own strength. The fruits of my hard work."


The dragon had it's eyes on me and charged without warning.


"You may be a spirit, however… [Tormentor]+[Slash Disorder]!"


In the next moment, I took a step forward and appeared behind the Dragon. The 8 headed dragon was chopped up into countless pieces and vanished into thin air.


"Wha… this can't be… a great spirit… it's impossible!! You didn't even use Zeshia. What the hell did you do?"


"Why act so surprised? Although it is true that spirits are strong against Mazoku… that particular one was far too young to try and challenge me. If you want to hurt me, you need at least a spirit that has lived for 1000 years."


It's time to wrap things up in this part. And since Tiana is flying, she won't get hit by 'that'. So now, let's eradicate them all at once.


"Make sure to stay as high as you can if you don't want to get caught up in this."


I raised both my hands in the air. A large magic formation was drawn. And in the next moment, the sun was covered. Not by clouds, but by a large meteor.


"[Meteor Strike]!"


As soon as I said those words, the giant rock in the sky came crashing onto the army. Needless to say the explosion that it caused was on the level of a nuclear explosion. The true purpose of the twin walls was to protect the town from my attack.


The blast did make a hole through the first wall, but the second one managed to contain it. A huge crater was left behind.


"Don't you think that was a bit too much?"


Nah. It's what they deserve. Tiana was shivering and couldn't believe her eyes.


"No way… there's just no freaking way for that many troops to be eradicated with just one spell. You… you…"


Everything is working according to my plan.


"Lady Yurishia!"


Nelia once again communicated with me via her spider. From the sound of her voice it sounded serious.


"This is bad! The outer wall was broken on the southern side! The army is advancing towards the the inner wall. Please give the order and dispatch our troops to intercept them!"


I took another look at Tiana.


"So you must have a spy within us. If you tell me his identity, I might go easy on you."


When I created the wall I did mention that the only way to breach it would be to constantly cast attack magic in the same point. This information wasn't leaked, so it's safe to say that there is a traitor among us.


If we take in the fact that only a few people were around at the time I made that statement… I am pretty confident I know who the spy is.


"You really think I'll tell you anything? All I need to do is keep you busy. Mother will slaughter this town from her end. The blood of the people will be on your hands. You lost this war because of your confidence. Now despair and suffer from your own mistakes!"


I suffered enough for one lifetime. This girl still doesn't get it.


"Lady Yurishia, please, your orders!"


"Stand down, Nelia. Everything is within my expectations. Rather than that, send Leona to the central plaza. I'm sure the traitor is there right this moment.




"Haha! Has fear driven you crazy? Talking to yourself is an act of madness."


"Yare, yare. It seems you don't understand. It's my win."


"What are you saying? Mom's army has already passed through your first wall. Soon…"


"Will you shut up already? Open your eyes. You lost the moment you challenged me."


I made a big thumbs down pose. And in the next moment a rumbling sound could be heard. I set up a trap. The ground between the 2 walls was rigged to collapse at my order. Except for the demons that could fly, all ground units fell inside a pit and into an underground lava lake.


No matter how tough you are, lava will kill you. Even I can't last more than 30 seconds in it. The entire army vanished in the blink of an eye. Then all I did was manifest another magic formation and the ground returned to it's original state. Using so many spells can be tiring, but I'm used to it.


Of course, Nelia was speechless also when the spiders reported that the army was defeated. Fighting a war by myself… well I doubt this small scale can even be called a war. But I'm pretty proud of myself. My servants can handle any leftovers from this point.


"Now then, miss Tiana, let's discuss the terms of your surrender, shall we?"

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