The Road Home

Chapter 13 - Chen Xiaozhao Returns (3)

My heart was a little dry.

He walked in the workshop, and the shadows of rows of cold white lights on the beams dragged the shadow away.

In the end, he found a car that looked very pleasing to the eye, turned around to find a pile of tools, and jacked it up. Remove.

As soon as four o’clock, I checked a lot of minor faults outside the insurance. I got a lot of black motor oil with my arms full, enough to make two hundred pull-ups for the door beam of the factory building.

Back home, Qin Xiaonan quilted the quilt.

Lu Yanchen tucked back his little arms and legs and started packing Qin Xiaonan’s suitcase. Several new books were pressed under his clothes, which Gui Xiao bought. The only one inside that was unsealed was the British version of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, which he rushed out of bed to look at.

When I was a soldier, my English deteriorated badly. At that time, the old squadron captain often educated them. The core specialties for performing tasks during the Olympics | For international competitions, a Certificate in College English Level 6 will also be a selection requirement. Although these had nothing to do with them on the border, he listened to his heart and picked up the lost foreign language again, usually mixed with Russian and Mongolian wheels to learn. After all, a person who has taken the college entrance examination seriously, although the chemical and physical formulas are left in front of him, he and they must be no one who knows them, and foreign language training is not a problem.

He wrapped Qin Xiaonan next to the heater and turned over the bedside page to see more than twenty pages. He noticed that the child was awake, stared at himself, and turned his head to look at the alarm clock at the bedside.

“Continue to sleep.” He ordered.

“Want to listen to Gui Xiao’s aunt?” Qin Xiaonan was seven minutes confused and sober, still thinking about Lu Yanchen’s life-long events.

He was holding the small head of melon seeds, but also helpless: “Hurry up.”

Qin Xiaonan grumbled and rolled over, and wrapped in a quilt within half a minute: “I’ll draw a topographic map of her house for you!”

I wanted to stop it, but the child had barefoot and hugged the pen and paper back, curled up next to the slightly warmer heater, and drew it like a picture, talking while drawing.

Lu Yanchen didn’t refuse. She supported her head with one hand and carefully quilted the child’s quilt.

By the light to see the picture on paper. Her home.

After all, this business trip has a dozen-day itinerary, through Guangzhou, Chengdu, Taipei, Macau, and finally to Wuhan.

She usually eats the whole family without worrying about it. She always travels by business, but this time it is an hour more than she would not delay. Finally, before flying to Wuhan, he insisted that he still needed to return to Beijing. A group of people about to meet at the airport restaurant. Eat and talk, board the flight back to Beijing after eating, and the person in charge summed it up: a three-hour tour of Wuhan Airport.

There was only one reason for this rush, so my cousin arranged to take Yan Lu to meet Qin Xiaonan’s new class teacher on the afternoon of the fifth day.

Gui Xiao was not assured of right and left, and called Lu Yanchen on the phone before boarding the plane.

I haven’t seen each other for nearly half a month. The two only made two phone calls, one before she left Beijing to board the plane, and the other half a minute before she shut down on the plane flying back to Beijing. Gui Xiao never dared to ask him how he was doing with Zhao Minshan, thinking that he would deal with it, and he would tell himself, and because of this matter, he always kept a similar distance when talking to him.

Fear of crossing that moral line. Possibly because she has been victimized, she takes the crime of marital relationship seriously.

Even if forced, a marriage contract does exist.

It was noon to Beijing, and the plane was very competitive, not late.

After returning from the boarding gate, the passengers from Tiannanhaibei went out of the boarding gate and looked around. Lu Yanchen didn’t find him. He first saw Xu Yan. The man had a casual suit on his arm, and the shirt buttons were scrupulously tied to the neckline. He didn’t even have a watch. Instead, he wore a wedding ring. Gui Xiao glanced at the ring, ordinary, no brand.

“Find a place to sit, I’m still waiting for someone to pick me up.” Gui Xiao approached.

Xu Yan wanted to pick up the box for her, but she didn’t let it. The box is small and you can carry it yourself.

Because Xu Min had to rush to leave Beijing, the two met at the airport to meet, and then they found a coffee shop and sat down.

Throwing her backpack on the sofa, she picked up the coffee shop’s propaganda sign and sent Lu Yanchen the name of the shop. When she put the sign back in place, she worried that he couldn’t find it: “Can you describe it How do I get here from the parking lot? I’ll send it to the person who picked me up. “

Xu Zheng looked at the same as watching neuropathy: “Are you dating a ten-year-old?”

Gui Xiao shook his head: “He hasn’t been to this terminal, and I don’t think he’s ever been on an ordinary plane.”

“Your friend is afraid to fly?”

Gui Xiao shook her head again.

Xu Yan briefly described to her, handed a note paper to her, and wrote the account number, account bank and account name on it.

After returning to Lu Yanchen according to the route he described, Gui Xiao took a look at the paper and put it away. Then he explained with regret to Xu Yan: “I have a lot of money in my hand recently, I ca n’t give it all to you. You can only borrow two-thirds of the amount you want to borrow, and wait for a financial product to expire next month. Is it too late to supply you? “

“No problem,” the other person bowed his head, not expecting that he would find another day to borrow money, “I just saw you come out of the exit, remembering the first time a teenager saw you … I didn’t expect the little girl to grow up smoothly, It’s a good mix. “

Gui Xiao knew what Xu Yan was pointing at, and laughed: “Have you seen a video? There is a very successful female Chinese. In the interview, everyone said that everyone has to work hard to earn a fuckUmoney, and they will be eligible to When the job is unsatisfactory, throw a fuckyou and resign. “

Xu Yan bowed his head and saw Lu Yanchen approaching the store, guessing that this was Gui Xiao and others.

Gui Xiao sits where the sofa is high on the back, and I ca n’t see the person leaning back: “I do n’t want to be fuckworking, how good my work is, and if I do n’t want to, I can eat enough. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you don’t have to buckle your life. “

Xu Yan slightly lifted his chin and motioned to indicate: there was someone behind her.

Gui Xiao then looked around. At the instant of seeing Lu Yanchen, his eyes softened a lot, and he said softly, “I’m afraid you won’t find it, and want to pick you up.”

She moved to the side, and Lu Yanchen took a seat.

Xu Yan looked at Gui Xiao’s appearance, which was quite interesting, and looked at Lu Yanchen again. When he saw this, he could conclude that this was a man who had been a soldier. When I got married a few days ago, there was also a table of guests who were family members’ comrades-in-arms. He had the same spirit as him, including the troops stationed in Hong Kong and peacekeeping troops. Compared with them, this one is deeper and more elusive. Fortunately, it is a small white face type, which can reduce a lot of spirit.

The idea here has been suppressed by Lu Yanchen’s stunned eyes, which made him inexplicably think of the famous quote from Lei Feng: treat the enemy as cruel and ruthless as the harsh winter …

He looked at the clock on the wall of the coffee shop, picked up the coat draped on the back of the chair, and stood up: “You have a good idea, that is, the girl ’s boss always **** and goes, it ’s not good. I’m in a hurry Go, talk slowly. “

I drank without a drink of coffee.

Gui Xiao is full of thoughts on the newly arrived man, and gently pushes the coffee brought by the waiter to him: “Drink?”

The milk foam in the skimmed latte was shaking slightly, and a small heart made of syrup was shaking.

Lu Yanchen shook her head.

“It turns out you’re not used to drinking coffee.” She understood.

Lu Yanchen shook her head: “I drink black coffee.”

Gui Xiao immediately corrected his mistake again: “It turns out you guys also drink coffee.”

Lu Yanchen laughed. From these few words, she found that she had a certain misunderstanding of the daily life of the soldiers of Xuan Bian, and decided not to discuss this issue with her for the time being.

Lu Yanchen didn’t speak, so she took a spoon and stirred her cup of coffee silently. A small spoon with a hollowed-out carving technique was pinched between **** and bumped into a ceramic cup.

In the past half month, she checked the information when she was okay, and wanted to know more about Lu Yanchen’s past, let alone specific, even few news reports. Later, she called again to ask the bunch of elementary school students, each with their own opinions. The main idea is that it is no different from ordinary people. She also likes to play dota after taking off the skin … But Xiaoqi thinks that there should be great differences in every place Just as the troops at the border of Yunnan and the garrison in Hong Kong must be different, and he is a counter-terrorist on the border, should it be more different?

It’s useless to ask a lot of questions, such as lifestyle habits, it’s just a blank in the blank.

The space under the table was narrow, and his shoes stood against the tip of her leather shoes.

This feeling of being next to each other is especially pragmatic. Thoughts also floated.

When she was just together, she was facing the entrance examination and he was preparing for the college entrance examination.

Lu Chen was afraid of affecting her, and never showed any relationship between the two in school. She would come to see her in the evening every other day or two in private. Because he was afraid of driving too conspicuously to criticize her, he went by bike.

The fastest time from the garage to her aunt’s house is one hour and ten minutes, but I can only see her for an hour.

Every time he came, he took his bicycle to avoid the family area. From the family area to the military area, the students lived in dormitory buildings. They stopped all the way to the gate at the foot of the Yanshan Mountains.

The place was remote and there were several mound packs. She was in his arms, chatting with him, and looking at the passing patrol at any time. At that time, she was thin-skinned, and every time a patrolman passed, she would cover most of her face with his shoulders, her face was hot and dry, and she was terribly shy. Looking back now, if Lu Chen wanted to do something intimate with himself at that time, he could take her away from the compound by bike, but he had never done so.

Some things are grown up, mature, and you will understand if you think about it, whether the people around you are good or bad, good or bad.

The two did not delay much at the airport, and arrived at the agreed place before three o’clock.

My cousin is a special person, ready for the ceremony, telling them in the elevator to go up: flattery words to say, suffering must be sold, of course, transition is also essential, in short, to create the best for children to transfer to school Environment, the head teacher must pass this level. When he was outside the teacher’s house, his cousin reached out and knocked.

Within half a minute, a girl like a college student opened the door. When she saw the crowd, her originally polite smiling face froze, surprised, and unbelievable. She kept turning back: “Mom, mom! Someone is looking for me. Brother, sister Come on, there are guests. “

After speaking, I kept politely saying to everyone that you don’t need to change shoes, come in quickly. But those eyes twinkled, as if there were thousands of words, only staring at Lu Yanchen. Everyone was aware of what was wrong and what was wrong with it.

After entering the room, everyone took a seat.

The two sisters mumbled and laughed, and the sister kept pushing the brother-in-law who was wearing glasses. Qin Xiaonan’s class teacher is a female teacher in her fifties who is very serious. She is very angry to see her family so ignorant of politeness: “What are you doing?”

“Mom, we are seeing acquaintances,” the sister explained, and nodded to Lu Yanchen on the sofa and said, “Excuse me, were you a special policeman?”

“Army | police.” Lu Yanchen corrected.

Is there a difference? The elder sister stunned, ignored this unimportant question, and then came over to her sister and talked about the thrilling self-help tour they had on the National Day holiday a few years ago.

At that time, the sisters invited seven or eight classmates to travel to the northwest, and encountered a large number of passengers stranded at the railway station.

At that time, the road team on the sofa brought someone to meet with another group of police to maintain order at the scene. That night, there were many travelers who waited for more than ten hours. People from Tiannanhaibei were mixed with fish and dragons, and in the middle of the night, I didn’t know who was the first to stir up the trouble. It is these people who put up a wall to let passengers consciously line up to transition to a safe area. At first, these girls didn’t take it seriously, and they all whispered and discussed whether to take advantage of the congestion and hit the commanding handsome man to have a romantic relationship …

Until the crowd suddenly broke out–

“It was you at the time, holding a gun on my shoulder and dialing us behind your comrade in arms,” ​​the sister looked at him. “Do you remember? My classmates have straight hair, long, come to the waist. I am Curls, long brown curls. “

That was the first time in a girl’s life, and it was estimated that this was the only time she was forced to come into contact with real firearms and ammunition, which is unforgettable. It is too difficult to be saved by a hero in modern society. It’s too difficult.

Ask this sentence, everyone is waiting for the answer with great interest.

Under the gaze of seven or eight eyes, the party’s Lu Yanchen replied in an uproar: “I’m not impressed.”

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