The Road Home

Chapter 17 - The road ahead is unknown (3)

Lu Yanchen always has good hands and feet for cooking.

The two little girls in the finance department smelled the scent, and one person held a stainless steel lunch box to discuss two spoonfuls of dishes. They sang praises after eating: “Mr. Chen, you have such a good craftsmanship, why are you not fried rice or instant noodles in these two days?”

“On your own, trouble.”

Lu Yanchen suspected that the oil was too big. He turned on the range hood and found a cigarette, and the flame on the stove was lit.

“There are so many of you, Chen brother, you are willing to burn, you can pay for food.”

Lu Yanchen turned a deaf ear.

The soup in the pot and the boiled fish are rolled up, thick and creamy. Although the small grass carp that Qin Xiaonan got back was not enough to eat, the soup was good. He stabbed it with a spoon, turned his back to the wrist of Gui Xiao, and brought her to the front: “Taste, salty?” Xiao stared with two eyes, blew, and tasted: “Not salty.”

Lu Yanchen likes to see how she eats. She used to cook for her. She drew her nose when she was happy. She came together very contently and comfortably, and kissed him with an open mouth: “Give you the money.”

Gui Xiao hadn’t finished, and he drank the rest of the soup: “This soup is so fresh.”

Lu Yanchen smoked a cigarette in his right hand, his eyes were facing up. The aroma is overflowing and the smoke is strong.

The sun’s light passed through that smoky gray smoke, like the kind of movie shown in the open square when you were a child. The light is also this kind of light projected from the machine, and you can see the flying dust in the air. Obviously, it is light and dust when viewed closely, and it becomes a coherent story image projected on a large screen dozens of meters away, which is really wonderful.

Gui Xiao had an illusion at the moment he saw himself, thinking that he would kiss himself in front of the eyes …

Lu Yanchen tilted her head and spit the smoke out the window with a smile.

After a while, the finance room came out with a high hair, and the middle-aged woman with a mousse beating, looked at the fish soup, and then carefully looked at Gui Guixiao’s face, and took the spoon in the hand of one of the young girls and tasted it. Mouth: “Lu Chen’s craftsmanship is really good, but his wife will be blessed in the future.”

This is Lu Yanchen’s cousin.

He didn’t need to think deeply to know that his mother had come to the car repair shop so “cleverly” to see Dawn, and he must worship this gift.

The beast family is a poor relative who depends on Lu Yanchen’s family for dinner. Lu Yanchen remembers early, about three or four years old can still have an impression, for example, the first time he was beaten by his dad when he was more than three years old, he could n’t stand the beat, crying with his nosebleed, and his aunt was there. Aside, it was symbolically stopped. Later, he personally heard her persuade Luma: “A stick is a filial piety, and you ca n’t be beaten if you do n’t make it. Your husband is a lifetime. Who does n’t hit a child. If you do n’t hit, you will become a hooligan.”

That he was in middle school, this woman favorite saying is: a child your father beat you, I helped block a lot. Lu Chen, don’t forget to treat your aunt well.

Lu Yanchen didn’t give a good look to the woman who had been talking, and she was impatient with her eyes.

The other party was embarrassed and called the two little girls back to the small iron door of the finance room with their hands on the back. They learned a few words. The voice was so high that they said that Lu Yanchen was a lot of guests. They always made this corridor messy. Even those who work hard are also uneasy. Gui Xiao is not a child. He understands the meaning behind this, and go to him.

Lu Yanchen copied a walnut from the window sill, slammed it into the corner of the cabinet, broke the shell, peeled off an uneven piece of skin, and stuffed the walnut kernel into her mouth. Gui Xiao was eating vaguely, with a mouthful of astringent and fragrant, and the probe also picked up a walnut. He learned that he smashed it, and frowned in pain: “How did you make it?

Lu Yanchen looked so funny at her, broke another one, and handed her: “Just a little, don’t hurt.”

Gui Xiao didn’t pick up the walnuts, but he turned his palms up and down. There were cocoons, but not many. I remember a cousin at home as a prison guard who said he had practiced slicing bricks with his bare hands: “Are you also slicing bricks with your bare hands?”

“I haven’t practiced seriously, and I’m not good at it,” he replied. “The soldiers I took liked this, and chopped it upright, and they could chop one forty or forty dollars in one breath.”

Haidong brought back starch and good wine, and saw Gui Xiao’s hand studying Lu Yanchen. He looked across the small, not-so-clean glass window in the corridor from the kitchen, and they looked the same.

It’s so good that Haidong can look away for a moment. Really good.

Haidong’s mood and wine were ready, and he ate a meal directly from noon to sunset.

Lu Yanchen asked Qin Xiaonan to wash himself and go to bed first. He called on several young car mechanics in the factory to divide up the drunk men and sent them back to his village. He and Gui Xiao worked together to throw Haidong into the back seat of the car. Haidong leaned on the seat and borrowed the lights in the large yard to see Gui Xiao, muttering: Little aunt, Kosugi, hey, Kosugi …

Gui Xiao heard a tremor in his heart, and was dull, but Quan Dang did not hear it, and closed the door for him.

Haidong’s family has never been to Guixiao. It is the farthest village in town. It took more than 40 minutes from the garage.

In addition to Hai Dongma, Hai Jianfeng and a very young girl were greeted. At first Hai Jianfeng didn’t see Dawning in the front passenger seat, but Haidong was too drunk. When he was holding the young girl, he looked back and said indistinctly: “Little aunt, don’t go … don’t go … wait for my brother I’ll see you tomorrow … “

Hai Jianfeng was surprised. By the light of the headlights of the car, he was stupid for a long time after recognizing the return, and asked by the window: “Return to Xiao? Remember me?” Gui Xiao laughed: “Crap.”

Hai Jianfeng was filled with emotion: “I was in Dalian for the last two years. I heard them say that you came back to the class reunion. I didn’t see you. It’s a pity. What did you … that what …” Come here.

Haidong roared: “Hai Jianfeng, don’t forget about it, it’s your morning brother-in-law.”

Hai Jianfeng rushed to explain: “What, brother, am I excited to see my old classmates?”

Haidong pinched Lu Yanchen’s shoulder: “I told you, my younger brother has been looking after your daughter-in-law since the first day of the first day of school, but dare not say it. Your daughter-in-law is on the bedside and graduated from Until now, white shirts, red overalls … “

The atmosphere in the courtyard became weird.

Hai Jianfeng was so happy when she saw Gui Xiao, and didn’t think about how she would be here. On the road car of Lu Yan, listening to Haidong said, she just felt that the situation was out of control: “No, don’t listen to my brother nonsense.”

At first, Gui Xiao and Lu Yanchen fell in love very early. Few people knew about it. Even Hai Jianfeng heard about it after graduation from Gui Xiao Junior High School. Later I heard that the two broke up–

Unexpectedly, I never expected that it would be together again after so long. His mood was too ups and downs, and he didn’t know how to hide this embarrassment. The rough man’s face turned red: “I didn’t expect that you were still with Brother Chen in the end. It’s good, I can come back again, really not easily.”

Gui Xiao Yu Guangli is Lu Yanchen, smiled at Hai Jianfeng, and handed a step.

This kind of thing, Gui Xiao is not untouched.

A few years ago, high school classmates met, and everyone was still telling each other at the dinner table, who was secretly in love with whom, and what names were embarrassed after the dormitory lights out. The person who crushed in secret laughed generously, and the crushed one also exclaimed, “Why didn’t you say that you loved me secretly? Maybe it would have become too soon.”

The crowd laughed again, all of which were memories and nostalgia of adolescence, and no one thought about it.

Lu Yanchen grabbed the car key with his fingers behind Hai Jianfeng and scratched his head: “Send the picture tomorrow.”

Hai Jianfeng’s face became even more red, and he became completely red: “No, Chen Brother, don’t get me wrong, don’t put it on …” A big man in twenty-eight was forced to write this by his cousin’s drinking truth. It was also the blood mold, Hai Jianfeng gritted his teeth for the last time, forget it, go get it now, anyway, his house is next door.

Finally, the photo was really sent back.

The scene is extremely weird.

Gui Xiao made it look like he was cheating, and took Hai Jianfeng’s hand-held photo frame. She was really a junior high school student. It was summer, a short-sleeved shirt, and a red strap with slender straps.

The car drove away from the village, the dirt road was bumpy, and the light was not good. She was still carefully looking at the photo in her hand and touched her face inside. It was so small at that time, and my face was small and pointed. Then I looked down at the mirror and looked at myself now. Far from being young.

“How did he have your picture?”

Gui Xiao shook her head: “I don’t know, it seems that this photo was taken by the teacher. Maybe he and the teacher asked for it …”

On the way to the choir competition? Seems.

A truck approached, and Lu Yanchen’s eyes narrowed instinctively. “It’s kind of hearty.”

She clasped the photo frame upside down on her lap and did not dare to look at it.

The left side of the lane is a canal, and the right side is a large area of ​​farmland.

The sky was dark green tonight, cold.

The field was covered with white plastic film, and bricks or black iron rods were pressing not far away, and it was endlessly white. Looking out, we could see a distant row of trees behind. When Gui Xiaogang met Meng Xiaoshan and Haidong, he passed here while cycling and asked what the plastic cloth was for. Haidong said that it was to increase temperature and water retention and improve soil fertility.

“I heard Haidong call Meng Xiaoshan’s name, especially sad, afraid he would not forget Meng Xiaoshan,” Gui Xiao felt a little sullen in his heart, “but when he saw that he had a girlfriend, he felt sad, so why did he really put Meng Xiaoshan down What about? “

This kind of thinking is very unfair to Haidong. Gui Xiao feels that he is making troubles unreasonably.

Lu Yan morning reported silence.

Friendship between men and women is completely different. Regarding Haidong’s love life, he only had a vague phrase “Meng Xiaoshan married Qin Feng” with Lu Yanchen on the phone of a certain year, and said nothing else. Lu Yanchen didn’t ask any more, just like he and Gui Xiao broke up and never explained to Haidong, Haidong still heard from Meng Xiaoshan.

So in Lu Yanchen’s eyes, Haidong has a girlfriend, and of course this thing is over.

But looking at Guixiao, we should hear a lot of details about women from Meng Xiaoshan. The information is too unequal, and he is not good at expressing any opinions.

“If I didn’t lose my car in Erlianhaote and didn’t ask you for help, wouldn’t we be together?” Gui Xiao thought, feeling sad, “Will you marry Zhao Minshan?”

Lu Yan did not speak for a long time.

He did n’t understand the girl ’s thoughts, but he knew what to do. She was careful and thoughtful since she was a child. If it is not controlled at the beginning, it will flood in the end.

Lu Yanchen unfastened the seat belt: “Go and say later.”

Gui Xiao was still sad, but he was suddenly cut off by this … she was not a child and did not understand these.

I used to sit on the beam in front of his bicycle and snuggle up to kiss me in the cold wind by the canal. But then it was simple, at most it was kissing, now—

When she hit the door, the door was automatically locked.

The interior of the car was dim, and the instrument panel glowed with beautiful blue light. The sound of the radio station was adjusted to the minimum by him. It took an effort to listen to hear the interview program clearly. The breath on his body seemed to come from all directions, his face approached, the distance to be approached: “If you don’t go to Erlianhaote, I won’t return to Beijing. Understand?”

He came for her, for no other reason.

If he didn’t return, he could just stay in Erlianhaote, and he would have to remarry when Zhao Jiayi couldn’t hold it. But he can’t procrastinate, he can’t afford it, his life is short, he procrastinates for himself and his time. From the opening, she asked Qin Xiaonan to find a school and she wanted to start again. At Erlianhaote Airport, she saw her carrying her child into the security checkpoint, and he knew that her love for her had not been reduced by half over the years.

I wanted to solve everything and let Gui Xiao start again without knowing it, but how can there be an airtight wall in the world? She asked him that day if you were getting married? Nothing was solved at that time, he couldn’t lie to her that he didn’t.

To her he never told a single lie.

By moonlight, Gui Xiao could see his short hair stubble, clear features, and further down, the shirt neckline.

She moved her lips lightly, and whispered to him the truth: “In fact, I will go to Erlianhaote this time without losing the car. I asked Huang Ting for your phone two years ago …” because I wanted to see He wouldn’t even be dead-faced.

Lu Yanchen stared at her eyes.

Gui Xiao whispered again, “I can carry your number upside down.”

Without saying a word, Lu Yanchen bowed his head, and his tongue passed from her lips to find her. The palm rubbed against the soft and delicate skin under her long hair. When she kissed her, he took her tongue out and sucked it in the air. The cold air allowed the perception to be magnified infinitely.

She could faintly see how the two were kissing.

The wind outside the car is loud, but very different from the grassland. The wind in the steppe at night makes you hear the vastness and desolation, and here, no matter how strong the wind is, it will be trapped in a row of towering poplar trees, swirling and making a dull whistle, like trapping you, will The young Lu Chen was tied back to the riverside in the middle of winter, tied to her.

Gui Xiao wore a cashmere sweater at the neckline. He untied it once in the morning. A man in his early thirties, facing the beloved girl, is still like a flesh-haired boy. When he peeped at a part of her body in the morning, he thought, wanted to try, wanted, and wanted her to become her own. .

The kiss was so overwhelming that he unconsciously rubbed his thumb under the sweater and the little red in her underwear. He looked darkly at all her subtle expressions, and he was numb by the spine across his clothes. Morun’s lips opened slightly: “Don’t make it, uncomfortable …”

He grinned from his throat, rustling: “Don’t make anything?”

Gui Xiao was blushing. He heard his heart pounding against his chest. It’s different. Once a teenager, now he has passed the age. The **** that floats from his eyes is so straightforward and seductive, like A bottomless vortex dragged her down.

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