The Road Home

Chapter 27 - Inch Mountain Dream (5)

It was about 2008, around May.

In the Olympic year, the whole country carnival, these people are open day and night.

People who know how to fight terrorism all year round know that in this important year, people inside and outside are staring at this land.

In that year, Lu Yanchen and the entire explosion-proof squad had been out of the province for more than half a year, and they were full of well-known conferences and activities. They were all supporting security tasks. There was a very important conference in Yunnan in the past few days. He and some of the backbone of the EOD team arrived early. They took a two-day break, went out to report, and went to Malipo County, Wenshan Prefecture.

This place name explosion squad was often mentioned during internal training, and they went to the minefield near the night like ordinary travelers.

“Road team, should you pull us over to the scene to train,” the squad leader squatted outside the stone monument in the minefield and teased the bored with Lu Yanchen.

“I can’t make it to you,” Lu Yanchen sat down on the slope, “I just took you to see the scenery.”

Millions of mines have been buried on this front, and only half have been cleared.

These mines have been scrapped for 120 years. When they are scrapped, they have to be cleaned again and again. Remember when people went out to teach, they asked him, isn’t it a machine now? Machine demining safety is high, but in fact, it is urgent, complicated, and intertwined. The greater the danger of operation, the more manual demining is required.

Sitting in this kind of place can calm down and look at too many unfinished tasks at a glance. I will not be in the front line in the future, and I will spend the rest of my life in my own place.

On the second day of the meeting, Lu Yanchen, as a member of the expert group, supported the site security and stood on the lawn outside the venue.

Casual clothes, black clothes and black pants, a black hat, a name tag hung on the neck, and a group of people sitting outside the humble venue, in the corner of the lawn, drinking water to rest.

The captain came over to condolences without saying a word. Lu Yanchen slowly screwed the mineral water bottle cap too tightly, and the pale blue translucent cap cracked, but he didn’t notice it. As the top boss who has taken him for many years, this is so unusual that Chen Team Di always feels in trouble and some unusual people appear in the file.

Following Lu Yanchen’s eyes, there were only two girls in short skirts with a few young men.

Very young and pretty. But absolutely strange.

For a full minute, this hunter flees for thousands of miles, and the army dogs are too tired to climb for a few days and nights, but people find a straw rope to tie the worn military boots firmly, climbing the cliff with bare hands to chase people. The squadron captain has lost all the calm and indifference to the bustling people in the past. There are too many feelings in his eyes, so much that he did not even expect it.

For many years, he didn’t calculate it seriously, he remembered it for a long time.

The girl I didn’t see when I returned to Beijing, is now 100 meters away. The bells on the platform of the Beijing Railway Station on the Second Ring Road were still ringing in the ears, and the beloved girl finally got to meet her.

No wonder the captain will remember that Lu Yanchen’s small moves were too abrupt.

The fingers of the right hand were blanched and the eyelashes were slightly fanned. Finally, looking away, the excuse was too hot, and went to the sink to wash his face. The captain smelled something wrong, but during the mission, support security can not talk about personal topics. Looking at the watch, 30 minutes left, the squad leader was called over and said, “Your captain is not very comfortable today, you should be more careful.” The squad leader agreed, thinking: kidding, the road team is What is ‘uncomfortable’ for those who can’t seriously hurt the FireWire?

In the countdown, twenty-five minutes, Lu Yanchen was in the open-air sink and did not stop using cold water to flush his face.

In the countdown, twenty-four minutes, he put his hands on the expensive sink, put his head down and calm himself.

In the countdown, twenty-three minutes, his head was lowered a bit, buried in his arms, his face could not be seen clearly.

Countdown, twenty-two minutes, the man still maintained that position.

Countdown, twenty-one minutes, the intercom rang: “Road team, there are suspicious items on the north side of the lawn. The metal detector has been tried. It must be an electronic product.”

Without hesitation, the man rushed out in a stride.

The meeting started in twenty minutes, and it was too late to discuss the explosion-proof suit. Without any discussion, he used a few gestures to let the second group to stand by and take over the tools from the people around him. The square of the turf where the suspicious object was found has been opened a few square meters. He slowly approached, scooped up the turf, probed, and poke the soil a little-

In this case, he has only one task to lift the danger.

Unable to lift it, he ran away from the crowd holding the explosives, of course, it did not rule out that the scene was blown apart.

For the second time he got on the turf, he had a complicated thought in his head before demolition: Gui Xiao.

Three minutes later, Lu Yan raised his arm halfway in the morning and made a release gesture.

He propped up on the lawn with one hand, got up from the lawn, and was relaxed: “It’s not an explosive, confirm what’s under it, fill out a list.” Behind the calculation time behind him, the squad leader couldn’t help cursing The sentence: “Fuck, didn’t you say you checked last night? Who did the rough work?”

Under the black coat, Lu Yanchen’s half-sleeve was soaked easily.

Three minutes ago, he had two bad thoughts: in case of great power and spread too far, whether it was time to evacuate the crowd; in case he was blown apart and seen when picking up the body … Fortunately, nothing happened occur.

That day, the meeting proceeded as usual.

Participants and guests will not know what happened on the lawn.

Before the support ended that day, Lu Yanchen smoked a cigarette outside the venue before coming to the car. She thought that if she was so close to her, she would stay longer. A cigarette just enough to circle the field, the sun burned on his eyelids, squinted to see where the car was, threw the cigarette **** in the trash can next to the glass turnstile, and jumped into the car against the sun. Leave.

Since then, she returned to her Beijing and he went to his frontier.

This happened before the gas station met.

In Lu Yanchen’s mouth, he didn’t take too many emotional descriptions and was finished speaking in two words. Gui Xiao heard that she was tight, loose, and numb on her arm. Thinking about that meeting, it was nothing special. Some economic forums seemed to have a great international influence. Many were routine invitations. She was on behalf of the boss. Yes, a half-day meeting, connected to the weekend, playing in Yunnan for a few days.

Upstairs, in the hall, someone was speaking on the stage, Bailai was listening to the audience, from time to time someone was distracted, drinking water to drink, or looking through the information in their hands … while downstairs, there were a bunch of soldiers and even military Experts who do not wear explosives have searched every inch of lawn and even prepared for all sacrifices.

The glory of some professions is doomed to be buried, because their every move is within the scope of confidentiality. It cannot be propaganda, it cannot be reported, in other words, it is impossible to shape the image of the most popular public relations in modern times. Gui Xiao still remembers that Gang and Lu Chen had to check out their information on the forum with Hershey. There were very few and even a lot of bad comments.

But she also remembers that she once saw a report praising an anti-explosion hero, a rare 100% successful detonator. What this number means is that everyone involved in this area will, to some degree, fail, be injured, disabled, and die. Is anyone reporting? No. These numbers were buried and no one would pay attention.

In the past, these were far away from her.

But once, really, she was protected by Lu Yanchen at some point.

And she didn’t know.

“Fate, sister-in-law, you and our road team are really fate for a few lifetimes,” Qin Mingyu immediately determined, “they said that the two of them must be together, there must always be some fate proof, this is it!”

The squad leader also had a surprisingly good memory, adding a note: “I rely on, I remember, I rely on, that support came back, a few squadrons ate, and the road team played a program on behalf of our team and played the harmonica. Many of my brothers cried. That was the only time in my life I heard the road team playing the harmonica. I did n’t know how long it was since I was here. When I asked, it turned out to be a bachelor. I gave myself another reason. The road team must have not encountered an outstanding woman for many years. Sichun, who would have thought, and what happened later … “

The song “Across the Country” was popular all over the country long before many people became soldiers, and the phrase “I want to return to my hometown and come back to her” is sung |

Lu Yanchen had a little secret, she didn’t hide it, she was turned out in public, or she was shaken out in front of her old subordinates, and her face was somewhat unsustainable. Speechless.

By the time we’re gone, we should finish drinking. People are leaving.

The person who accompanied the drinker took them to the car. Lu Yanchen approached the door of the car and patted the head of the squad squad leader: “Don’t mix a lack of arms and legs, go back I can’t please my wife. “

The squad squad leader rubbed his head: “Road team, don’t I expose the side you want to be a bitch? As for shooting so hard? Rest assured, when I return home, I will definitely find something more beautiful than the bitch.”

“What are you two,” Qin Mingyu couldn’t help crying, “couldn’t I consider a divorced man like me?”

Lu Yanchen smiled: “Leave.”

He had always been a lizard, and when he threw out the words, he got into the car.

Outside the car, Qin Mingyu still ignored his instructions and let people pass in advance. Those former team members who had a short rest after breakfast rushed to the car, knowing Lu Yanchen’s temper, and didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

Lu Yanchen put on the sunglasses with the storage compartment on hand.

“Just go down and say a few words,” Gui Xiao said, “I can say one more word.”

“Iron barracks, soldiers in the water,” Lu Yanchen’s eyes calmly looked out from the edge of the sunglasses. “It should be said, that’s all I said when I left.”

Unable to discern the emotions in his eyes, he hit the steering wheel and left the throttle.

Broken second-hand cars, without the license plate here, you can open the door and attract the attention of two sentrymen at the door.

Lu Yanchen also raised his hand in the dazzling sunlight projected from the front windshield and returned a powerful military salute.

The blood is still hot, flowing, the heart is still alive, in the chest.

Great mountains and rivers, you and I guard, do not have to say goodbye in this life.

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