The Road Home

Chapter 30 - Zhaozhao Red Heart (3)

Although Lu Yanchen took office, he was not a military academy, but also had a strict system.

According to the system, each teaching instructor must rotate at the base and be completely closed for 30 days. Telephone and Internet access must also be monitored. Lu Yanchen was the first on duty because he was the leader of the instructor group.

He and Gui Xiao made a phone call every day, like when they returned to the army, the contact frequency and contact methods were similar.

In fact, qq can also be used, but text monitoring is also troublesome, just leave it.

Even if there was only a phone call, he had instructed Gui Xiao to say nothing too nasty. There is a reason for such an exhortation: When he just sent the army from the recruit to the army, there was a place of confidentiality. Five letters came in a row, and the contents of the letter were widely read and immediately became a praise in the counselor’s mouth. Benchmark Love Letter. ” Later, Lu Yanchen went to Erlianhaote, and the counselor passed by. He visited Lu Yanchen, who was already a deputy team, and filed a love letter with a group of leaders. The left sentence was a benchmark, and the right sentence was a model. The leaders listened to it. He made fun of him in the team for more than half a year …

So he felt that it was necessary to ask Gui Xiao to avoid repeating the same mistakes that year.

Within five days of class, Lu Yanchen had a good lesson for everyone.

On this day, he sat on the steps next to the training ground and watched a group of students doing the test in the training ground.

The group was divided into groups of ten.

At this point, the first group of people were inside their separate protective circles while removing bombs.

They all thought they were racing, they were racing against time, and they wanted to show the best results and beat others. But it was strange that two minutes passed and no one raised his hand to indicate that the students in the next six groups also felt wrong and looked around.

The students in the protective circle were all wearing protective clothing, heavy, nervous, and anxious, and didn’t know what was wrong.

Lu Yanchen Yuguang looked at the second hand, three seconds, two seconds, one second …

“Bang bang …” Five loud bangs.

Five students wearing protective clothing were shaken two meters away. Some were sitting on the ground directly scared, some were panicked, and they stumbled. They also took off their protective masks, and had a freshly-removed bomb. They were shocked to see the test instructor. …

The remaining five were stupid, though they had nothing.

Regardless of the students being shaken away or waiting in line, everyone is left with their own breathing and heartbeat.

The explosion was just a live ammunition …

“A group of ten people, with five random people in each group hitting live ammunition,” the test instructor bowed his head, scoring, “the next group.”

There are three more words he did not explain:

One is that the five live ammunition cannot be dismantled, and no genius is used, and the plenary will explode on time. The second is that these bombs were made by Lu Yanchen himself, scary, and there are protective clothing that can’t hurt people; far Lu Yanchen took the hat off and fanned it slightly. Students who were obviously ten times more nervous than they were just satisfied with the effect. They clipped the hat under their right arm, got up, and left the playground.

After one hour, the test is complete.

Except for the first group, which passed the score without knowing it, the remaining six groups have increased their psychological burdens. Survival of the fittest is certainly bold.

This training is very routine.

But in the counter-terrorism squadron, whether you are urinating pants or your legs are too soft to move, you have to harden. Fortunately, these students said that they were eliminated in proportion.

Lu Yanchen is the head of these instructors and is highly respected.

The three classes were tested that day, and the instructor in charge of the test was very proud of Lu Yanchen’s bullet-making ability, and it also attracted the worship of the students. Just in his early thirties, he also has a counter-terrorism aura. Most of his military career has not roughened his face for many years. It is completely “naturally beautiful and difficult to give up.”

A few days later, he smoked in a smoking area around the corner of the school building.

Two female trainees passed by and called two “road instructors”. He raised his eyes, answered symbolically, his eyes were indifferent. At the end of the answer, continue to read the learning materials in hand.

“Instructor Lu, Instructor Xu said that the bomb we tested that day was yours?” One of them was more mature and vocal first. “Instructor Xu also said that you are a ghost of demolition and demolition?”

The information in Lu Yanchen’s hand is in English. After all, she is not a native speaker, and there are many professional terms. It is difficult to read it without taking care. So when he heard the voice, he first handed him a merciless glance, still thinking about the paper in his hand.

Seeing this kind of look, both female trainees were dim.

Lu Yanchen slowly pulled himself out of the materials and said, “It’s not just me. Many people who do explosive detonation are also masters of blasting. You will know when you come to the front line.” When you rescue the hostages, you must blast the obstacles, If you don’t hurt the people inside, that inch of energy is even more troublesome. It’s far from the imagination of losing an explosive package. All lives.

The female students who talked seemed to be encouraged and laughed.

Lu Yanchen looked at them: “You two, what’s the student number?”

The girl who asked the question lowered her head, shook her hair, and said softly, “I’m a class of 56 and she’s a class of 59.” Lu Yanchen nodded: “This kind of question I have mentioned in class Next time, you will be asked to deduct credits directly. Any questions? “


He closed the information, picked up the hat resting on the stone bench and put it on the folder, and walked towards the second teacher all the way.

The days at the base passed by.

The day of Lu Yanchen’s return to the Xiao family was early April.

Pushing the door, she was sitting on the sofa and peeling mangosteen for Qin Xiaonan. She pressed her thumb to the end of the black-purple shell and cracked the shell. This thing is nutritious, two per day. “

Qin Xiaonan ate such sweet stuff for the first time. It was really delicious. He vomited the core and heard Gui Xiao say the next sentence: “You see, we will give you something to eat and drink without having to do housework. Your task It ’s just studying hard, and it ’s important to do a good job, or hang up. ”

… Qin Xiaonan vomited the kernel in his palm and snorted.

Lu Yanchen walked in, Gui Xiao heard the sound, and immediately threw the rest of the mangosteen into Qin Xiaonan’s hand: “After eating, go back to a fan script,” the voice faded, and the person was barefoot from the floor. He ran and pulled Lu Yanchen’s hands together. “I bought chicken, potatoes, lots of spices, and ovens, as well as mutton, beef, lots of meat.”

Returning to that mood is like offering a treasure.

“You make us a big plate of chicken, and kebabs.”

Big chicken? He hasn’t tried it, but it shouldn’t be difficult.

He answered, and gave Qin Xiaonan a look of contempt, after all, a child who was not tamed is still planted here. Qin Xiaonan also returned a “Uncle Lu and you are almost the same” expression, the image of the Tiehan who just shed blood and did not cry has long collapsed. Is it necessary to roll up the sleeves to do housework after entering the door?

A big and small “good friend” I haven’t seen in half a month, without any language communication.

Qin Xiaonan took the initiative to return to the study to recite Gui Xiaoliu’s homework, and intentionally left space for them.

Lu Yanchen took off his coat, went into the kitchen, took a relatively small long sharp knife, and skillfully peeled the potatoes.

Piece by piece, fell into the stainless steel sink very rhythmically.

Gui Xiao put his face behind his back, and seemed to be able to hear the powerful heartbeat across his shirt, and his heart adjusted with the rhythm: “I thought you would come back especially dirty.” It’s rare to be able to stay so clean and tidy.

“Bathed before coming out.”

Before he came out, he was still secretly defamating himself. He looked like a hairy kid who just fell in love. He should wash and be neat before seeing his girlfriend, lest it leave a bad impression on people.

“Oh,” he wanted to ask a question before he left, and forgot, but later he didn’t dare to ask because of the monitoring of the phone. Now he finally got the chance, “Do you have any female students in your base?”


Really? “How much?”

“not much.”

“How many do you take?”

“more than ten.”

Gui Xiaomo kept silent and put his hands in his trouser pockets on both sides, so he hugged him. She used to do this action, except that she could touch the cigarette lighter, but she could not touch anything new. But this time, she touched a ring with her finger.

First a moment. Hold it in the palm of your hand at once, and slowly pull your hand, a small ring, she was afraid that it would fall off with a little excitement, where to find it … he must know that he felt it.

But when there is nothing, the first one refers to the range hood.

Afternoon turn on the range hood.

“Help me light a cigarette,” he said, “in the left pocket.”

Gui Xiao took out the cigarette case and lighter, and found a cigarette in accordance with the words, shoved it between his lips, still holding the ring firmly in his palm, and went to light him. Flint rubbed the floor, disappeared, and hit twice in a row before it was considered a light.

The little flame will be near the end of the cigarette, and the shreds of tobacco will burn.

Lu Yanchen whispered, biting a cigarette and saying, “Be careful, don’t drop anything in your hand.”

Gui Xiao set the lighter down and stared at him, burning his cheekbones as if he had been burned by fire.

“Don’t like it?” He smiled.

“Buy me without asking …”

Lu Yanchen laughed and took the cigarette out of her mouth: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, buy it next year. If you don’t like it, buy it later. If you get old, take a string around the neck and hang it on your neck.

Gui Xiao was teased and shoved him. Lu Yanchen seemed to have no embankment, and the handles were all released, but he made a circle and returned. Ming Huang’s light flickered and he held it firmly in the palm of his hand the next second.

Guixiao looked stupid: “How did you get it?” After asking, his eyes brightened, “Teach me quickly.”

When Lu Yanchen saw her in a hurry, she looked like a small recruit. When she was just under the army, she felt that the counter-terrorism team was full of masters who had hidden secrets, martial arts, and eaves…

Lu Yanchen was reluctant to let her play with the knife, put the knife on a cutting board, wiped her hands, took a lighter from her hand and lit a cigarette, and drank: “Try the size.”

Gui Xiao eh eh, compare fingers, just happened: “What about you?”

I saw it as soon as I finished speaking.

The ring finger on the left hand is not the other?

Gui Xiao’s soft heart didn’t look like he asked quietly, “Why now?”


In fact, it was in the base, and the group of instructors joked that they were welcomed by female students and reminded him instead.

When she was studying with Gui Xiao, she was very concerned about this kind of thing. Today, she listened to the discussions of the same grade, and tomorrow she listened to cross-grade rumors. The day after tomorrow, she was teased by Haidong. Female students used to be interesting to you? Interesting now? May be interesting in the future? That is, he always likes to sit alone in the last row without a table, otherwise he will definitely compose a “you at the same table” from Haidong and Meng Xiaoshan …

Although he did not think that such a thing would happen in the past, present or future.

However, it is necessary to take precautions.

So he was inconvenient to leave the base. He went online to check the ring he wanted to buy, and accurately estimated the size, so that the instructor who could get out of the base brought him a pair back to the city, and he wore it first.

You’ve worn them, so I’m welcome.

Gui Xiao also quietly put it on, raised it, and looked at the light. Two small broken diamonds next to each other were bright and clean.

The more I like it, the more I simply pick off the **** ring. They all laughed.

The people behind him leaned on him again, and Lu Yanchen noticed: “Let me cook first.”

“I wanted to tell you at night.” Gui Xiao’s throat was a little tight and her face flushed.

She stomped her feet and whispered in his ear, “I seem to be pregnant.”

The grunting soup stewed the chicken, no other than that sound.

The world is silent.

“Really.” How nervous and pregnant as a teenager …

Lu Yanchen suddenly smashed his cigarette **** in the pool, and the detective went to open the window. One took her into the living room, face to face, and those eyes looked up and down. Reflexively touching the cigarette case in the pocket of the pants, the cigarette case hit the palms at an angle, then woke up again and calmed down.

People are still standing, like a woman left all over the world, watching her …

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