The Road Home

Chapter 9 - Extravagant Love (2)

Flashing to the Spring Festival.

When Lu Yanchen booked her passport photo for her flight ticket, she didn’t know what to say. She only said that it was inconvenient to get the account book and birth certificate for the time being, and Gui Xiao had been vaguely brought with her cousin who helped her. In recent years, my brother-in-law has spent a lot of money to support remote mountain areas, so he has a good relationship with many key schools that do exchanges and teaching aids.

Helping Gui Xiao to win a place can also be regarded as a reward, it is entirely a matter of benefit and no expense.

Just let the cousin catch a chance to laugh at her, go to Inner Mongolia to take back a child who has no hukou book, and solve the problem of reading, not to mention that even the child’s resident address is filled in his own home: “Sister, if you are not a girl Yes, the conditions can’t be met, I would really think that this child is the illegitimate child you left in Inner Mongolia. “

Don’t say it, it really looks like it.

My brother-in-law resolved the formal borrowing, but he still emphasized that the household registration certificate must be required and can be supplemented, but it cannot be omitted.

Gui Xiao thought that since he could make up for it, then he was not in a hurry.

On that day, Gui Xiao was very happy. He brought the children to eat, the most expensive Western food, and lied to the children to drink two sips of red wine. She wanted to drive, but she didn’t touch the wine.

On the way back, the child blushed like rubbing rouge: “Is it expensive to transfer?”

“No money,” Gui Xiao paid the parking fee and left the garage. “Regular procedures.”

The child was relieved: “My dad told me when he came, that he wouldn’t read if it was expensive. He was afraid that Uncle Lu would secretly make money.”

The child chattered, and spoke very densely, all speaking Lu Yanchen, mostly from his dad.

When driving up the North Second Ring Road, he was talking about Lu Yanchen to catch people across the district. He led the team for two days and two nights and turned over five snow-capped mountains. The police dog’s claws were all blood. At the time of the ring, when talking about the forbidden life zone with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, I walked more than ten kilometers to go to the back of the country with a hypoxic coma … Blocked on Chang’an Street, the topic went too far to meteorological data, ground guidance, and even the surrender mark was missing. Down, because of the urgent emergency parachute …

This is his life for so many years.

At home at night, she struggled to hold the child into the door, walked all the way through the living room, climbed the stairs, and calculated whether to install an indoor elevator while climbing, so as not to get sick in the future, rheumatic fractures, drunkenness, etc. When she could not climb back to the bedroom, she could also travel …

Put the child on the bed, wipe his hands and face, take off his coat and trousers and put it in the quilt.

Tried to try the heater is too dry, turn on the humidifier for children.

Qin Xiaonan fell asleep better than awake. She used her fingers to poke her child’s hairy, thick eyelashes. After worrying about leaving Beijing the day after tomorrow, Lu Yanchen hadn’t returned. Who should Qin Xiaonan take care of? Fortunately, usually, it seems that the Spring Festival is not suitable for anyone.

Forget it, let’s wake up tomorrow.

She left Xiao Nan’s room and received a rather unexpected call. It was Bai Tao’s.

After junior high school classmates met about two years ago, they had not contacted in private. She picked up the dry sheets from the shelf with one hand, while listening to Bai Tao saying a very familiar name: Zhao Minshan. This person, she remembered, almost split Haidong and Meng Xiaoshan from junior high school, and that was the day … the day when she and Lu Chen watched the children inappropriately.

Bai Tao said, “Isn’t Zhao Minshan divorced in my early years? I heard that Gui Xiao, I heard that Chen returned from Erlianhaote two days ago, and the two have to do business.”

She thought the hallucination: “Who?”

“Brother Chen,” Bai Tao explained, “I thought you’ve found him when you came back from the trip, and I’ll tell you.

Gui Xiao was groggy and went to open the window.

Can’t breathe, want to get through the wind …

He came back, and returned without saying hello.

A few days ago, she also stupidly told him to bring the child’s account in Erlianhaote—

Bai Tao pours beans in a bamboo tube, and tells her what she heard from the front, sides, and various channels. There is no extra information after tossing and turning, that is, he is back, he is getting married, and Zhao Minshan.

The phone was disconnected, and Xiaoxiao strolled three times on the balcony and wanted to close the window.

Unstable, the glass window bumped along the track … and pinched her two fingers. With tears falling down in pain, she bit the place where she was crushed, trying to stop the pain with pain. Standing in the dark like this, slowly, slowly, stood for more than an hour without pain, wiped the remaining tears, and returned to the bedroom.

Looking down at the time, more than two in the morning. Knowing that it is impossible to respond late, but the ghost sent a message in the past: I heard that you have returned to Beijing?

The cell phone remained on the TV cabinet, and the person climbed into bed.

But just wrapped the quilt, the phone rang again, a white reflection on the dark TV screen, uninterrupted vibration, it was an incoming call. Break and fight, break and fight …

She kept doing psychological construction for herself:

He just asked himself to do one thing, and promised to do it, and it was over.

Repeated this many times, and confirmed that I would not say anything immature, so I went to answer the phone: “Hey?”

The night is too quiet, I hear his echo.

There was a crisp sound of metal percussion. On the face was the thick, pungent, hard-to-volatile oil smell, as if the air was colored. Mottled black.

“Excuse me,” said Lu Yanchen, “I have only been back at home in the past few days.

“It’s okay,” she replied, “I’m leaving Beijing the day after tomorrow, and it’s almost the Spring Festival. It’s inconvenient to ask the child to a friend. I heard that you are back, just to ask if I can come to pick up the child.

“The day after tomorrow?” He wasn’t sure.

“Well, I’ll drive it over. I’ll be there tomorrow. That’s it.”

The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, “Trouble you.”

“It’s okay, I just can help.”

“Hang up,” he said.


Lu Yanchen put his phone on the concrete floor. He was left alone in the workshop.

I previously dismantled a scrapped car, and now, lying in the shadow of the chassis, my vision is narrow. It really looks back to more than ten years ago: I was lying on a sponge pad full of stains and I saw Gui Xiao cat Looking down at myself, with a pointed little face facing away from the light, and the hand that coquettishly wanted to hold him firmly–

At that time, she relied on all of her feelings on a telephone line. She couldn’t see her, how sorry he was?

“… I’m saving money, you wait, I can see you when I’m in college. Say one more minute, OK?”

“… missed me, hey, what to do, no common language, can you say a few more words to me?”

“… I’m staying at school this semester. It’s terrible. There are twelve people in a dormitory. The dormitory hallways have beds.”

“… Broken, my mom knows I’m in love.”

“… I can’t answer the phone at home recently. Don’t call me until I find you.”

“… Lu Chen.”


Lu Chen.

She called his name, the most moving voice in the world.

Early in the morning, Gui Xiao packed the box for Xiao Nan.

When he brought him, he was a travelling bag. She went to Beijing to add a lot of things to her children. One was that he felt pitiful to take care of himself since he was a child. The environment, so as not to be crowded out … She was desperately trying to send the child to him, and she was still worried. Can the broken depot be able to live again?

But Qin Xiaonan heard that Lu Yanchen was back, and anxiously, he flew to the village and town to meet his uncle Lu. Gui Xiao saw the excitement of the child without delay. Take him and leave the city by car.

Waiting in town was more than two hours later.

I hurried back to the party two years ago and didn’t have time to stroll around the town. Now looking at the changes is really big, the third floor of the small shopping mall closed down, the stall selling the lamb skewers and the aunt were gone, a series of small stores opened in the billiard hall.

The dirt road has also been changed to an asphalt road. The only thing that remains unchanged is the long river that does not know the source and destination, and two rows of poplar trees that have grown up by the river for decades. As the car drove past, two or three students were playing on the ice. A teenager caught up with a girl and put it on his shoulders, causing a burst of laughter and exclamation …

Qin Xiaonan has never been to the suburbs after he came to Beijing, let alone to a rural village. He was always lying on the co-pilot seat, and looked excitedly at the town where his uncle Lu was born and raised.

Gui Xiao stepped on the brake and stopped in front of a large iron door a few meters high.

The place that repeatedly appeared in the memories for many years was right in front of him. Gui Xiao looked at the half-open iron door across the front windshield, and stunned for a while, until Qin Xiaonan called her.

She thought back: “Here it is.”

“Here?” Qin Xiaonan looked outside curiously, this is the auto repair shop that Aunt Gui Xiao said, “It’s so big, it’s more than I thought.”

It’s so big, it seems to be expanded again.

Returning to the post to convey the name of the room reporter Lu Yanchen, the uncle at the door narrowed his eyes, glaring at her and Qin Xiaonan. The words “Curiousness” were written calmly on the face: “Wait girl, I’ll call inside . “

She looked out through the unclean glass window to see him come out.

The plain white shirt and black cotton jacket with the zipper open were obviously just put on it, it looked like a teenager. However, I didn’t have a car repair tool in my hand, because I had to avoid the sand and dust blowing in the wind, squinted, and looked at her through the glass.

Without feelings.

Gui Xiao walked out of the box and was picked up by him. His freshly washed hands had clean and cold water soaked in water, and got close to her. “Newly bought?” He noticed something was wrong.

“Well, I can’t fit too much, so I bought a new one.”

He nodded: “Wait for you later.”

Gui Xiao originally wanted to go to the door and left, but he took the box and left, and Qin Xiaonan naturally took her by hand to carry her in, shoved, and followed. It really was expanded here, two or three times larger than before. The concrete floor was clean and fresh. The cars that were hoisted or parked were divided into two rows. There were workers at each car.

From entering the iron gate, she felt illusory.

Qin Xiaonan walked a few steps and asked Lu Yanchen where the toilet was. Lu Yanchen pointed out the door and told him to go to a small room on the right side of the compound. Qin Xiaonan turned around in a hurry and ran away.

She followed Lu Yanchen, walked to the end of the factory building, and pushed open the aluminum door half open.

Going in, it is the office and a row of lounges. Inside people see the two through the glass, and they will chase and look at them a bit. He didn’t care too much, took her to the end and pushed the door.

There is no extra furnishings in Gaochang’s house. There is no furniture to mention. There are beds and cabinets. They are not new or old but they are not those many years ago. But the general location has not changed, as in the past.

He set the box by the kettle next to the door: “It’s cold in the factory, don’t rush to take off your cotton clothes.”

But after finishing speaking, he took off his cotton suit and threw it onto the sofa. By the way, I picked up a half-box of cigarettes lost on the coffee table.

“I’ll leave with you in two words,” Gui Xiao stood by the door, and pulled the collar of his winter clothing to the tip of his nose. “I can help you with Qin Xiaonan’s affairs. You need to bring the hukou book and make up the formalities. “

He curled the sleeves of a long-sleeved shirt to his elbow. Look down and want to light a cigarette.

“I will be on a long business trip, and I will let my cousin take you to school,” she said. .After all, if you live here, you are too far from school. “

A flicker of flint flickered, and a small flame drew from his fingertips.

“I bought him some clothes. The old clothes were picked and left, and the bad ones were thrown away. Now that the child’s home is in good condition, you will also need to buy him new clothes every year after you bring him. It is too incompatible with the students around Will be bullied by exclusion, “Gui Xiao said,” not much, usually a school uniform. Almost … that’s all, do you still want to ask? “

Moments before the flame fell on the cigarette butt, it was not lit, but Lu Yanchen suddenly released his finger. The flame went out.

He took off the biting cigarette, rubbed it off, raised his eyes and looked straight at her: “Do you still love me?”

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