The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1043 Unbounded Forever

Chapter 1043 Unbounded Forever
"Left and right are nothing more than achieving the Dao realm."

Without stopping, Qing Yu's aura increased step by step.

That's right, the need for longevity is to achieve Taoism, and Qingyu has already seen it very clearly.

Even his six-star holy demon embryo can't break the thousand-year life limit, so how can Daozu live forever?
There is only one way, and that is to achieve the Dao Realm.It's not a potential six-star like the Holy Demon Embryo, but a powerful six-star Dao Realm.

"It seems that you see clearly." "Xuandu" smiled slightly in surprise.

"I also know that the Dao Realm can live forever, but it is not unlimited. Otherwise, you would not have to use the body of Xuandu to come to this world."

"That's right. The masters are all close-knit people. And I—"

"Xuandu" has a mysterious light in its eyes, and it seems that there are thousands of Taoism brewing in it. Although its human form is there, its spirit has changed. If it is the source of all Taoism, "—it is the Tao."

The Dao ancestor is the Tao, at least the Tao of the Supreme Taoist.The so-called short-cut way of the grand master is to be close to him, so the grand masters of all generations have been his backup houses.

"But you can't influence this generation's Supreme Daoist. Otherwise, you don't need to use Xuandu's body." Qing Yu paused, his aura rising to the extreme.

Up to now, Qingyu has basically confirmed that the person occupying Xuandu's body is Daozu.After all, Xuandu is also a Daoist, and Qingyu, who is observing him now, is also a powerhouse who is not far from the critical point.

The only person who can occupy Xuandu's body and make Qing Yu invisible is the only person in the Dao realm.

'No, he is not occupying, but infecting Xuandu with his own will. 'Qing Yu thought to himself.

Xuandu is still Xuandu, whether it is the soul or the body, but his consciousness has become the shape of the Taoist ancestor.

Just like Feng Jiuwu was infected by Qing Yu's will because of his close relationship with Qing Yu, the close-knit Grand Master will naturally be infected by Dao Patriarch's will.

"A very intelligent junior," "Xuan Du" praised, "this generation of grand masters can be said to be the strongest among the descendants of all generations. Even the first generation descendants taught by me personally are not as good as him. He is a shortcut. people, but he is not close to me."

'Nonsense, your first descendant has been laid down by the ghost emperor. 'Qing Yu cursed in his heart.

The further to the end of martial arts, the more difficult it is for disciples to think that Qing is better than Lan.The strongest can't guarantee that his apprentice is also the strongest, and the apprentice of the Dao realm is not necessarily the Dao realm, or even the peak among the strongest.

The first master master was indeed very strong, but compared to the Ghost Emperor, or even the Patriarch of Longhu Mountain, he was much inferior.

"It seems that you have a lot of restrictions, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to influence your descendants."

While talking, Qing Yu sank slightly.

"Hehe." "Xuandu" smiled without saying a word.

The other party guessed those things before, and you can also talk about it, if you still say this kind of secret now, you are a fool of Daozu.

He lived a little longer, Wannian bastard did not live as long as him, but this does not mean that he lived out of dementia.


Qing Yu stepped on the ground suddenly, Wu Chou stepped out of a deep hole on the ground with great strength, and his figure appeared in front of "Xuan Du" as if teleported.

"One Qi Xuan Yuan."

Xuanyuan is ever-changing, and Taoism moves with the world. The "Taishang Kaitian Jing" in the hands of Xuandu and in the hands of Daozu are completely different worlds.

Myriad transformations and phenomena are all within this Xuanyuan Qi, but they remain inseparable from its origin.

With this mysterious move, the realm of Xuandu has been surpassed, and it has not reached the strength of the strongest, and it has competed against the strongest.

But what "Xuandu" is facing at this time is not an ordinary Xeon.

"Blood Yang tearing the sky."

Qing Yu's body is transformed into blood yang, and the surging blood energy is like the source of life. The heat emitted by this vitality is enough to compare with the light of the scorching sun.

In front of such a majestic and surging power of existence, all kinds of changes are like paper tigers.

In terms of the depth of realm and the change of profound energy, Qing Yu is not as good as "Xuan Du".But in terms of strength, the "Xuandu" at this time, the possessed Taoist ancestor, is far inferior to Qingyu.

Under the blood yang, Xuan Yuan's energy was like a shallow pool, quickly evaporating.

Back, back quickly.Faced with such a strong force, Qing Yu, who only used force to suppress others, had no choice but to retreat even if the Taoist ancestor possessed him.I saw him grabbing the shoulder of the old man Shiming with one hand, and retreating quickly, tens of miles passed by in this advance and retreat.

"Want to escape?"

Xueyang speeded up again, "Xuandu" still had a way to retreat, but he didn't have time to retreat.

At the critical juncture, "Xuandu" faded away, disappearing quickly like a phantom in a mirror.

Since he dared to show up, he naturally didn't want to use his own prestige to frighten Qing Yu, and let Qing Yu let him go.

If he dares to come, he can leave naturally.This technique is the reliance of "Xuandu".

But at this moment, amidst the blood sun, a gleam of light flashed in Qing Yu's blood-coated pupils, "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The last time I saw Xuandu was on the night of August [-]th.Xuandu was defeated by Qing Yu, and he disappeared in this way.

But this time, Qing Yu, who had expected it for a long time, could let the current "Xuandu" succeed easily.

"Boundless forever."

The universe is a collection of time, space, and quality.Qingyu's mysterious universe exists based on this theorem, and it is based on these three.

The current move is the one created by Qing Yucao - Unbounded Eternal Presence.

Across space, boundless, omnipresent.When fighting Ji Chengtian and the Witch King earlier, Qing Yu integrated the profound meaning of this move into the indigo sea, making it impossible for the two of them to take advantage of their numbers.

And now, it was Qing Yu who really used this move.

After the faded figure, there was another figure, it was Qing Yu's figure, and he chased after him.

In the next instant, Qing Yu's figure appeared beside the barrier, and in front of him was a pure white barrier.

In his left hand he held the old man Shiming, and on his right hand, a ball of Xuanyuan Qi was firmly captured in his hand.

"Xuandu" still escaped after all. Compared with the Taoist ancestor who has survived for thousands of years, Qing Yu is still too young.But far surpassing the opponent's strength, he still took what should be taken and what should not be taken, and all of them were taken.

What should be taken is the old man Shiming who belonged to Qing Yu's spoils of war, what should not be taken is this ball of Xuanyuan Qi captured by him.

At the critical moment, "Xuan Du" turned into gas and escaped from Qing Yu's grasp, but how could Qing Yu allow him to escape without paying any price?This group of Xuanyuan Qi accounted for a quarter of the whole body, that is to say, Qing Yu took a quarter of "Xuandu"'s body.

"No loss," Qingyu let go of the old man Shiming with a light smile, "And you, old man Shiming, have caused so much trouble for Pindao, now it's time to pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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