The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1078 Shocked, Surprised

Chapter 1078 Shocked, Surprised

In addition to not eating soil, the Locust God Gu, which eats everything else, also withered under the power of the Ten Kings of Youdian.

Dagan wiped out the Locust God Gu, and as a price, they paid 10,000+ casualties.Including the soldiers who were swallowed by the Locust God Gu, there are at least two 10,000+.

In this battle, Dagan suffered heavy losses.

But in exchange for this heavy loss, the ten kings of Youdian are extremely powerful.

The dead air that seemed to be substantial swept up from the ground like a tornado, and was absorbed by the ten figures in the sky.Especially Yan Luo Tianzi, there are thousands of ghosts howling around his body, and occasionally there is a black dragon with death energy circling and flying, and countless innocent souls poke their heads out of it.

On the ground, there are white bones, obviously dead for less than an hour, but they are like old corpses, with no flesh and blood, only a pair of dry bones left.

"Invade the southern border."

Mu Cangsheng and Yan Luo Tianzi walked side by side, and flew to the southern border with the Nine Kings.

As for the remaining troops of Daqian, they are no longer useful.Seeing that 10,000+ colleagues have turned into dry bones, no matter how high the quality of the army is, the morale of the army has been messed up.Now there is chaos in the three armies, and the generals in the army have no time to appease the soldiers, so how can they command the army to move forward.

"Cruel enough, the hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides have made the ten kings of Youdian have the current power. Mu Cangsheng has done his best to create such a situation, and his next actions will definitely be bigger."

Seeing the hundreds of thousands of casualties, Qing Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Mu Cangsheng really regards common people as ants, and the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.He just regarded these dead people as food for nourishing the palace, and he never cared that some of them belonged to his side.

In the space in Qing Yuxiu, the doomsday myth is about to move. The deaths of tens of thousands of people have spawned a lot of calamity. This newly born robber can hardly bear it.

However, now is not the time to absorb the calamity.

Qing Yu suppressed the myth of doomsday, and flew towards the southern border together with Yun Wuyue.

The real feast is about to begin now.

Mu Cangsheng and other 11 people rushed all the way, and the land of thousands of miles was also fleeting. After a short time, they had arrived at the core of southern Xinjiang-the Valley of the Ancestors.

The barriers and witch spells outside the valley are completely unable to hinder the two powerhouses and the nine psychic realms. The 11 people rushed into the Valley of the Ancestor Gods as if entering no one's land.

"More than 300 years ago, I followed my father into the southern border and won the land of the next state. But at that time, there were unknown rivers and lakes and reckless people holding back, so that the battle could not be completed and the southern border was won. Now... "..."

Mu Cangsheng opened his hands, as if embracing the world, "This seat is here."

A command talisman coiled by a nine-dragon slowly flew out from Mu Cangsheng's heart, suspended in the air, releasing flickering light.


The large tomb in the Valley of the Ancestor Gods shook violently, and even faintly heard a huge roar.

It was Xing Lie's battle body that sensed the aura of the old enemy and was attacking the seal.

"The people in Southern Border are indeed very wise and have discovered the arrangement of their ancestors. But, if these arrangements can withstand the attack from the outside, can they wait for the inside?"

Mu Cangsheng pressed one hand on the Nine Dragons Command Talisman, and the Nine Dragons above seemed to come alive instantly, swimming at high speed, "Great Witch Ji, you can't stop me."

Nine dragons rushed out of the order talisman in an instant, and during the breath, the body swelled as if blown, and in a blink of an eye, it had become nine shocking dragons.


Jiulong let out a roar that shook the sky, danced wildly in the air, and rushed down suddenly, sinking into the ground.

Then, there was a tremor, and a vast and prehistoric energy emerged from the ground.The seal is opened.


The tomb was shaking constantly, as if a peerless beast was colliding underground, with an inexplicable ominous aura, even through the hundreds of feet deep rock formation, one could feel his terror.

"Hahaha... Mu Cangsheng, you want to desecrate the body of our ancestors, you are dreaming."

The witch spell in the tomb suddenly disintegrated into countless witch scripts, which rushed to the ground like a snake, and tattooed on Xing Lie's body just as he was about to emerge.

next moment--


The ground violently erupted, and a ten-foot-tall giant rose from the ground.I saw that this giant was made of rock, with six corners and eight eyes, and four hands distributed front and back, full of an ancient sense of boundlessness.

This is the Xing Lie family, or should I say the shell of the Xing Lie family.

Afterwards, Qing Yu's eyes were coated with a layer of blood, and through the rock layer, he could see the position of Xing Lie's battle body.

It was at the heart of the giant, and there was an ancient figure more than two meters high that almost merged with the rock.

"This is a giant formed by the energy of the earth's veins. The Xing Lie clan's combat body also has a limit. It cannot seriously absorb the energy of the 1-year-old earth's veins, so such a giant was formed outside." Qing Yu said.

The seal can only go in and out, and it keeps absorbing the energy of the earth veins. In the past 1 years, it has absorbed a large amount of energy from the earth veins. This giant is ten feet (33 meters) tall.

But at this time, the giant who had just come out was not as violent as before in the seal, but just stood quietly on the ground, without any movement.

On its surface, there are countless shamanism wriggling, full of a strange and ominous aura.

"You just think those witch spells are to isolate the inside and outside? How naive!"

The great witch sacrifice slowly ascended to the sky, landed on the giant's shoulders, and said with a triumphant smile: "When the seal is opened, the ancestor's battle body will be cursed. The wishful thinking of your emperor's line will end today."

"Whether it's delusional or not, is it even known?" Mu Cangsheng said with a smile.

In the next instant, a dark yellow light lit up in the heart of the giant.

"Boom boom boom——"

The surging and beating sound, like a war drum, shook everyone's minds.

The combat body of the Xing Lie clan is about to truly wake up.All five spiritual senses meet at the heart, and this giant is slowly collapsing like a weathered rock wall.

"These witch spells can stop one of the five human emperors, but they can't stop five human emperors." Mu Cangsheng returned the same smile to the great witch sacrifice.

The other four human emperors had gone to erode Feng Jiu's sea of ​​consciousness before. Only the fifth generation of human emperors had not entered Feng Jiu's sea of ​​consciousness because of Qing Yu's control of the dragon's veins, and went to the southern border to test the seal.

But now, the five human emperors who have awakened come together. No matter how powerful the witch spell is, it cannot stop the five human emperors who used to be.

"It's ridiculous that the mantis' arms are like a car, and it's ridiculous. Da Wuji, my opponent, has never been you."

Mu Cangsheng's gaze was gloomy, and he turned to the side.

There, a tall figure came from the air with a knife.

"Sword God—" Mu Cangsheng said his name in a deep voice.

At the border of Shuzhou, Mu Cangsheng and Yan Luo Tianzi joined forces, but they could only hold back the sword god.To this day, he and Emperor Yan Luo have made great efforts, especially Emperor Yan Luo, who has absorbed the dead energy of the previous tens of thousands of people, and has greatly benefited some of them to the Nine Kings, and his own strength is not great.

But Dao Shen, his strength has improved even more than before.

If it is said that in the previous battle, he and Yan Luo Tianzi held back the Sword God without being injured, but now, there is no guarantee that they will not be injured.

After retreating, the sword intent and sharpness of the sword god are far more terrifying than before.

The sword god looked at the giant who was still slowly collapsing, and said to Mu Cangsheng: "It's a very extraordinary method. The great witch festival in the southern border is also extraordinary, but he still did useless work under your calculations.

However, it will take time to use the Xing Lie clan's combat body.Now you, can you buy time under my knife? "

As soon as he said a word, the blade of the sword god made a harsh friction sound in the air, as if there was an invisible thing rubbing against the blade.

"Crimson with a knife."

When the knife breath came out, a pitch-black knife mark spread in the air, and on both sides of the knife mark were blazing flames.This is using the invisible space as a whetstone to grind out flames that shouldn't exist.

This knife is not judged by its sharpness, but with its simple and unsharp knife strength, sharpening the traces of space.

With this knife alone, Mu Cangsheng may not be sure to take it.The progress of the sword god is far greater than imagined.


The opponent's response to receiving the sword was very unexpected. The ten kings were ranked in their respective positions, with the emperor Yama as the core, forming a large formation. The emperor found a deep whirlpool and blocked it in front of the sword.

The knife strength just sank into the vortex, and then...

The crisp sound of metal and iron clanging came from not far away.Then I saw red flames igniting at the giant's heart, and a knife mark split the flames into two sections.

The sword spirit of the sword god was transferred to the heart of the giant.

At the same time, the ten Senluo halls appeared above the heads of the ten kings from emptiness to solidity, and their auras were refined into a line, exuding the ancient and heavy majesty of death.

"Dealing with the sword god must not be taken lightly."

The eyes of Emperor Yan Luo pierced the beaded curtain and looked directly at the sword god, "The ten halls of Senluo are specially prepared for you, the sword god."

The ten halls of Senluo are united into one, with a strong sense of death raging, and the death energy has turned into the shape of a ghost dragon, flying and flying.

With nine gods and one Xeon forming the Great Formation of Youdian, this is a generous gift specially prepared for the sword god.

"But what about Pindao?"

Xiruo Youwen's voice rang in his ears, faster than the voice was the scarlet knife light.

I don't know when, and in what way, an extremely powerful man approached behind Mu Cangsheng, and the light of the sword entered his body.



The former is the sound of the tip of a knife entering the body, while the latter is the sound of a big golden hand grabbing the blade.

The doomsday myth was grasped by one hand, and that hand hadn't suffered any scars yet.

"This is really..."

Qing Yu looked at the owner of the big hand in astonishment, "It's a bit shocking!"

"It's a surprise, but also a surprise."

The five voices said at the same time: "The Taoists of later generations meet again."

This big hand that holds the doomsday myth belongs to the Xing Lie clan's battle body, and now it is the hand of the five emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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