The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1125 7 Emperors

Chapter 1125 Seven Emperors
"King Biancheng!"

Hattori Hanzo called out the name of the woman who blocked his escape, feeling a little surprised.

He knew that King Biancheng was a powerhouse who was equally proficient in cunning, but he had never really faced an enemy before, so he didn't know that King Biancheng was no less accomplished than him, the God of Ninja, in this way.

"Thousands of Illusions."

Without hesitation, Hattori Hanzo turned into countless phantoms and walked in all directions.

Run away, definitely run away.If you stay in the battle, you will only die, and you will have a chance to escape.King Biancheng could catch up with him, but King Pingping was not good at it.

"You can't escape."

There was a gleam of cold light in King Biancheng's eyes, and he moved lightly with his lotus steps, leaving behind the shapes of evil ghosts, and suddenly he transformed into a thousand ghosts, spreading out a path of evil ghosts.

A chase begins.

At the same time, on the coast of the East China Sea, the Japanese army also ushered in their enemies.

With the whistling wind and howling ghosts, the Son of Yama's Dharma Aspect appeared in front of the army camp, and with a single palm press, all the 20 troops who had logged in felt out of control, as if their souls were about to burst out of their bodies.

In the next moment, they proved that this premonition was correct. First, the chef with the lowest strength, and then the ordinary ashigaru. Within three breaths, the soul bodies of more than 20 people have been drawn out by the emperor Yan Luo. If he is allowed to continue to extract , the [-] army will also be defeated within a quarter of an hour.

"Very courageous."

A mountain-like Dharma image appeared over the camp, and the horizontal sword swept straight at the Dharma image of the Son of Heaven.


The ferocious sword qi and the gloomy death qi collide with each other, but the two qi energies, which are also the most vicious and vicious, seem to be incompatible with each other, colliding endlessly.

Wearing the robe of the ghost emperor and the crown of the ghost emperor, the emperor Yan Luo and the scarlet Suzhan Mingzun appeared at the same time, manipulating the dharma to attack again.


The huge sword gang collided with the strength of the fist, and the two dharma forms were like giant gods in mythology. The fist and sword collided, setting off a stormy sky.

"Son of Yan Luo, if you dare to break into our army camp at night, you will save your life."

As the sun and moon rose, Amaterasu and Yueyuejian turned into two huge wheels of light, appearing in the sky.

"Sheng Yan Tianzhao."

The sun wheel swells, and the big sun Tathagata appears inside, and the sun wheel sticks out with one palm, and the sun, which has just reached its peak, burns all things with real fire.


Thousands of ghosts howled under the real fire of the sun, and the evil things that were shady and evil were restrained to the extreme when they encountered this Tathagata.

The most powerful Japanese come here for aggression, and naturally they want to weaken the opponent's combat power with all their strength. Amaterasu and Suzhan Mingzun besieged Emperor Yan Luo alone, without any scruples about the so-called self-esteem of the strong.

The two men besieged, and Yue Yejian was on the sidelines to support him, and the emperor Yan Luo was in danger, and he was firmly at the disadvantage.

"Earth destroys Qianyue."

As expected, Mu Cangsheng appeared just when Emperor Yan Luo was at a disadvantage.However, his move was not to rescue Emperor Yan Luo, but aimed directly at the camp below.

The earth cracked, and the place where the army barracks was located instantly cracked, and countless ghosts emerged from the ground.

"The great thousand fell."

Tianzi Yan Luo received a blow from Amaterasu, gathered his energy and launched a move, thousands of ghosts burst out of the ground, countless ghost shadows gathered into a waterfall and gushed out from the ground, and the roaring ghost faces instantly occupied the entire sky, making the East China Sea like a ghost.


After the first move, Yan Luotian vomited blood and retreated quickly, staying away from the frightened and angry Dongying Sanzhiqiang.

At the cost of his own heavy losses, Yan Luo Tianzi and the secretive Mu Cangsheng worked together to make the 20 troops landed ten times out of ten, only more than [-] people were still alive.

And such painstaking planning is naturally not just to damage the opponent's strength.You must know that at this time, the three of Amaterasu are in their heyday, but Emperor Yan Luo is seriously injured, and it is very likely that he and Mu Cangsheng will lose their lives and be buried with the Japanese army.

With an army of nearly 20 in exchange for the lives of two Xeons, the three of Amaterasu might wake up with laughter even if they were dreaming.

"Soul analysis dark art, the soul is back."

A huge black banner appeared in the sky, absorbing all the souls of more than 20 souls who died at the hands of Emperor Yama.

The Six Emperors suddenly appeared, thrusting their palms into the black banner, and shattered thousands of souls, "Using the souls of this foreign people to accelerate the reshaping of Poyun's spiritual consciousness can be regarded as the best use of everything."

At this moment, the Human Sovereign shattered nearly 20 souls without changing his face, showing his ruthlessness. He didn't have any scruples about the death of nearly 20 people.

The reason for this is because of a "necessity".

As Qingyu said, the core of human will is cruel and not close to human, as long as necessary, sacrifice a small part to save the majority without hesitation.

The so-called small part and large part are actually the measurement of value.For single people of the same value, the party with more people is naturally more valuable than the party with fewer people.

In the eyes of the Six Emperors at this time, the nearly 20 Dongying people are not as valuable as a po cloud.

Of course, there is also a factor that all the emperors are the ancestors of the Central Plains and have little relationship with Japan.

Dongying and the Central Plains are separated by a sea, even the dragon veins arranged by the Emperor for transformation can barely reach the island of Dongying. With such an alienated relationship, you expect the Emperor to have mercy, isn't it just a joke?
However, it is precisely because of the alienation of the relationship that the dragon's veins can only barely reach Dongying, so that monsters such as Yamata no Orochi are born.

Cough cough, stop talking about gossip.

Under the guidance of the soul analysis technique left by Po Yun, the spiritual consciousness that was originally only reshaped by a small part was quickly perfected, and it was successfully shaped in a short period of time.

Within ten breaths, the spiritual consciousness of Emperor Poyun of the sixth generation who was killed by Dao Shen and Qing Yu reappeared.

"Soul, soul, once again, the heroic soul will overwhelm the world."

While chanting like a ghost, the sixth generation of Emperor Poyun returned again and entered the battle body.

The seven emperors are one.


The heartbeat sounded like a morning bell, bringing an invisible sense of trembling.

The strength of the Seven Emperors is that even the most powerful are a little afraid to face it head-on.

Suzhan Mingzun had deep longing in his eyes, and his instinct was telling him that the person in front of him was an aggregate of dragon vein energy, if he could swallow him... no, even if he just swallowed him, he would be able to swallow him. Can make one's own strength advance by leaps and bounds.

The temptation is too great.

The state of mind of the most powerful is not disturbed by beauty, and is not moved by finances, but in the face of the improvement of strength, it is more blazing than ordinary people.

The closer you are to the peak, the more you want to go to the peak to take a look. This is true for Suzhan Mingzun, and so is everyone else.

However, the strongest person is the strongest person after all. Although he has the heart of coveting strength, he can also restrain the unfeasible desire in time.

People's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, and to swallow an elephant is to die.Even the Ba Snake in the mythology, the one that swallows is an ordinary elephant. You can let the Ba Snake swallow an idol.

"Wait a little longer, the time is not yet ripe..." Suzhan Mingzun suppressed the wildfire in his heart, and whispered to himself.

 Recently, the performance of this book has been declining, and the conception of the new book is also very brain-intensive, and the author is a little annoyed.So, sorry, the third update tonight, first, I want to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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