The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1157

Chapter 1157

Seven days later, the warship arrived at a certain port in Dongying without any surprises. Toyotomi Hideyoshi quietly disembarked and mixed into the crowd to leave.

Now his situation in Dongpu is not good, so he doesn't plan to disembark with other people in a fair manner.

But even if the situation is not good, there are still people who pick him up.

At the entrance of an alley, a samurai dressed as a ronin, bowing slightly like Toyotomi Hideyoshi, followed his footsteps.

"Where is Lord Oda now?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi asked as he walked.

His skinny body just showed a majestic aura. At this time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was not a surrender who bowed his knees in front of Qing Yu, but the deputy of Oda Nobunaga, who had a high status in Japan.

"Ten days ago, Master Liansheng hurriedly finished teaching the Dharma outside and rushed back to the temple. Mr. Oda must be at Master Liansheng's place." The warrior replied.

Master Liansheng is an eminent monk of Tantric Buddhism, and his seniority is of the same generation as Suzhan Mingzun before he was reincarnated.Its strength has declined seriously due to old age, so Japan does not count it as available combat power.

After Suzhan Mingzun reincarnated as Oda Nobunaga, Master Liansheng accepted him as an apprentice and taught him carefully. The relationship between the two parties is extremely close.

"Honnoji..." Toyotomi Hideyoshi walked a little faster and murmured in a low voice.

"Master Hideyoshi," the samurai stepped up a few steps to keep up, "Let's inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Oda, isn't it..."

Toyotomi Hideyoshi suddenly turned around, and the samurai swallowed the word "not so good" with a vicious stare.

Suzhan Mingzun, that is, Oda Nobunaga, he did not return to Dongying openly, and he did not even notify his subordinates, obviously because he did not want others to know his whereabouts.Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent a message to ask his subordinates to search for the whereabouts of his lord, which is likely to arouse Sozhan Mingzun's disgust.

In the current situation, if even Suzhan Mingzun gave up Toyotomi Hideyoshi, those who targeted Toyotomi Hideyoshi would not mind driving him into a place of eternal doom.

The samurai is actually thinking of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and this sentence can be regarded as good advice.

But it's a pity that he doesn't know the real situation of Toyotomi Hideyoshi now.

"It's not that I deliberately inquired about Oda's whereabouts, but that Oda's situation is not good. Akechi Mitsuhide was sent by Amaterasu to assist Oda. Now that Amaterasu has passed away, Oda returned to Dongying alone. Akechi Mitsuhide must be dissatisfied with him, do you understand?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi said sternly.

The wise Mitsuhide he was talking about was another deputy of Oda Nobunaga, and he was also called Oda Nobunaga's right-hand man with Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

However, Akechi Mitsuhide is still loyal to Amaterasu, and his loyalty to Amaterasu is even higher than that of Oda Nobunaga.

It would have been fine if Oda Nobunaga hadn't been suspected of Amaterasu's death, and Akechi Mitsuhide was still the right man.But in the current situation, Oda Nobunaga is a great suspect in Amaterasu's death. Countless people suspect that he abandoned Amaterasu and are dissatisfied with him.

It should be said that at least [-]% of Dongying's insiders have such an idea. They don't trust Oda Nobunaga and Suzhan Mingzun.

After all, compared to Amaterasu, who has been showing his holiness in front of others, Suzhan Mingzun, who is still on his last breath, really doesn't have many followers, because even his own survival is a problem, so why bother to manage power.

It was after he was reincarnated as Oda Nobunaga that he gathered considerable power.But how many of these subordinates are sincerely loyal to him, and how many are placed by Amaterasu and Yue Yejian, then the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

"Subordinate..." The warrior swallowed, and said in a heavy voice, "Understood."

"How is Akechi Mitsuhide doing recently?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi asked again.

"Mitsuhide-sama has been in contact with Amaterasu Omisami's followers recently, and they often talk late into the night, and there are even cases where they hold candles completely." The samurai lowered his head and said.

"It seems that Mitsuhide is also dissatisfied with Suzhan Mingzun," Toyotomi Hideyoshi thought after hearing the words, "but he hasn't reached the point where he can do it directly." '

If you really want to do something big to rebel Suzhan Mingzun, you must do it quietly.It was so blatant that people even found out that they had a long and thorough conversation a few times. If they really wanted to do something, they might not be courting death.

If you don't plan things in secret, you won't succeed. This is the basic principle of planning big things.

Dongying culture was brought from the Central Plains by Esoteric Buddhism, and he was very familiar with the Central Plains culture. As a wise general, Mitsuhide Akechi would not be ignorant of this sentence.

Therefore, the current wise Mitsuhide is just putting on airs, hoping that Suzhan Mingzun can come forward and give an explanation.

Of course, if you know what you know, Toyotomi Hideyoshi still pretended to be confused and said: "It seems that Mitsuhide is very dissatisfied with Mr. Oda, and he has been in contact with others.

Keep an eye on Mitsuhide, we must protect his foundation for Lord Oda.On a moonlit night, although the adult is also the strongest, but he is a woman, it is nothing to worry about.

According to the current situation, the future of Japan will most likely be entrusted to Mr. Oda. We must pave the way for Mr. Oda. "

"Hay." The warrior replied respectfully.

Akechi Mitsuhide has bad intentions, Lord Oda will definitely not reuse him, then after Lord Oda masters Dongying in the future, he will definitely entrust Lord Hideyoshi with a heavy responsibility. Thinking about it this way, Lord Hideyoshi will be the prime minister of Dongying in the future?
When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to the heavens. Although the warriors don't know this sentence, they also know the truth.

"Go." Toyotomi Hideyoshi put his hands in his sleeves and walked forward.

"Hay." The samurai left quickly.

"The future of Dongying..."

Toyotomi Hideyoshi looked up at the gloomy sky today, "There is no future for Dongying!"

Just like this gloomy sky, the future of Dongying, a place in the far east, is gloomy, and there is no future.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi sneered, slowed down his pace, and wandered around like an idler shaking his head.

Near Kyoto, in Honno-ji Temple.

Suzhan Mingzun was only wearing a bathrobe, sitting casually by the lotus pond, looking at the letter he had just received, and said with a low smile, "Guangxiu is expressing his dissatisfaction with me."

He casually threw the letter into the pool and let it slowly float under the cover of the lotus leaves.

Opposite Suzhan Mingzun, a thin old monk twitched his rosary, his white eyebrows covering his eyes trembled slightly, and said: "Brother Nasu, the situation in Dongpu is becoming chaotic now, you should go to take charge of the affairs, you shouldn't be here leisurely." .”

Nasu is exactly Suzhan Mingzun's former dharma name, but this name was not used hundreds of years ago.Now the only one who knows this Dharma name is probably only Master Liansheng who is his younger brother, even Amaterasu and Yueyejian may not know it.

"Liansheng, you don't understand."

Suzhan Mingzun grabbed the wine bottle beside him and took a sip, "For nearly 200 years, Dongying has long forgotten me, Suzhan Mingzun. They forgot who killed Yamata no Orochi for them back then. Without me, Dongpu has already sunk.

The current situation is inseparable from the fuel of those who want to get rid of us, the gods, and realize their ambitions.Oh, how stupid. "

Suzhan Mingzun shook his head and laughed, laughing at the stupidity of those people.

Ambition needs to be supported by strength. Now even Suzhan Mingzun dare not say that he can protect himself. Those ignorant and weak people want to put aside the umbrella and seek independence.

Isn't this stupid what is it?
"You want to clean?" Master Liansheng sighed softly, "But today's Dongying can't stand the toss."

Today's Dongpu is afraid that it will fall apart after a few more twists and turns.

"It's really not the time to clean up, so let's remove his status and put him under house arrest," Suzhan Mingzun gulped down his wine, "Guangxiu will find those dissatisfied people for me."

With Suzhan Mingzun's vision, it is natural to see that Mitsuhide Akechi is only expressing his dissatisfaction, and has no intention of sincere betrayal.

Therefore, Su Zhanming respectfully tolerated his wise Guangxiu.

"Amaterasu's power needs to be accepted, and Guangxiu will be an excellent breakthrough." Suzhan Mingzun said to himself.

The clothes were soaked with wine, and he looked extraordinarily unrestrained, like those wanderers who only know how to drink.In addition to being free and easy, there is also a faint hint of abjection.

In fact, he stayed in the Benneng Temple not only to let those opponents jump out, but also to cultivate his mind.

The scene of Amaterasu being pinched to death is still vivid in my mind, and Suzhan Mingzun still remembers the sense of despair at this time.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still useful to the Taishang Daoist, he might have been crushed to death together with Amaterasu at that time.

"Power, status, and power..."

"In front of that person, it's all a joke."

The face of that person seemed to reappear in front of Suzhan Mingzun's eyes, and the energy from his body leaked out unconsciously, and the evil spirit eroded the ground.

"He has a deep demon in his heart."

Liansheng glanced at Suzhan Mingzun and sighed softly.

Guan Suzhan Mingzun's situation is undoubtedly the appearance of a heart demon invasion, but who can let a supreme being be invaded by a heart demon?
For no reason, Liansheng was curious about the Daoist Qingyu who had only heard about it, and at the same time was curious about the current situation of the Central Plains.

'Central Plains, a distant and unreachable hometown...'

Hundreds of years ago, Lian Sheng, who was still a child, followed his seniors to the east and came to this barbaric land.Since then, he never returned to the Central Plains.

Childhood memories have been blurred or even forgotten with the passage of time, but the older you get, the more you miss your hometown.

It's as if compared with the less than ten years of life in the Central Plains, Dongying's hundreds of years have fallen behind.

'I'm afraid I won't be able to go back in my lifetime...'

Liansheng shook his head slightly, moved the rosary again, and murmured: "That good man, those who practice samadhi want to lose their yin. It is a person's ordinary dreams that are extinguished, and sleep for a long time..."

The scriptures seem to carry some kind of extinction power, suppressing Suzhan Mingzun's demons and clearing his mind.

Although Liansheng is also in the realm of the gods, he is not good at fighting. Instead, he specializes in Buddhism and has made extraordinary achievements in Buddhism.

Suzhan Mingzun has been staying in the Benneng Temple, in large part because of the effect of suppressing demons.It was precisely because of Liansheng's existence that he gradually suppressed his inner demons and tried to restore his state of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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