The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1246 See Buddha

Chapter 1246 See Buddha

Walk out of Huangsha City and head west all the way.What I saw along the way were all those who had a heart for Buddhism. Even if they were expelled to such a desolate desert as the Western Regions, Buddhism could still take root deeply and spread their faith.

In other words, the more bitter and cold the place is, the more the people pin their hopes on the gods and Buddhas.If faith wants to prevail in the world, it needs a lot of difficulties in the world.

As Buddhism said, the world is a sea of ​​suffering. If there is no suffering, who would believe in Buddhism?
Along the way, Qingyu saw piety and numbness, numbness for suffering, and piousness for hope.

These devout Buddhists went from west to east, one after another, to pass.

'Buddha is going eastward. "Qingyu has witnessed many Buddhist disciples moving eastward, how can he not understand the Buddha's plan?"

After ten years of enduring in the Western Regions, the Buddha finally couldn't bear it and planned to preach to the Central Plains.After these Buddhists mixed into the Central Plains, each of them was a drop of ink, which spread and dyed the entire Central Plains black.

A new orthodox dispute may be coming soon.

Qingyu went against the path opposite to that of Buddhists, and walked into the long yellow sand.

"It seems that I came just in time."

Among the vast yellow sand, a protruding mountain peak supports a clean and solemn pure land, surrounded by three towering Buddha statues, standing on the desert.

This is the Nalanda Temple, the ancestral home of Buddhism, the holy land of peacock survivors in the past, and the place where the Buddha resides today.

Since the Buddha came to the Western Regions, the Buddhist ancestral court here is worthy of the name. In the past ten years, countless people who are devoted to Buddhism have climbed mountains and waded here. Even the long yellow sand of the desert can't stop their footsteps.

People in Buddhism are also talented.The Buddha was expelled to the Western Regions, but Buddhists said that the Buddha entered the Western Regions voluntarily to save the suffering people in the Western Regions.And if the people of the Central Plains want to meet the Buddha, they have to go all the way westward and conquer the vast desert before they can enter this holy place of Buddhism to meet the Buddha.

"It's all a gimmick."

Qingyu stepped into the area covered by the Buddha's light in Nalanda Temple, his body was full of Buddha's energy, and he was integrated with the Buddha's light.In the entire Nalanda Temple, except for the Buddha, no one noticed that there was an outsider merging into the Buddha's light. Even the Buddha only sensed the intrusion, but could not determine who came.

However, apart from himself, there are only two other people who have this ability in the world today. The Buddha can guess who the intruder is.

"The Buddha's kungfu is so exquisite that even I can't accurately capture your position, Xuanzun, it's you."

In the Daxiong Palace, the Buddha sat cross-legged on the golden lotus platform, with golden light shining in his eyes, and said lightly.

"It's me." Qing Yu's figure appeared in the hall.

"Why did Xuanzun come to this Western Region instead of playing chess with Daozu in the Central Plains?" Buddha asked indifferently, "Could it be that he has taken a fancy to this Western Region and plans to take away the last place where my Buddhist sect stands?"

"The land of the Western Regions is really remote and bitter cold, I don't like it," Qing Yu smiled and looked at the Buddha, "I don't think the Buddha would like it, otherwise why would the Buddhist disciples move east?"

"It seems that the Buddha also wants to enter the chess game in the Central Plains and play two moves."

"Isn't it because Taoist and Xuanzun are bored? But from Xuanzun's appearance, I don't seem to mind Buddhism entering the Central Plains." Buddha said a little surprised.

"I don't really mind." Qing Yu said truthfully.

"Actually, it's not just that I don't care, Daozu doesn't seem to care too much."

Speaking of this, a glint of haze flashed in Qing Yu's eyes.

In the past ten years, Qing Yu has deliberately maintained a stalemate with the Taoist sect, keeping the situation calm and unwilling to cause too much storm.

What made him curious and suspicious was that not only Qing Yu wanted to maintain the situation, but also Dao Zu on the opposite side.

Six years ago, the power of the Taoist sect spread throughout Zhongzhou. As long as the Taoist ancestor gave an order, the members of the Taoist sect would dare to rush out of Zhongzhou and compete with the Xuanmo sect for territory.But the strange thing is that not only did the Taoist ancestor not order to go out to preach in Zhongzhou, but he told those Taoists who were ready to go out to stick to Zhongzhou, and they must not take another step.

At that time, this order made people in the Taoist sect full of doubts, and it also made people in the Buddhist sect who were ready to go to the Central Plains to pick up bargains at any time full of doubts.

And Qing Yu raised the greatest vigilance towards Dao Ancestor after that time.Because he is also like the Taoist ancestor, and ordered not to provoke conflicts.

"Do you know the Buddha? The Taoist may have other plans, and so do I. We don't pay attention to the disputes of orthodoxy, and you are the only one who has been thinking about spreading the Buddha to the world and establishing a Buddhist kingdom on the ground." Qing Yu smiled inexplicably. .

"What do you mean?" The Buddha was suspicious, watching Qing Yu who suddenly said something strange, he secretly raised his guard.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Qingyu is here today, and he definitely didn't come here to gossip.

Qing Yu also saw the vigilance of the Buddha, and simply said: "Actually, I came here today to give the Buddha a ride."

"Buddha," Qing Yu said seriously, "may I invite you to return to the West?"

"Please return me to the west? Hahaha..."

The Buddha laughed out loud, "Let's not say that where I am is where the Western Paradise is. Can you send me back to the West with your power alone?"

"Qingyu, even the Heavenly Dao can only imprison me for thousands of years, but cannot kill me, how can you send me across the West?"

"It's not the same," Qing Yu shook his head, "The Dao of Heaven has no heart and spirit, it just rigidly abides by the rules of heaven and earth, if there is no incarnation to carry it, although it has power beyond us, it cannot exert the ability to kill us.

After all, the size of Heavenly Dao covers the whole world, which is too bloated compared to me.And the Dao realm like you and me is different. "

Qingyu smiled sarcastically when he said this, "Buddha, why didn't you take me seriously when you first came to this world. Naturally, it's because I also practice Buddhism, Taoism, and magic. In terms of three kinds of martial arts, especially Buddha and Dao, in these two kinds of martial arts, I am absolutely inferior to you and Daozu, the two forerunners."

"It's not as good as it is, I'm overcome by you, and it will even become your merits in the future. So, at that time, you and Daozu didn't really care about me."

That is to say, Qing Yu did not put his core on Buddhism and Taoism, but walked out of his own way, otherwise he would really be overwhelmed by these two forerunners.

In fact, if the third person who has achieved the Dao Realm is not Qing Yu, who has a cheat, but anyone else, he may be eaten to death by these two old foxes.

Old age is also a kind of wealth. After living for so many years, even a pig can become a fairy.No one else knew how much preparation Taoist and Buddha had made and how many times they had planned.

But none of that matters now.The most important thing now is whether Qing Yu can accept the Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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