The Road Turns White Tonight

Chapter 207 - Chapter 54

It turned out that if he did not want to, he could not catch up with him anyway. You Yan suddenly remembered that rainy day, the rainy day when both people were out of control. It was not her sudden courage that won him, but he was willing to stop and wait for her.

When she grows up, so is Brother Chi. Brother Chi has Cheng Yuan, and she also has a person who can embrace. Time is beautiful and cruel. Although some intimacy will never change, there are some things she should taboo. She is a fool.

The distance between the two was getting farther and farther, and she could not keep up with his steps, only to see someone greeting him one after another, male and female.

Before today, he was ordinary. He didn’t have much social life, but lived quietly. Today, she knows that his life will change dramatically. In fact, this is fine, at least he is no longer lonely.

As she ran, she thought wildly until her phone rang.

I took a look but it was Susan’s call.

“Yan, where are you going? I seem to see Gu Yebai going out, are you together now?”

Youyan don’t know how to answer.

Susan didn’t feel right. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay.” You Yan didn’t want her to worry. “You and the worm go to eat. Don’t wait for me.”

Susan then relieved her heart and laughed, “Small, I still have this look, don’t bother.”

At the end of the call, he disappeared, but his phone was switched off.

She was swaying all over the campus, but she couldn’t find him. Instead, she attracted a lot of attention along the way.

She didn’t know what it meant. The result of the game seemed to have spread to every corner, and she became “famous” for him.

But this is not what she wants, she only needs him.

Yes, no matter where he goes, there is always a place he will return.


Pulling his face from his knees, Youyan glanced out the window, and it was already dark.

This is the apartment of Beier Building, in front of his dormitory.

She came here at noon and wondered how long she sat here.

She took out her mobile phone to watch the time, but found that when people were unlucky, they drank their teeth with cold water—the mobile phone turned off automatically when I knew that there was no power.

She didn’t eat two meals and was a little hungry. She rubbed her sore leg, stood up from the bully and glanced at the still-closed door, and finally, sat back furiously, continuing the posture that continued for a long time.

I don’t know how long, footsteps came from the fans.

She lifted up, and under the stairs, the tall figure of the man slowly emerged. The backpack was slung across the shoulders, and her hands were arbitrarily wrapped around the sides of the pants. Seeing her, he seems to frown.

He has changed back to his usual clothes, white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and white running shoes. Without the obstructive glasses and the simplest clothing, he was still a mess.

She rubbed her stiff legs and quickly stood up.

He glanced lightly at her.

“Little white?” She called hesitantly.

He didn’t answer and walked to the door. The corridor invaded by the darkness, only the slight sound of the key inserted into the keyhole. Her heart seemed to be taken aback.

He entered the door sideways, and she was startled, reaching for it.

He had eyes behind him, his body flickered slightly, and her hand closed the door with a bang without even catching the corners of his clothes.


A door separated him from her.

Leaning against the wall, Gu Yebai’s eyes made a mocking smile.

Even in the game, he always had her in his eyes.

Seeing her leaving, he immediately declined all offers and followed her closely. For him, any compliment was not worth her smile.

But what did he see? She was in the arms of others, they hugged together, so close together, as if he was an outsider.

Telling herself might be a misunderstanding, but her movements told him what he saw was true. It turned out that it wasn’t the only person in the world who could make her feel at ease, and she would wipe off tears on her clothes.

My heart is hot, isn’t it? At that moment, he just felt cold.

She followed him all the way, but then disappeared.

Why don’t you continue to struggle? That’s how he can easily give up?

Have a meal with a few students in the department, they asked, he answered, he could calmly answer any question. It turned out that camouflage can be flawless.

However, at this moment, the knocking of the door kept coming, accompanied by her crying, and his heart completely changed. She once told him that when it hurts, it was like being gnawed by a worm. Strange description, like this taste now?

He was upset and suddenly punched the wall.

The skin of the finger suddenly burst into blood, however, this hot pain still poured out the irritability of my heart.

He touched the pack of cigarettes and came out.

He rarely smokes. To him, tobacco and alcohol are a passing time when people lose their calmness. He doesn’t need it. After the death of his mother and brother, he never loses his calmness again.

He took out a cigarette, and as soon as he shoved it in, he hurried over and opened the door—she suddenly lost her voice.

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