The Road Turns White Tonight

Chapter 293 - [Gu Yiyi Fanwai] High School Opening Ceremony That Year (1)

When I rushed to school, Yoshiko and Nina were already waiting for me anxiously, looking crazy.

Nina even subverted her usual image of a lady and twisted my ears, “Gu Yiyi, you dare to be late.”

“Did Lin Haitao not pick you up today?” Fangzi had calmed down, so she could find out the root cause of my lateness and dragged us to the school’s auditorium.

Orientation is a routine program in each school, but Lin Haitao didn’t pick me up. It was because he arrived at the school early and seemed to have something to do.

By the way, I have n’t introduced myself yet. My name is Gu Yiyi. I am 16 years old. Today is my first day of high school. This is the high school section of g.

It is said that many years ago, my father Gu Yebai was the character of this college.

Nina still chattered in her ears, saying what Lin Haitao would be on the stage as a freshman representative, and forgot to say that nina is a “seafood”, a fan of Lin Haitao. Lin Haitao has a terrible fan group, and a school or a group usually seems to need a national idol.

In junior high school, many girls liked Lin Haitao, but Yoshiko and Nina said that Lin Haitao only liked me. Because we’ve been tired together since we were young? I do not know. He never seemed to tell me anything.

I don’t understand what the state of Lin Haitao and I are. The two of us went to the movies and went to the street to eat fried ice. He would teach me homework in my room alone. When he stood by, bowed his head slightly and explained a problem to me, my heart beat faster when my breath was scattered around my neck.

I like him without a doubt. He is handsome and has good homework. But is this the same as how mom likes dad? I still don’t understand.

You can’t expect a 16-year-old girl to understand these, right?

The nina walking on the outer side kept saying something, I saw a car howling past, startled, and quickly pushed her aside.

A few seconds later, we found out that there was a stall in the place where the car passed, and the splashed sewage fell on me with accuracy.

Today’s weather was a bit hot. I wore a thin white short-sleeved shirt. The water stains wetted my back, let alone the dirt, and the shape of the underwear appeared.

Fangzi was angrily going to find the BMW to talk about it, but unfortunately the horse has been driving far and wide, and Nina is more concerned about whether my rumored Lin Haitao’s girlfriend will appear in this image to Lin Dong Shame.

We were on the side of the road, and a student walked by, hurriedly glanced at us, and then left with fire.

The rallying bell seemed to have gone.

At this point, a car stopped, still BMW.

Holding the principle of hate and blackness, we decided to ignore it.

The door opened and a man walked down. To be precise, it was a boy, more precisely, a tall and handsome boy. Please don’t doubt my definition of handsome. I use Nina’s shiny and straight eyes as the standard. Ya’s eyes are called critical.

The boy smiled at the corner of his mouth and approached us.

Lin Haitao’s body will always be warm and mellow like the sun, and this man is also handsome and excellent, but his face is cool and cold, even if he is laughing.

He feels a bit like me.

My dad.

When he stood before us, he took off his coat and handed it to me.

I pinched for a long time, and Nina’s claws slammed against my back, and then I remembered to take over the clothes.

His eyes seemed to stay on me for a while, and it seemed that it was just my illusion. He didn’t even say a word and turned away.

“Wait a moment.” I shouted at him.

He looked back at me.

“Thank you, how can I return your clothes?”

The streamer moved slightly in his eyes, and for a while, he smiled slightly.

“It’s cold, a second-year transfer student.”

I don’t know why he told me that he was a transfer student, but the two words Yu Yu cold made my heart tremble.

Gu YuLeng is one of the three most important people in my life. But one day, he suddenly disappeared.

Every night at that time, I cried so much that my parents would never say anything about that person.

They thought my memory would blur over time, because that was just life before the age of six.

I actually always remember.

You can’t count on how deep a six-year-old’s memory is, but if she persists in remembering something, it’s not easy for her to forget.

Gu Yulian, my brother. In his memory, he was a dragging and powerful person.

I never called his brother, not because I couldn’t bite those two words, I love to see him helplessly.

I like being with him, but he suddenly disappears without a trace.

I asked my mother once, she said, something happened to his family, and then the family took him away.

I’m surprised, isn’t our brother’s family us?

In the future, I never asked again, because I had a feeling that he would not come back again.

He left without even telling me.

I hate him. So, I followed the boy with the same name in front of me, even if he helped me.

When my consciousness came back, people were already in the auditorium.

There were people all around, new and old students of the school’s leadership teacher, everyone’s face was full of anger.

Nina took a mobile phone and shot at the people on the stage.

Lin Haitao spoke on it.

We haven’t got our uniform yet. Lin Haitao wore his own clothes and was very neat and formal.

Suit jackets, at this age, many boys can not wear that taste, but Lin Haitao’s body is chaotic and charming.

His speech was lively and funny, and his face was a signboard, and I heard it with great interest. Then I changed someone, and suddenly I felt a little bored, so I used an excuse to go out.

Out of the auditorium, turning around the corridor, I looked down at my toes and slowly moved forward.

Facts have proved that this method of walking is extremely irritating, but I almost hit two people around the corner.

A pair of hot kissing men and women.

I quickly threw a sorry, and then blushed and fled.

When talking, he turned his eyes on the two people inadvertently. Maybe it’s subconscious curiosity or maybe just unintentional.

Walking fast along the way, my heart was still beating, as if some kind of inexplicable emotions had been gathered.

I didn’t expect to see that person again so soon.

The guy named Yu Leng has the same name as my brother.

“Gu Yiyi.”

Suddenly someone called me behind.

I turned and faced a pair of dark eyes. Is that person?

Isn’t he running over here in gentle enthusiasm?

“what’s up?”

Maybe I looked dumb, he raised his eyebrow and smiled, it was the kind of smile that made him feel happy, rolling in his eyes, thin and long.

I couldn’t help but get slightly angry and looked at him coldly.

“I’m here to get back what belongs to me.” He approached me, and when he passed me by, his voice fell on my ears, and the cool breath made my heartbeat a bit uncontrollable Ya, it felt a little like Lin Haitao when I was teaching me my homework, but it seemed completely different.

Is he going to get his clothes back now?

I was still in a bun and pressed my hands on my shoulders.

Thinking of him kissing the girl and the cynical smile, I was vigilant and pushed away the hand that rested on my shoulder.

“One one?”

This sound? I looked around.

It’s not cold. Tall and handsome boy, the smile in his eyebrows, the proper dress and style.

“Hai Tao.” I shouted dumbly, as if the boy named Yu Cold had disappeared in a moment, as if magically.

“I seem to be hated by you suddenly.”

Lin Haitao faintly stated that his tone was mild, but I felt a little hesitant.

Uncle Lin speaks very well. At this point, Lin Haitao didn’t inherit it. Nina often says that Lin Haitao is as gentle as a jade, and I never think so. Ya is definitely not as harmless as he is.

I don’t dare to anger him. It is said that when I was a kid, I lived astutely, but later, I don’t know why it became the virtue now. I guess it was Gu Yulian who ran away from home, leaving me in the shadows and no backing.

“No, no.” I shook my head desperately.

“Really?” He suddenly took a step closer to me.

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