The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 20

Chapter 020: The Machine Is Broken? You Are Serious This Time! Outrageous!

The tourists who sat on the big pendulum with Sister Iron Hammer were all ready to stand on their heads when they heard the bang.

However, the big pendulum did not turn upside down directly as they expected, but still maintained a posture parallel to the ground, but there were abnormal sounds of “click” and “click” from the drive shaft.

These veteran players who thought they had figured out Jiang Lin’s routine thought it was the calm before the storm. Not only did no one raise any objections, but they all raised their vigilance.

But in the end, after waiting for a full minute, there was no movement of the big pendulum.

A minute sitting on it is completely different from a minute in the eyes of the spectators below.

The next minute is 60 seconds, but in the senses of the passengers, it seems that they have been waiting for a century.

Even the tourists who were calm before going up are a little panicked now.

“Boss, why is your big pendulum not moving? Is there something wrong?” Sister Iron Hammer shouted.

“Wait a minute, let me take a look at the blueprint.” While speaking, Jiang Lin took out the blueprint and looked at it seriously.

His appearance made the tourists on the big pendulum a little numb.

Playing, it’s time to look at the drawings to find problems, should I be so tricky.

Anyway, put the person down first, hey.

Before the tourists above raised objections, Jiang Lin’s face changed, “It’s broken, a transmission gear has fallen off.”

These tourists, who were already familiar with his routine, were only slightly nervous, and then immediately relieved.

In their view, this is definitely Jiang Lin’s routine, isn’t that what roller coasters used to be like before.

“Boss, stop acting. You won’t scare us. We’ve already seen through your tricks.” Sister Iron Hammer laughed loudly.

“This time it’s really not a routine. If you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself.” Jiang Lin pointed at the pendulum drive mechanism with a panicked trial and error look.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, there was a gap in the gear train.

Even those who don’t understand the mechanical structure can see that something is wrong with the empty space.

Coupled with Jiang Lin’s appearance, almost no one thinks this is still a routine.

The tourists on the big pendulum were all panicked at the moment.

Sister Hammer even screamed from above, “Boss, please stop the machine for a while, let us put it down first.”

Following her yell, the quick-handed tourist was about to get off the big pendulum immediately.

But as soon as they moved, the big pendulum swung upwards suddenly.

Standing below, Jiang Lin shouted nervously: “Be careful, hurry up, or you will be thrown out. I’m going to stop the machine immediately.”

Those tourists above, now have the heart to scold their mothers.

How can there be such a game, I thought it was a routine, but it really broke.

They are looking for excitement, not desperately, can you check the machine before letting them go.

But no matter how much they slander, what should come will come after all.

After the big pendulum spun, everyone stood upside down in midair.

But the stimulation brought by the handstand at this moment is far stronger than what they expected at the beginning.

Sister Hammer, who hadn’t been scared to cry while riding the roller coaster, was so scared that she burst into tears right now.

“Wooooow, I don’t want to die, Mama, help me…”

It’s good that she didn’t cry, but this crying directly made the tourists sitting around her even more panicked.

For a moment, the inverted big pendulum was full of panic-stricken weeping.

“Help, who will save us…”

“I’m going to fall, please help me…”

“Damn boss, hurry up and find a way to stop this machine, if this continues, it will really kill people…”

But the big pendulum will not stop because of their cries.

When one rippled down, everyone involuntarily let out piercing and high-pitched screams.

The voices of these ten people actually overwhelmed the hustle and bustle of the roller coaster.

Fortunately, no one’s seat was thrown out this time, which somewhat gave them some psychological comfort.

After the big pendulum swings down, there will be a short buffer period before it rises again.

The tourists sitting on it, taking advantage of this buffer, turned their eyes to Jiang Lin’s location.

Seeing that Jiang Lin had already rushed to the control room, they felt a little bit more at ease.

Now they only need to wait for Jiang Lin to press the emergency stop button, and they can escape from this deadly machine.

As Jiang Lin tapped a button, the big pendulum immediately stopped its upward movement.

But the stop is a stop, but the posture of the pendulum is at an upward angle, even the tourists who are closest to the ground are in the air at a height of three to five meters.

But even so, it reassured these panicked tourists a lot.

But before they could catch their breath, they heard the sound of the horn embedded in the seat.

“Attention, all tourists, all tourists, please pay attention, the amusement facilities are malfunctioning, the amusement facilities are malfunctioning…”

The intrusive voice broadcast made all the tourists a little speechless.

It’s already like this, and there is no need to broadcast it, why did you go so early.

The piercing sound that kept repeating made these tourists who were hung in mid-air a little annoyed.

They were already scared to death by this faulty device, and now they kept repeating this nonsense in their ears, which made people have an urge to vent.

There was that irritable old man who slapped the horn on the seat hard, “Okay, don’t beep beeping endlessly, do you need to remind me, is it annoying!”

After his slap, the voice broadcast stopped immediately.

But then, a crisp “click” sound was heard from the seats under everyone at the same time.

They, who had already become frightened birds, felt cold all over their bodies instantly…

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