The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 26

Chapter 026: Professional Kicking? The Reversal Is Too Big, It’S On Fire!

Looking at the ugly fellows on the roller coaster, Jiang Lin smiled faintly.

He also didn’t expect that the scream points brought by peers were much higher than those of Common tourists.

Common tourists are added one by one, and these colleagues come at five to five.

If these guys came to play a few more times, then he might have too many screaming points to run out of.

Inversely proportional to his happiness are the employees on the roller coaster who are facing the Jiang Cheng playground.

Before they recovered from the previous shock, they saw the bolts fixing the track protruding one by one.

The panic caused by all the things that happened before made them not think about the routine at all. They thought it was the vibration caused by the falling of the roller coaster, causing the track to deform again.

“You’re going to die, supervisor, you bastard, why did you bring us to die, even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go…”

“If I knew I would have asked for leave today, God bless me, as long as I can leave alive, I will resign when I get back, and I will never do this job again…”

“I really don’t want to die, is there anyone who can save us…”

Compared with these colleagues who were abusing and calling for help, the buddy who was in charge of maintaining the roller coaster track at Lin Jiang Cheng Playground reacted more directly.

Precisely because his job is to maintain the track, he knows better than others what terrible consequences will be caused by such a large area of ​​track bolt falling off.

To put it simply, it is a sentence, death is normal, and it is abnormal to survive.

Under this huge psychological stimulation, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Their reactions directly brought a lot of joy to the tourists watching the fun below.

For many old players, watching newcomers make embarrassments every day has become one of the important reasons for coming here.

Many people do not hesitate to coerce and lure their friends in order to cheat their friends.

But the happiness I get from my friends on weekdays is completely insignificant compared with today.

“I’m dying of laughter. I heard that these guys are still employees of Lin Jiang Cheng Amusement Park. Just like that, it’s a bit too low.”

“Did you see the fat guy sitting in the middle? They fainted from fright. Was Liang Jingru giving them the courage to dare to kick the gym at this level…”

“Don’t worry about courage or not, anyway, these guys have contracted my joke today…”

“Such a happy thing, I can’t be happy alone, I have to share this joy…”

The tourists who watched the excitement took out their mobile phones to point at those guys and took crazy shots.

By the time the roller coaster drove back to the starting point, two of the thirteen people had passed out.

Even if the others didn’t faint, they were slumped in their seats with pale faces and couldn’t get up.

Especially the tall supervisor, as if suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, Jiang Lin accidentally touched him when he went to unlock the locking mechanism for him, which made him tremble in horror.

“How about it, can you still get up? If you can, please make room. There are still tourists waiting behind.”

Hearing the words, the tall man stared at him blankly for a long time, as if he had lost his ability to think, and there was no feedback at all.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the laughing tourists nearby.

Later, it was only with the help of these tourists that the group of people got out of the roller coaster.

In the past two days, tourists have obviously adapted to the excitement of the roller coaster. In addition, Jiang Lin deliberately adjusted the difficulty according to different customers, so that the number of idiots basking in the sun in Sunshine Plaza has decreased a lot.

As a result, this wave of thirteen people made Sunshine Plaza shine again.

Compared with the tourists who were slightly frightened before, these souls were so frightened that they couldn’t find their way home, and they were more suitable for the image of the two fools in the village.

They sat there for an hour or two.

When I recovered, the tourists in the amusement park had already changed several times.

But almost every wave of tourists, hearing about the embarrassing things that happened to them before, couldn’t help but take pictures and check in as souvenirs, just turning these guys into a tourist check-in point.

Moreover, these guys don’t have any sense of collective honor. After everyone recovers, their first reaction is to hide their faces and run away, regardless of the colleagues who are still in a daze beside them.

The tall one was the third last to recover. By the time he recovered, there were no tourists checking in in front of them.

So he didn’t know what happened before.

Before leaving the playground, he met Jiang Lin Shi on the road, and he told Jiang Lin angrily, “You can do it, I will remember how you tricked me today, let’s wait and see!”

Jiang Lin smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll wait, take it easy!”

“Hmph!” The angry tall man let out a cold snort, and hurried away.

Compared with Jiang Lin’s side, he was more anxious to rush back to deal with the dog’s leg. He still remembers how the dog’s leg rants at him when he was on the roller coaster.

If you don’t give that guy some ruthlessness, he won’t be able to feel comfortable.

But what he didn’t know was that he had become popular on the Internet right now.

Some of the tourists who watched the excitement before made the content of the shooting into a ghost video and posted it on the Internet.

The main character is him.

In the video, he said proudly a moment ago, “I’m a professional!”

In the next moment, it turned into a picture of him crashing and yelling.

Then switch back to his arrogant look, “We can’t be afraid!”

Then it turned into a scene where he spoke crookedly and his face was full of sluggishness.

There are still many such back-and-forth comparisons, basically all of which are righteous in the first moment and slapped in the face in the next second.

The netizen who uploaded the video also made a very rhythmic BGM for the background, making it look like he was performing rap with performance art…

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