The Royal Contract

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013: An internal battle

She took a deep breath and then splashed water on her face before facing the mirror again. She immediately rushed toward the bathroom when she found an opportunity to excuse herself from his presence.

Another reason why she was anxious about this trip was because of him. She knew that being in the same space with him would create problems for her. Not that he was doing anything to bother her.

On the contrary, he was extra nice to her since they called a truce. They had agreed that they had to work on this together. To do that, they had to set aside what had happened in the past.

“Pull yourself together.” Ria mildly tapped on her face, putting some color back on her cheeks. “That kiss did not mean anything to him, and it should not mean anything to you.” She told herself in the mirror.

Luckily, no one else seemed to be using the bathroom, or the other person might think she was going crazy. But maybe she was going out of her mind as she thought about the man waiting for her outside.

“Zach is a player.” She could tell from the way he handled her like a pro. “He doesn’t want a woman like you.” Pointing at herself in the mirror. Why would he want someone with a lot of baggage and a child?

The last man she had a relationship with and loved for years dropped her like a sack of potatoes. He quickly left her as soon as he impregnated her and had a child, saying she was a whore and the baby was not his.


He was a player who had made her believe that he loved her. And that a man like him would change for her. She built her world around him, but unfortunately, she was a fool to believe him.

“Don’t waste your time believing in fairy tales.” She told herself. Her focus should remain on her son, who was waiting for her back home.

She splashed some more water on her face before fixing herself again. She had to hurry up, or her partner might wonder what she was doing inside the bathroom.

Soon, she sat with him inside the airplane with her on the window side. Thankfully, the company gave them a first-class ticket. The room was luxurious compared to the one they passed by. Then, the seats were spacious and comfortable.

It was an experience she would certainly not forget as she looked outside the window. But, of course, there was no view yet to see other than the airport and the runway. She had to wait until they were up in the air. At that point, the engine began to roar.

“Is there something wrong?” The man beside him instantly asked when she accidentally gasped, recalling something she almost forgot out of her excitement and anxiousness.

Another one of her fear in going on this trip was the flying itself. She almost believed that she could get through this without thinking about it. But her anxiety hit her with full force as she remembered that this would be her first time to fly.

She had never traveled much outside of their state. The farthest trip she had in the past was a three hours bus ride. She had not ridden any other form of transportation other than a car. She did not even learn how to ride a bike. She did not have one growing up.

“Yeah, I am ok.” She answered, lying to her teeth, suddenly realizing she was making a scene. She was unsure if she feared heights since she had never experienced being in a high place. But she knew now that she was afraid of planes.

Although she had worked on the top floors, she was inside a building. But flying was different. The plane could suddenly spiral out of control and then crush into the ocean or the ground.

Then, several horrifying ideas came to mind, making her more nervous in her seat. Now, she would never see her son again. The thought only worsened her situation as her nerves went to the roof.

“I don’t think you are ok, Ria. Just relax. Everything will be alright.” She heard his calm voice, soothing her. Then, she felt his fingers wrapping around her hands as his warmth covered her trembling, cold fingers.

“I am sorry, Zach. I don’t know why I am so nervous.” She uttered with a heavy breath as she tried to fill her lungs with air.

She had always been brave. Well, at least most of the time. She could stand in dark and eerie places. But lightning and thunders did give her chills. She just had that fear since she was a child.

“That is ok. Is this your first time flying?” He asked as one of his arms snaked around her shoulders and pulled her body closer to his.

She was about to pull away when she heard the engine roar louder, and the plane jerked a little as it started to move, making her squeeze her eyes shut as fear gripped her entire body.

“Yes,” Ria finally found her voice and answered his question. She knew he was trying to distract her from thinking about what would happen next. She tried to cooperate with him by focusing on his voice instead of the motor.

“What you are experiencing is perfectly normal.” He said as she felt his fingers wrapped around one of her shoulders, caressing her gently. “Relax and breathe. I am just here.” He whispered as his hand moved up and down on her arm.

She did not find his touch offensive, but it distracted her from her fear as she felt her body gradually calm down. But, it did not mean she was on all counts better as she still felt her heart jump every time the plane had a turbulent movement.

“Thanks,” She mumbled as her eyes remained shut, with her face buried between his shoulders and chest.

She was not expecting that he would help her. Maybe she had judged him again a little harshly. Maybe more. But now she realized he was not as bad as she thought as she finally opened her eyes, looked up, and saw him gazing down at her.

His eyes looked like a storm was brewing inside him, but his touch remained as gentle and comforting as the calm sea as he continued to soothe her nerves.

She could only wonder what was going through his mind as he appeared to be having an internal battle with himself.

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