The Royal Contract

Chapter 1015

Chapter 1015: An ally or an enemy?

He was on his way home when a man blocked his path as he entered the main lobby. He was familiar, seeing him before on more than one occasion.

“Excuse me, Sir, but my boss wishes to have a word with you.” The man said as he gestured that he should follow him back outside.

He debated whether to indulge his boss’s request as he gauged the man before him. He could say no, but that would raise red flags that might ruin the plan he was still concocting in his mind.

In the meantime, he needed his enemies to think that he was still clueless about their intentions. He did want them to be suspicious and alarmed. He needed the element of surprise to work in his favor.

“Lead the way.” He finally responded, allowing the other man to go ahead while he followed behind.

He did not see anyone outside upon arriving at his building. He did not notice anything that could have raised his suspicion. Therefore, someone might be following him and tailing his whereabouts. Or it could be another inside job.

Whoever it was, he had to find the culprit before he destroyed his plans and the entire organization. This business was his empire, and he had to protect it from the people who would want it burned to the ground and turned into ashes.


“How long have you been working for your boss?” He was testing if this man was someone who would rather keep his mouth shut or talk like a mockingbird. “If I am not mistaken, he trusted you more than the rest of his men.”

He would prefer the latter, wishing to get some information and hopefully bond with the guy. He needed to see how much the man knew about his boss’s underground operations.

Even if he did not answer with words, his body language alone could be enough to tell him what he wanted to know. A few questions here and there would seem innocent enough, but that was how you bait someone to loosen up and slip.

“Long enough.” The man answered, seemingly proud of himself. He knew that his pride would make him talk. “I am his righthand man for a reason.” He continued with a smug look on his face.

He walked beside him, making him feel that he respected him for whatever he had accomplished. “I can see why he would trust you.” He could see that he wanted to say more, but they had no more time.

Still, he believed that he had established a connection with him. He could explore that another time if given a chance.

A car suddenly pulled up as soon as he exited the main door, and the man gestured that he should enter. Inside, he could see the man that wanted to see him waiting, sitting comfortably inside.

He did not have a second thought as he joined him. He would also like to know what this was all about, but he might have some suspicion. Still, he would let his instinct control his action. Some said that curiosity killed a cat, but he was not one.

He might be curious, but he was very cautious. He would not let his guard down under any circumstances when dealing with his allies, especially his enemies.

“It is nice to see you again, Gerald. You have to forgive me for the short notice. I know that you are a busy man. So, I took the only time you are available.” A friendly face smiled at him, but he knew what hid behind those devious eyes.

The older man puffed his cigar inside the car, filling the air with the irritating smell of nicotine. He was a mafia boss, but it did not mean he also indulged in the bad habit.

He preferred to die with a bullet than a disease that had no cure. It was just stupid to live on the edge only to lose to an enemy he could not beat. But, of course, he would not tell his customers that. That would be terrible for business.

“I am sure if you had set an appointment with my secretary, I would have made time for you.” He answered the man, who had a friendly smile on his lips. But he doubted that it mirrored his intention for coming to see him.

He could tell there was a more profound reason for his visit, but it had nothing to do with pleasantry. He could think of several possible logical explanations, but he doubted it was his only purpose.

“Well, I don’t think your office is the ideal place for this conversation. I would have visited you at your apartment where we could talk privately, but my daughter is already upstairs, apparently waiting for you.” The man informed him.

He could guess all night what this man was whining about or ask him straight so as not to waste their time. He was tired, and as his host pointed out, his daughter was waiting for him as he had already expected.

“Then, I guess this is a better place than any. So, what is it, Alfred?” He asked as he felt the car move. He could tell that it was not something he wanted his daughter to hear.

He was not afraid of this man or his men. He could easily take them down. Besides, his security would not be far away, following them close behind. Therefore, he relaxed in the backseat and waited for the man to discuss his motives for meeting him.

“I am still waiting for you to marry my daughter. I can’t let you keep dating her and then dump her once you are elected governor. I told you I would only support your candidacy if you marry her.” Alfred reminded him of their agreement or what he wanted from him.

He never conformed to that arrangement, but the older man assumed he did. He could marry her, but that would put her life in danger. But was her life even in any peril in the first place?

It seemed her father had her covered, knowing who he was in the underworld. Alfred would not insist that he married his daughter, knowing she might get hurt if he had no backup plan.

“Are you saying you will pull out your support if I don’t marry Haley?” Gerald would like to hear him say his threat out loud. He dared him.

He would like to determine if the woman he would marry had anything to do with this. He would only know the truth if this man would somehow slip up. It was not very likely, but he was good at breaking people until they made a mistake.

Still, he could not make him suspect that he knew he was working for the other side. He would use this man to get to the bottom of their operations. It was the only way he could beat his enemy and eliminate them once and for all.

“Of course. My daughter is not a toy you can play with and return once you break it. I will not have that.” The man slightly raised his voice to make his point loud and clear. “Either you propose to her this end of the week. Then marry her within a month, or all deals are off.”

He could see the seriousness on his face but could not tell if he was bluffing. He could not read from his poker face what he was thinking. But he knew that it was a warning that he had to heed.

But how much did he want the Governorship position to let this man bully him into taking his daughter as his wife? Although his entire organization agreed that taking that office would give them leverage, was it worth dealing with this devil?

“What else do you wish to discuss with me?” He was sure that this marriage business was not the only topic on his plate.

He might not be able to read him, but his instinct had never failed him when faced with a cunning man. He was sure his future father-in-law still had another one or two questions he would like to ask him.

Regarding the marriage, he was not answering it right away. He had to think it through before making a final decision. Besides, the man gave him a few days to decide on it.

“I had done some digging about you. Of course, you will understand. I need to know the man that my daughter is marrying.” It sounded noble in his ears, but he doubted it was the intention.

“You can say I discovered a few things that had caught my attention and raised some flags.” Alfred finally put the fire out of his cigar on the ashtray at his side and blew the last remaining smoke inside his mouth.

“But before you say anything, let me finish.” The older man stopped him from asking questions, but he believed where this line of conversation was going. “I know you are not who you appeared to be. But that is not a problem. I assure you.”

He wished the other man would get straight to what he wanted from him instead of being theatrical with his words. But now that he revealed what he knew, he could only ponder what this man was planning.

“What about Haley? Does she know any of this? He had to know her involvement in her father’s schemes. It was the only way he could deal with her accordingly.

Moreover, he had to know if he was marrying someone who loved him or someone who would stab him in the back.

Was she an ally or an enemy?

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