The Royal Contract

Chapter 1030 - 1030 A cry of joy

1030 A cry of joy

His eyes could not help but to roam around the room, noticing the plain background in the walls and the lack of ornaments to decorate the place. The only things surrounding him were the equipment, tools, and the bed positioned at the center.

He did not want to focus on the beeping sounds of the machines around them. The doctors said that they were only monitoring the status of the mother and the baby, nothing that should worry him.

However, he could still feel his heart working overtime. He had never felt more anxious in his life other than today. But, like most times, he had to act bravely in front of her. She needed him now more than ever to stay strong.

“Are you ok, Dani?” He asked as he held her hands firmly in his. With his other hand, he caressed her hair to reassure her that he would stay by her side.

He could see that she was attempting to hide her pain. But as much as she tried, it was still visible in her eyes and facial expression. He could only wish he could take her place at that table, but unfortunately, all he could do was be there for her.

His respect and love for his wife had only increased each minute he witnessed the sacrifice she endured to give him a child. No amount of his what he did for her could compare to this.

“Yeah! I am ok, Alex.” She reached out her hand and touched his cheeks, but she quickly retracted them as another set of contractions hit her body.

She automatically placed her hands on a protective gesture underneath her bulging belly as if afraid something terrible would happen to their baby.

At that instant, he felt like he was the luckiest man in the world. How many men could honestly say that they married their soulmate? He would bet that men like him were rare.


“What do you want me to do?” He could not help but slightly panic as he saw her struggle in her position. Then, he remembered what they had practiced in their Lamaze class.

It was supposed to teach him how to handle her situation and support her through her hardship, but it seemed he was failing to deliver his end as he allowed his fear to take over.

He had to snap out of this negativity as he focused his eyes on her wife’s face. He had to be the husband she needed and the father that would guide his child into this world.

“Don’t worry. Just hold my hand.” Dani said between her gasping breath. “Just don’t leave me.” She continued as her face contoured with the pain.

He noticed that the pain had increased every time the contraction came closer. Based on what he remembered from the classes, the baby was coming soon, and he could not wait for this to be over.

“I will never leave you.” He promised as he pulled her hand into his lips, wanting her suffering to be over and finally to see his child. “But I need you to breath with me.”

He finally recalled what he had learned as he guided her to a breathing exercise to lessen her discomfort and pain. Somehow, it also relaxed him and cleared his mind.

He used the sound of their child’s heartbeat as his pattern as he continued to coach his wife in the breathing process. “Inhale...” He waited for her to take a deep breath. “Exhale...” He nodded as she expelled the air from her lungs.

“It seemed that you are doing a great job here.” A voice sounded at his back. When he turned around, he saw the doctor walking further into the room with a reassuring smile, telling him that he had nothing to worry about Dani’s condition.

“He is a tremendous help,” Dani proudly said, sounding slightly better as the contraction subsided and the pain visibly lessened. “How is our baby?” As her face managed a smile.

The doctor did not answer her immediately as she checked the devices attached to her body. From her expression, she seemed satisfied with the result, but they still waited for what she had to say.

“It seems that everything is going as planned. It will not be long now.” The doctor assured them as she excused herself because she still had to check on something else.

But in the meantime, as they waited, they felt more comforted that their child would be ok. It was what they needed for now as they held each other’s hand and waited for the next contraction.

The doctor said that if the contraction came closer and the dilation of her cervix increased, it would be time to deliver the baby. But from what was happening, it would be coming sooner than later.

“We still have not decided on the name.” She looked up at him, staring into his eyes. Then, her eyes looked down at her swollen belly as if she was asking their unborn child a suggestion.

He also had given several possible names on the list, but he wanted her to like it too. It must be something that both of them would automatically agree upon once they saw the name.

But all his proposals seemed nice, but it was not it. It did not sound like it would fit his child. Besides, Dani did not seem to connect with the name either.

“What about Arthur, Lancelot, Henry, or Philip?” He jokingly said, voicing whatever name popped into his head. He only wanted to divert her attention to the pain he could see in her eyes.

“What do you think of...” But before she could finish her question, another wave of anguish covered her beautiful face.

He quickly moved to her side, cradling her petite frame in his broad chest. Then, he guided her once more in her breathing exercise. But it seemed his tactic was barely working as she started shouting in pain.

It appeared that she had reached her tolerance for pain as the contraction increased rapidly. He could also hear the heartbeat monitor speeded up compared to a few moments ago.

“We will have a name soon enough, but first, we should focus on delivering our child to this world without any hitch.” Alex did not wish to add to her problems at that moment.

He did not wish to burden her with the triviality of naming their child. That could wait but trying to help her with her situation as he watched her twist in pain as her hold on his hand tightened was his priority.

“Ok,” Dani answered him with a forced smile on her lips in between her pain. Until now, she tried to appear strong despite her circumstance for his benefit. But he could tell her body was undergoing tremendous agony by looking into her eyes.

“Come on, let me help you.” He encouraged her as he asked her to breathe with him again.

The nurses around them were fussing around, checking her vitals and the monitors. It seemed the baby was coming since they were already on high alert.

He could not help but wonder if it would have been better if she had gone into operation, but it was her body. She should decide what was best for her and their child. All he could do was stand by her side and be her support.

“It seemed that the time has come.” The doctor entered the room with a brimming smile. “Are you both ready to see your baby?” She asked, looking at the patient and then at him.

“Yes, we are excited to see our baby.” He exhilaratingly answered as he squeezed her hand to assure her of his presence. But more than that, he was also anxious to see her suffering end.

He could not help but want to take her place as her face contorted in what could be one agonizing moment. He extended his spare hand into her face, setting her hair aside as it started to cling to her glistening forehead.

“Then, shall we get this show on the road?” The doctor instructed the nurses around her to proceed with whatever they were supposed to do.

On the other hand, he remained sitting on the edge of the bed, supporting her with his body as she struggled while delivering their child. He knew pain, but he had not witnessed anything like this before.

He had watched her wife endure it, not asking for anything to alleviate the pain. She fought hard as she breathed, shouted, and forced with all her might to push their child out in the open.

“Come on. I know you can do better than that.” The doctor calmly exclaimed to his wife as if she had not yet given her all. “A few more big pushes, and we will be all done.” She encouraged her as she buried herself in between his wife’s legs.

He knew how to make a baby, but he had never wondered how they came to the world. Yes, a mother had to give birth to them, but how precisely, he never had a clue.

Now, he could not stop but admire a woman’s courage to go through this painful process of bringing life to this world. He thought being pregnant for nine months was sacrifice enough, but witnessing today’s event showed him that it was more.

“I can see the head.” The doctor announced. “Now, I need you to give me everything you got.” She added as the other people in the room did what they had to do. “Alex, help her.” The doctor called his attention, alerting him to do his part.

“Come now, baby. I know you can do this.” Alex started whispering into her ears as he leaned closer to her. “For our baby, I know you want to see her as much as I do.” He massaged her shoulder and arms as he coaxed her to follow him.

But all he heard from her was her heavy breathing followed by a few anguish cries. “Alex, I am so tired.” She squeezed the words out of her lips as if she was asking him for help.

“I know, but I am here. I will help you get through this. Just follow my voice.” He knew then that she needed him more than ever. “Come on, take one deep breath and then push.” He tried to remember what he had learned, hoping it would help in her current situation.

“Come on, guys. I can see it, but your baby needs your help.” The doctor informed them.

“You heard the doctor. Come on, Dani. Our baby needs you to push harder.” Alex whispered again in her ears as he wiped more sweat that covered her face. “One deep breath and push.” He commanded, hoping that would push her to her limits.

“Aaaggghhh!” It appeared to work as it had given her strength to do what he had asked. She kept breathing and pushing hard.

Then, he heard it.

A cry of joy.

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