The Royal Contract

Chapter 1041 - 1041 Continue the act

1041 Continue the act

Despite how much she tried to ignore his closeness, she could not. She could feel his warmth seep through their clothes and travel through her body. Instead of being uncomfortable, she craved more.

She tried to concentrate her attention on the other couple, but she could not dismiss the effect of his skin against hers and how his fingers seemed to caress the top portion of her arms.

“Simple.” The older man said as if it was a no-brainer. “All you have to do is say yes to everything she tells you.” He proudly said, directing his words to Zach, who seemed to listen to him attentively. “I believe that she is always right.” The man added.

The woman, in return, tapped her husband on the cheeks. “And I usually am.” She seconded her husband’s statement. “But learn to acknowledge his efforts.” The woman looked at her as if she was talking to her specifically.

But Ria could tell that she loved her husband with all her heart, the same as him. She could read it in their body language, the smile on their lips, and the depth of the love in their eyes, how deep their affections were for each other.

She suddenly wished she could find a man that would love her the same way. But not just her because that was not the tricky part. He also had to love her son unconditionally.

But where should she look for such a man? It seemed impossible, just like looking for a needle in a ton of haystack. She was not saying he did not exist. But he might already belong to someone else. Or in another part of the world where she could not reach him.

Still, she would settle for not so perfect man. But someone who could respect her and her son. Then maybe someday he would love her for what she was, with all her faults and weaknesses. And treat her son right.

She turned to the man, whose arms wrapped around her shoulders, watching him laugh with the other couple. She could not help but be wary, knowing that, in a way, she was falling for him despite all the warning bells.


He was not the man, yet her heart seemed to choose him.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened, and they had to part ways with the other couple.

“Are you sure about this? I will rent a car, and then we can be on the way.” Zach removed his arms around her and faced her instead as they stood on the lobby floor. Then, she remembered that she was supposed to be running away.

“Yeah, I will love to join you on this trip.” She gave her approval, wanting to be safely in the confine of a moving car, speeding away from this place.

And minutes later, he showed her that he got a key dangling on his finger. Then, he assisted her to the front of the hotel, where a car was already waiting for them.

She only normally breathed when she heard the engine steadily humming on the street as the wind blew on her hair. It was almost dark, so there was not much to see, but the air was cool to the skin.

“I can close the roof if you don’t want the wind to mess with your hair.” He offered, seeing that her hair was flying everywhere.

She turned to him, contemplating for a second but shook her head. She liked the wind on her face and did not care much about how her hair would look liked later.

“No, I like it just the way it is.” It was her first time riding a convertible. She had always wondered what it would be like on it when she saw someone driving it on the street. Now, she could say she knew the feeling.

“Me too.” He glanced her way, giving her a boyish smile that made him look younger and sweet.

She had to look away, pretending to admire the view outside even if she barely saw anything but the few areas where the light of the lamppost touched. Other than that, the shadow seemed to grow as darkness took over most places.

But deep inside, she was afraid that the more she spent time with him, the more she would fall deeper into this pit. Then, finding a way out might be impossible.

“So, what made you change your mind?” He finally asked again the question that was left hanging earlier.

It might be a long way to their destination, and she figured she could not keep dodging his question. She debated whether telling him the truth was better or concocting a lie was the safer course.

But one way or another, she had to tell him something as she glimpsed at his face, which seemed to be void of the playfulness he had earlier.

Could she trust him?

Did she want him to get involved?

But did he wish to be part of her messy life? She did not think so.

“Ok. Let me change my question.” He moved the car to the side of the road and parked it before turning to her. “What spooked you that you were running away like someone was after you?”

Of course, he noticed that.

“I was running away from...” She started, but still, she hesitated to tell him as she turned to look outside.

He seemed to be a good guy. Yes, it looked like he liked her. Was that enough? Would it be fair to involve him in her situation? No. He might think he could help, but he would find himself in the crossfire. In the end, he would regret meeting her.

No, it was not ok to tell him. It was enough that he helped today. That should be enough.

She could see that he was waiting, so here was her answer. “...a large rodent in my room.” She covered her face, pretending to be ashamed of her pettiness.

“The hotel staff is dealing with it now, but I don’t want to return to my room until I am sure they have taken care of it.” She finished her story, hoping that her acting was believable.

For now, she would have to live with her lies. She believed it would save her from more complications. At least this man had saved her, even if he did not know that.

“That was it. You seemed to be running for your life because of a rat.” He exclaimed, looking skeptical.

She hated lying to him but knew it was for the best. But when she nodded, confirming his statement. It made them both laugh. At least on her part, she would like to continue the act.

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