The Royal Contract

Chapter 1058 - 1058 At least not today

1058 At least not today

“I will be back, Ria.” He told her as he stood by her door while she inserted her card key into the keyhole. “Pack up and be ready to leave in twenty minutes.”

Immediately, he had his hands pushing her into the door jam when she finally succeeded in opening her room. His lips locked with hers as they continued what they did not finish earlier.

She had never felt more liberated than today. She was on a high, and she never wanted to go down. Being with this man made her feel safe and protected. As if nothing could harm her.

“Yeah, but it is down to fifteen.” She jokingly said to him when he finally let go of her.

Then, she watched him walk away before she closed her door. He was only getting his things. Then, they would be heading back home. After that, she had no idea what would happen next.

But like everything else, she had to remind herself that this feeling was temporary. Once the excitement was over, everything would be back to normal. Problems would arise. She doubted if they would survive.

“That is just what life is. Don’t expect much, so you don’t get your heart torn into pieces.” She looked at herself in the mirror, giving herself advice on how to proceed with this relationship.

She knew it was a pessimistic point of view, but she had to prepare herself for the worse. She believed that Zach was a good guy, but he was naive to assume he could handle her situation.

She could already see the future, determining that her new boyfriend would not last long. It was not just the two of them they had to consider in this relationship.


First, there was her son, Edison. She could not picture Zach taking care of him and taking responsibility for another man’s child. Then, would he last long with a child when he could be partying with his friends in a club?

“Give him some credit.” Her mind pointed out. Of course, she did. That was why she was giving him a chance to prove her wrong.

Still, there are other things to consider, like what about his family? On her other end, she had nothing to worry about since she was an only child with no living parents.

But he told her briefly about his parents, not enough information. But the fact remained, they were still very much alive. What would they think? She doubted they would open their arms to a woman with a bastard for a son.

There were just too many factors to consider in going through this relationship. And most of them did not seem promising for a girl like her. But anyway, she had promised to give this a shot, but she was not keeping her hopes too high.

“I am just keeping it real.” She muttered one last time before turning away from her reflection and gathering her things.

There was not much to pack anyway, so she finished by the time the bell rang. If she was fast, she believed he was faster. She hurriedly strode toward the door, anxious to leave early.

She still wanted to be as far away from this place as soon as possible. There was still the likelihood that she would bump into her ex, which was the last thing she wanted.

“Hi, Ria.” A familiar voice greeted her when she opened the door, but it was not the man she had expected to see. On the contrary, it was the one she did not want to stand before her.

She was about to slam the door in his face, but he was quick, jamming his foot before the door could shut close. Then, he pushed the door open, but with his superior strength, she was no match to him.

“That is not a nice way to greet the father of your child.” He said as he invited himself inside her room and shut the door.

She had no choice but to step away from him and step backward. She would have run away, but there was no way out except that door or the balcony, which was too high to jump.

“You are not welcome in my room or our lives, Ryan. There is the door, you are free to leave and never come back, or else, I will report you to the authorities and have you arrested.” She threatened him, hoping, somewhat, it would work.

But that was naive thinking. A man like Ryan did not respond well to threats. She should know. He was the one who threatened people who crossed his path and not the other way around.

She was lucky she won her case against him before, but she might not be so fortunate the next time. But would she easily give up her fight against him? Of course not. She would fight tooth and nail if she had to for her son.

“Go ahead. Call. But do you think the cops would believe you over my words?” Ryan continued to advance into the room, looking around as if searching for something. “So our son is not here, but it seems you are already on your way out.”

He stared at her packed bags in the middle of the room. “Aren’t you even going to say goodbye to me and leave me a contact number so I can see my son.” He shook his head, looking disappointed at her.

“As I said before, you have no son. Edison is not your son.” She hissed at him, angry that he would make such a claim.

“So, his name is Edison. I like that.” Ryan said, but before she knew what he planned, he crossed the small space that separated them and grabbed her by the arms.

“He is not your son.” Suddenly, realizing her mistake. “And let go of me.” She flung her arms, hoping to break free from him. But the more she struggled, the tighter he buried his fingers in her skin.

“Don’t you even miss me? I did. You know what, we can get married so that our son can finally have a complete family.” Ryan stated as his eyes sparkled like it was the best idea.

“You are insane if you think I will ever agree to that.” Her hatred for him fueled a rage inside her as she searched for an opportunity to finally kicked his ass.

“You are certainly driving me crazy. When did you turn to be so hot?” He whispered in her ears when he forced himself closer to her.

Then, when he tried to hug and kiss her, she took it as an opportunity to pull her knees up as forcefully as she could, putting much energy into it until it hit his manhood.

And just like a sack of potatoes, he fell hard on the ground, holding on to his prize possession. “I wish I could do more because you do not deserve to have a child, you asshole.” She shouted at him, leaving him agonizing in pain on the floor as she grabbed her things and locked the door behind her.

Fortunately, Zach was just on time.

She quickly grabbed his arms and led him to the elevators. She did not need him to witness what happened to her room. It was her problem, and she had dealt with it her way. She did not need a man to save the day. At least not today.

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