The Royal Contract

Chapter 1064 - 1064 A heart of gold

1064 A heart of gold

She had never felt more excited to come back to their apartment. She could see the familiar roads, buildings, and usual vendors loitering the street, but this time, it felt different.

Now, she was not just going home to her quiet apartment. She was building a family with her loving husband. They were finally taking their son home.

Dani could not wait to welcome their child and show him where he would grow up. It was not as big as the mansion she grew up in or the palace his father had lived in his entire youth. But it was a home that they planned to fill with joy, laughter, and love.

“You will love it, Ares.” She whispered to the little angel in her arms while he responded with a bright smile on his lips. “You love that, Ares, don’t you.” She kept repeating his name, hoping he would soon identify himself with such a beautiful name.

“I think he does, Dani. Look at his smile.” Alex answered for their son as he held his little finger in his hand.

She watched Ares’s lips curve into what seemed to be a little smile. Some said it was just a reflex, but to her, it was a sign of approval. She knew she still had many things to learn from his facial expressions and the sounds he would make, but that was a challenge she welcomed as a new mother.

“Are we far yet?” For the hundredth time, she was impatient to reach home.

She only wanted to be alone with her husband and their child. But she knew that the house would be full of people who wished to share this momentous day with them.

She could not turn them away because these people were the reason why the universe blessed her with a beautiful son. She would not have met her husband that fateful day.


She would not have ended up with him if not for her friends. They would not be happily married without the blessings of their parents. Everything fell into place because of the collective support of the people who loved them.

“Just a couple of blocks,” Tom answered as she and Alex sat in the back seat with their son. “By the way, congratulations on our new prince. I elected Jaime as his bodyguard.” Their chief security informed them.

She was expecting it since it was a standard procedure for Royal families to have their security detail. She remembered how she hated it before when her father put people to follow her around, but she now understood why it was relevant.

“Do you think he will like Jaime?” She asked her husband, who had been busy entertaining their son with his goofy antics.

“I think he would try to ditch him a couple of times,” Alex stated, which she believed he was telling through his personal experience.

She guessed it was a normal stage that young boys and girls had to go through to test the boundaries of their freedom. But one thing she had learned about life.

Everything had a price. The more you wanted something, the higher you had to pay. And it kept growing as the stake increased. It meant the cost would be too much, sometimes more than one could afford.

Being wealthy, famous, or a part of the Royal family had its perks, but it also had a stiff price. Freedom would be one of them. Love was usually the first to suffer.

“I think you are right.” She agreed with him, knowing they also almost paid with their life. But that was in the past. Their love survived the test of time.

However, she could not help but worry for his son. Would he also be as lucky as them? She hoped so because the only reason why Alex did not want the throne was because of their kids’ future.

It was the reason his father, Duke Frederick, renounced the throne. They all wanted the freedom to love whoever they liked to choose. And the simpler life away from the restraint of the Kingdom.

“I think Ares would like Jaime.” Tom interrupted their conversation. “He is a big softie with kids.”

She trusted Tom. If he considered that Jaime would be great in securing their son’s safety, she also believed him. So far, Tom had never failed them. Besides, she had seen Jaime in action.

The young man might seem terrifying in his size, but Tom was right about one thing. He was warm and cuddly with kids. However, in terms of skill, he was one of the best.

“Then, Jaime, it is.” Alex declared, cooing his son until the little boy smiled again. “You see. Ares already likes him.”

Soon, she was heading to their apartment floor with Ares in her arms and Alex beside her. They did not need to open the doors because they were already wide open, with banners and balloons floating everywhere while flowers and gifts scattered on the floors.

In the middle of their apartment stood the many well-wishers who came to welcome their new family member into his new home. Of course, her mother was at the front and center, together with Alex’s parents. Then, most of their friends and relatives gathered around.

“Welcome, Ares!” Everyone shouted as they greeted the new prince. Technically, Ares was still a prince, but he would not be in line for the throne unless he chose to play by the Kingdom’s rule. However, that was something they would discuss when the time came.

For now, he was the prince of their Kingdom. The one that her father, Ethan, built and the one that Alex was creating. Soon, he would merge these two Kingdoms and rule them by himself or with his siblings if they had more kids.

“I think our little prince is overwhelmed by your greetings.” Laura shushed everyone as Ares started crying. “Come now, my darling. You don’t need to cry.”

Her mother quickly asked if she could hold her grandchild, and soon, Katherine also waited in line. Both tried to catch their grandson’s attention. But the men quickly moved to the other side, grabbing drinks and celebrating their newborn child. It was tradition.

As the Duke, her father-in-law raised his glass to his grandson, wishing him a great life ahead while the other men toasted with him. Soon, everyone was having a great time.

“Can I hold him?” Finally, Jacky had the chance to take her turn after their parents. She could see that her friend was happy for her, but she could not read the other emotions clouding her eyes.

“Of course,” Dani said as she carefully handed Ares into her friend’s arms.

She was glad her friend worked hard to return to normal. It was hard to undergo a traumatic experience. She would know since she went through one herself. It might be different from what happened to Jacky, but it was equally hard to overcome.

“Hi, there, little man. I am your godmother if your mother has not told you yet.” Jacky introduced herself. “Anyway, I am here to act as your second mother when your Mom is not around. So, don’t worry. I have your back covered when you need one.”

“Hey, I heard that.” Dani raised her eyebrows at her friend, giving her a fair warning not to spoil her son. But she was happy that Jacky could now joke about it.

“Well, parents can easily overreact to small things. I am just offering my services in such situations.” Jacky reasoned as she played with Ares’s cheeks with her fingers.

She understood her reasoning since she was a rebellious child, too, when she was young. Anyway, she learned that parents only wanted what was best for their kids, even if it did not seem like it sometimes.

“Ok. But don’t turn my son against me.” She warned her, but by all means, it was just a friendly banter between them.

Jacky smiled when Ares also seemed to smile at her. It was heartwarming to see her with a child in her arms. Dani knew that if anyone else deserved a child, it was her friend. She would be a great mother.

“Promise,” Jacky whispered as she stared into her child’s eyes.

Dani could not help but wonder if her friend was talking to her or herself. But she had sensed the joy in her tone. Something she believed was genuine happiness.

“You know what?” Jacky finally turned to her, looking directly into her eyes. “We are trying again.” She said without going into details.

At first, she was confused about what Jacky was trying to say to her. She could think of many things that would fit that statement, but there was only one thing she would wish for her friend.

“What do you mean?” Although she did not want to jump to conclusions and mumble the wrong things to say.

“I am ready to try again. I mean...” She paused as she rephrased her wording. “Marcus and I are taking a shot at making a baby again.”

She was surprised by the news since she was not expecting it. But she was extremely happy for her friend. She could feel the tears edging in her eyes as she watched her friend smile after her big revelation.

“I am so happy for you. I know it will not be easy, but I am here for you every step of the way.” She would support her friend in this laborious task, whatever it would take.

Jacky deserved to have a child she could call her own because she might be a tough nut that was hard to crack, but she always had a heart of gold.

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