The Royal Contract

Chapter 1112 - 1112 An evil fraud

1112 An evil fraud

But he might be working on a case, remembering that Gerald usually stayed up late at his office to work on his client’s legal matters. Or, he could be out on a date, and she had just interrupted his evening. However, she did not hear anyone else with him.

“Of course, I will help you.” He finally said. “Do you want me to pick you up at your house?” He offered.

“No.” She hastily responded. “I will meet you somewhere else. Let me see.” She said, trying to think of a place where she could safely meet him. Then, she finally thought of the park where she usually passed by on her way to the office. She believed it was a perfect place to meet. No one would notice her there.

“Can I suggest a particular spot?” Mike recommended a location in the park that did not have many people passing by. And he told her that there were no cameras in that area.

She did not know why he knew that. But it was good to know. The last thing she wanted was for her father’s investigator to find footage of her going with Mike.

“Ok. I think that will do.” She acknowledged and finalized their plan.

“Are you sure that you are not in any danger?” He asked again, still sounding troubled.

“No, at least not that I am aware of.” She answered him truthfully. But she did not want to find out by waiting in this house.

“I will see you in thirty minutes.” She heard him say. Hurriedly, she made a mental calculation if she could make it in that time.


If she would hurry and leave the house undetected, she could have some time to spare. “Thirty minutes is fine with me.” She thought that he might be farther than her. “But please, don’t be late.” She begged him.

She feared that even if she managed to leave her father’s estate. If her father had a whiff of her plans, he would come after her. And a few minutes could mean either her capture or her freedom.

“I promise. I will be there.” He said as they finally terminated the call. Finally, Mike had given her hope.

Nonetheless, she still had to figure out how to leave the premises without alarming her father. Of course, she could not get out without being seen by the guards. She was no James Bond. She could not climb and jump off their high fence.

So, how could she exit the front door and the gate without anyone stopping her? Then, an idea came to her. It was not perfect, but it had to do. She only hoped that no one would suspect anything.

But before she could even pick up her carry-on bag, a knock on her door alerted her. Who would be up this late at night? Her father usually retired before the clock stroke midnight.

She quickly kicked her bag underneath her bed and grabbed her robe, covering her body. Then, she pulled her shoes off, walking barefoot on her carpeted floor.

“Who’s there?” She asked as she moved closer to the door. Then, she remembered her hair. Quickly, she pulled the knot, letting her hair cascade down her shoulders.

“I am sorry, sweetheart. I saw your lights on, so I decided to come over. Do you mind if we talk for just a minute?” Her father’s voice resonated on the door.

“Just a second, Dad.” She answered, pretending that she just came from the bathroom. “Yes, Dad. What is it?” She immediately asked as soon as she opened her door. “I was in the bathroom.” She explained with not so many words.

“Oh!” Her father walked with her further inside her room, letting his eyes roam on the decorations on her wall. “It seems it had been a while since I was here last.” He said. “I remembered that pink covered this entire room.”

“If you have not noticed, I have grown up, Dad.” She notified him. But she agreed with him. It had been so long since he had visited her in her room. She was still in her teenage years.

But something changed in him during those times. And it only worsened as the year passed. Even her mother noticed it when she was alive. Now, she did not know when her father became a monster.

Was he always had been this cruel, evil man that she idolized a long time ago? A man who hid in the guise of a good man. Or some circumstance changed him into the man that he was today.

“Yeah. And I believed I missed most of it.” He said, looking regretful. She could not tell if that was genuine remorse or one of his acts to get her sympathy. But based on her latest experiences, it could be the latter.

“Anyway, what is it that you need, Dad? It is a bit getting late.” She pretended to be sleepy, yawning in front of her father to make her point.

She just needed him to get back to his room and sleep. Then, she could go on with her plan. As long as the guards did not suspect anything, they would not bother her father.

“Of course, you are right.” He nodded, agreeing with her. “I came here to talk about Michael. I know Gerald just died. But I don’t think you should mourn his death for too long.”

She knew it. Her father would not even let Gerald’s body rot underground. Now, here he was, thinking of how to secure his plans. “What are you saying, Dad?” She pretended not to know what their plans were. “What about Michael?

“Michael will be running for Governor, and I think you should stand by his side as his wife. He already expressed his wish to marry you. I think this would be a good match for you.” Alfred said as if he was thinking of her well-being.

She heard everything that he wanted from her. But he never asked what she wanted for herself. That was how their relationship had become. She was only an object to her father that he could use to strengthen his hold on power and money.

“But...” She slightly protested. “I don’t think marrying him is the solution. Besides, I don’t even know him.” She said.

“Once you are married, you will get to know him. Then, you will discover that he is a decent guy. And eventually, you will fall in love with him and forget Gerald for good.” He said as if Michael was the solution to her problem.

But she already knew better. The man was an evil fraud, just like her father.

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