The Royal Contract

Chapter 974

Chapter 974: A mother and a housewife

Evan watched his family gather around the table, laughing, bickering, and bantering about everything under the sun. Who would have thought that he would end up in this situation? A man who had shied away from commitment.

Now, he had his grandmother, Angela, who had stood by his side all his life. Amelia, who would be his wife soon, hopefully. Eida had turned out to be a good friend, more like a sister he never had. And, of course, their precious Luisa, who had been a light in their darkest days.

“Arrrgghhh!” Goliath had been a small but adorable part of their lives as he barked for his attention. He leaned down under the table and tapped the little rascal on the head, showing him that he was indeed part of the family.

“You are quiet. Is there a problem?” Amelia leaned closer to him, whispering in his ears. She must have noticed that he had not joined the conversation and enjoyed watching the view before him.

“Everything is just perfect.” Evan softly uttered, widening his lips into a satisfied smile as he turned his head to face her.

“Hey, you two. I hope that you already have a date for the wedding.” Angela shifted her attention to them. “I don’t care if you are dressed in rags as you stand in front of a minister, priest, or someone who looked like Elvis, but I want it done soon.”

Her biological clock was ticking, and she could not wait for long engagements. She knew when she saw two people so much in love. “But you need to marry Amelia immediately before she bumps her head, realizing she is making a mistake and changing her mind.”


“That is funny, Grandmama. Amelia loves me, and I love her. And nothing is going to change that.” He proclaimed, suddenly realizing that it came out of his lips naturally, something he never thought he would ever do in his lifetime.

“Well, then go on with it. I need to see my grandchildren before I pass on to the next world to meet your Grandpapa.” Angela insisted. “Besides, Luisa needs cousins to play with and grow up with, don’t you, my princess?” Angela touched the child’s chubby cheeks, causing her to giggle.

“You see, even Luisa agrees with me.” Angela pointed out as she raised her glass to their little pride and joy. “I only wish to see my first grandchild, so I have more to tell your grandfather and parents when I finally see them in the afterlife.

Suddenly, she could not help but feel nostalgic as her eyes filled with tears she refused to shed. It was not a day of sorrow as she placed a beautiful smile on her lips, but a celebration of more good things to come to this family bounded out of love.

“I do agree with Angela. Grand weddings are highly overrated.” Eida announced as she stood up and excused herself. “I think our little princess needs her nap, so I am taking her back to her room.”

“I am also resting before meeting up with my friends.” Angela stood from her chair with the help of Bea, who quickly assisted her.

She met a group of elderly in the community who gathered every weekend to chat, read books, or play for recreation, besides telling their stories about their younger years.

Soon, Evan and Amelia were left in the kitchen to clean up, together with Goliath, who lazily lay on the cold floor. But the two thought it was best, so they could be alone and finally discuss the wedding of their dreams.

“What do you think of what Angela suggested?” Amelia was the first to break the silence that enveloped the room when everyone had left.

She stood up from her chair and started clearing the table, ready to dump the dirty plates on the sink. She did not mind managing the house since she never did have the desire to run an empire.

If she had a dream, it was not a grand wedding or a castle to live in, but a loving husband and children who would come home to her every night. A family she would love and care for all her life.

“Which one?” Evan curiously asked what Amelia was referring to when she hardly paid attention to his grandmother’s grumbling.

He also took the empty glasses on the table, helping his future wife with the house chores. He also did not mind doing mundane duties since he had lived most of his life with his grandmother, who taught him to be independent.

“About getting married in front of Elvis.” Referring to going to Vegas and having a quick marriage without the fuss.

Her friend was right about not needing a grand ceremony to declare their union. Besides, she hardly had many relatives and friends she would want to invite. In truth, she wished it to be solemn matrimony with only a few people who were dear to them as their witnesses.

“Are you serious? You want to get married at...” Evan seemed surprised by her words, but she believed he had misinterpreted her meaning.

“Not that. I am just saying that we can make it a simple ceremony. And if you don’t mind, we can do it soon. I can buy a simple white dress and book a small restaurant for the reception.” She explained what she had in mind.

She had not thought about the wedding much but after what Angela said, the idea suddenly formed in her mind. And it was getting her very excited. Who did not want to be married to Evan Blake?

She always thought that she would be Mrs. Amelia Wellington, but Mrs. Amelia Blake seemed to be much, so much, better. Who knew that after losing the man she had loved almost all her childhood, she would find someone else more suitable for her? The man that fate had designated to be her better half.

“Are you sure that is all you want? I don’t mind spending on the wedding of your dreams. Don’t feel obligated to follow my grandmother’s whim.” He said as he stood behind her as she worked on the dirty plates before her.

“But that is my wish. I only wish to be married to you and be your loving wife. Isn’t that enough?” She knew it was not what most women would want. But to her, there was nobility in being a mother and a housewife.

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