The Royal Contract

Chapter 978

Chapter 978: No say in the matter

He did not expect his wife would surprise him with a brand-new house. At least a plan to build them one. After the last time he had suggested they moved into another home and failed miserably, he opted to keep his mouth shut about it for now.

Therefore, he could not believe she would go out of her way to work with Haley on this new project, building them a home. He was thankful, of course, to his sister, who suggested it to her, even gifting them the lot and offering to build them their dream house.

At this moment, he could not keep his eyes off the beautiful woman pacing around their living room or what it would be when the house finally finished.

“What do you think?” She turned to him after she explained what she planned to do with it. She wanted his opinion and input on it, but he could not care if they lived in a shoe box as long as she kept smiling at him like the one she had on her lips right now.

“Perfect.” He uttered, but he barely heard what she said, only referring to the woman who had already fulfilled his dreams.

He never thought he would find the perfect person to fill up the emptiness in his heart. Luckily, she crossed his path and owned him from head to toe. He never had a chance with her because she snared him.

He did give a fight, ridding hard of his feelings for her, but she was just too persistent. Her presence filled the room, and her absence created a void, leaving him to seek her out. He knew then that without her, his life would be empty.


“You are hardly listening.” She complained. “Marcus, please be serious.” Her hands went to her waist as her head tilted to the side. A sign that she demanded his attention.

“But I am serious. You are doing a great job, Jacky.” He complimented his wife. “You, too, Haley.” He turned to his sister, listening attentively to what they would want to do to the room. “I don’t think I need to mess it up with my ideas.”

Honestly, he liked what Jacky had done to his bachelor’s pad, mostly getting rid of his things that screamed too much masculinity. She managed to create a harmonious room that suited his style and hers.

“You are not just saying that,” Jacky said, still skeptical, but he knew she could see that was the truth.

She moved toward her husband, standing before him and staring into his eyes. She wanted to see if he was saying that to appease her. But she would like his opinion on this.

It was not just her home they were building but their future together. She might have been sidetracked by what happened to them, but she was trying to get back on the right path.

“Believe me. Marcus is telling you the truth. My brother would not know anything about style.” Haley moved forward to join them. She might be teasing, but that was one thing his brother did not inherit from their father.

Still, his perseverance and determination was an inherent trait of a Rosley. She was still proud of her brother for his accomplishment, even if he did not carry their name. He had managed to become successful through his merits.

In her case, she still had a lot to prove before she could get out of the shadow of her father’s name. That was the difference in living under her father’s influence.

“Fine.” Jacky raised to her toes and planted a gentle kiss on her husband’s jaw. “You win.” Then, she turned around to face her friend. “Let us proceed with the plan.” Deciding on the matter.

“Then, if you would step out of the way and go on your trip. I have a lot of jobs to do.” Haley pointed to the door, indicating that she did not need their presence anymore at the scene.

She heard that the couple had decided to get away for the weekend. She believed it was a good idea. She was thankful that Jacky seemed to be getting back on her feet, and her brother seemed happy about it.

She always believed that they were a perfect couple. They were two people scarred by their past but were able to heal through their love. She wanted that, more than ever, for herself.

She envied Jacky for having someone to love her like that. She also wanted someone to would do anything to make her happy. Someone who would give his life for her to prove how much he loved her.

“Thank you, Haley, for all of this,” Jacky said as she hugged her sister-in-law. “By the way, how is Gerald? I have not seen him much.” She asked, knowing that the two were still seeing each other.

She heard rumors of a wedding in the mix, but since she had been out of circulation, she was a bit late with the updates. But she hoped to change that by making time to spend with her friends as soon as she got back from their short trip.

“He is busy with his career and the possibility of running for office,” Haley answered her friend, but her eyes glanced to her brother, who had an unreadable expression.

Marcus already expressed his displeasure about her relationship with Gerald, but he would not exactly tell her what it was about Gerald that he did not like.

But Jacky seemed clueless about it since she was excited about her relationship with the man in question. But as far as she was concerned, the only one who mattered in this relationship was her and Gerald’s opinion and no one else.

“I think it is time that we leave because we might miss our flight.” Marcus was not interested in talking about his sister and lover.

He had already expressed his opinion on that matter, but as her sister had pointed out, she was a grown woman capable of deciding on her own. He only hoped that she was making the right decision, or better yet, she would realize that she was making a mistake with that man.

But if he had his way, he would not want Gerald to be part of her sister’s life now or ever. He would not trust Haley’s life with a man like him, but this was not his life and his decision. He could only give advice but had no say in the matter.

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