The Royal Contract

Chapter 994

Chapter 994: Forever to love and cherish

His eyes kept looking at the door as he waited for her to join him for dinner. He wanted to pick her up for their date. But she insisted on meeting him at the restaurant he had chosen for this special occasion.

If anyone was wondering, it was their anniversary. One would think that most men did not involve themselves much in such things. But he had been thinking about this day for weeks, planning this moment for days.

Admittedly, he was not remotely close to being like this a year ago, as he did not take his relationship with her seriously. But after realizing he loved her and could not live without her, he drastically changed his ways.

“Where are you?” He mumbled under his breath as his eyes covered every entrance and exit of the establishment, wanting a glimpse of her face as she walked toward him. But he failed to see her as another woman entered, but it was not her.

She was late, but that was understandable. Sometimes, a client could extend their appointments and make her run late. He had asked her to give up her career and be his wife, but she adamantly refused, not wanting to be branded as a gold digger.

Well, she did not come from money like him. But she was honest and hardworking. Not only that, she was kind and intelligent, and she loved him very much.

“Hey, man, fancy seeing you alone.” A business client stopped by his table and greeted him. Probably seeing him alone, she decided to drop by and chat.


“As you can see, I am waiting for my date.” He admitted to the gorgeous woman who looked like she wished to chat some more.

But he made it clear that he had a romantic dinner plan with someone, showing her the stunning flowers he picked himself from her favorites. Everything was perfect, even the wine.

The only one missing was his date.

“Oh!” The woman appeared surprised. She must have thought it was her lucky day. But he was not taking bait from another woman because a particular girl already had his heart hooked, and he had no more intention to be free from her.

“That is one lucky woman.” She added as she finally realized she should be going. “It is nice to see you.” Then, she was on her way, leaving him alone again with his thoughts as he wondered what was taking her so long.

Then, his thoughts returned to the night that he knew that losing her was not an option anymore.

One night, she asked him. “Would you ever consider marriage? I know you don’t believe in it, but what if something forced your hand.”

She knew he loved her, but he could feel that she wanted to take the next step. Although, she tried to sugarcoat the question with what-ifs.

Of course, she was afraid of his rejection. After all, he had not proposed to her in their on-and-off relationship for years. Then, admittedly, he had been a womanizer during those times.

He was lucky that she loved him more than she hated him for all his sins. She always found it in her heart to forgive him eventually.

“I don’t know.” He remembered answering her. He still did not feel that commitment and marriage were the same. He always thought a ring should not be the sole symbol of their love.

At some point, he had vowed to stop looking at another woman. He finally decided to commit only to her. He even bought a boat and named it after her. It was the symbol of his love for her.

Then, he saw his friends jump into the wedding wagon with wide-open eyes and happily contented to spend the rest of their lives with one girl. It made him realize that he also wanted that.

He finally proposed. “Will you marry me and be my wife for the rest of our lives?” He saw how her eyes lit up. He knew he had just fulfilled her dream to be his wife.

She was the happiest woman that night. He also thought it was the start of everything great in their relationship. She accepted and agreed to wear his ring and spend the rest of her life with him.

However, days, weeks, and months passed, and she still refused to give him a date for the wedding. “You might have proposed and given me a ring, but you are not ready to commit to me yet.”

“But I am. I want you to be my wife.” He pressed on, not wanting her to believe he was not serious about her. “I am ready to commit to this. I have not been unfaithful to you if that is your worry.”

It seemed that his past had started to haunt him as she doubted his commitment. It was his fault that she was finding it hard to see that he was a changed man.

“I know you have not, but many things about you still have not changed. Until you realize what it is, I can’t marry you.” She adamantly said. And he knew there was no changing her mind.

“Why not just tell me, and I will change it?” He asked her, finding it hard to figure out what else he had to change about himself.

“I love you, but you need to discover that by yourself. Then, ask me again if you still wish to marry me.” She told him as she looked at the big rock on her finger.

“But I promise you that there is nothing in this world I will want more than to spend the rest of my life with you as your wife.” She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder as her lips sealed their fate.

Tonight, he believed he had figured out what she wanted from him all this time. He was about to tell her he was ready to commit to this marriage a hundred percent.

But where was she? He looked into his watch and wondered why she was taking this long. He grabbed his phone and was about to text her. But he noticed a text coming from her. Then, he noticed he had turned his phone muted during the meeting earlier.




He could not help but smile at her message. Well, there was no need to be alarmed. She was only running late again.

Then, his phone started ringing, expecting it to be her. He immediately answered it, wanting to hear her melodic voice. He did not mind if she was late tonight since he still had forever to love and cherish her.

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