The Ruler of Darkness

Book 7: Chapter 21

Tang Gwi-hu, the Deputy Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan.

It was the appearance of a top-level figure from the Sichuan Tang Clan without any prior notice.

Jung-ah frowned.

She couldn’t read any hostility from him through her Golden Eyes.

But that didn’t mean there was goodwill either.

Even towards Tang Baek, whom he greeted by waving his hand, saying it had been a long time.


But that was all she could read.

His thoughts were strangely hazy, as if shrouded in fog.

Only the emotions he harbored could be vaguely discerned.

Was he protecting his mind with some special technique or a precious item?

“Huhu. For now, consider this a reunion gift and accept it well.”


There was no response from Tang Baek, who was openly on guard against him.

But Tang Gwi-hu paid no attention to Tang Baek’s reaction.

As he shook his sleeve, the poison-coated daggers he had been holding disappeared from his hand as if by magic.

“Now then…”

His gaze turned to Jung-ah.

“Chief Maidservant, Jung-ah. Was that your name?”

Of course, she had never introduced herself.

“Now, why don’t you inform your master of my arrival?”

“…What is your business?”

Jung-ah still hadn’t taken her hand off her sword.

The answer to that question came not from Tang Gwi-hu, but from behind Jung-ah.

“Because the Sichuan Tang Clan has yet to receive the promised price from their deal with this Eldest Young Master.”

The one who appeared was Yeon So-hyeon, looking the same as always.

Appearing with his black robe fluttering, he spoke in that characteristic voice that sounded brazen.

“You must have come to monitor whether I can properly pay the price, right?”

He smiled at Tang Gwi-hu.

“Isn’t that so, Deputy Clan Leader?”

Jung-ah inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

Her master, who had been unable to complete his primary meridian circulation in time through normal means, had succeeded in finishing it in a way she found difficult to understand.

Thus, he could reveal himself without any sign of disarray.


Tang Gwi-hu, the Deputy Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan, covered his mouth with his sleeve and laughed.

‘Well, I thought he would definitely be circulating and cultivating at this time, but it seems the Eldest Young Master’s internal energy is deeper than I expected.’

His gaze shone eerily as if dissecting Yeon So-hyeon, whom he finally saw in person.

Even without Jung-ah, that blatant curiosity was apparent enough for anyone to notice.

“‘Monitor,’ what a disheartening expression.”

He showed a sinister smile.

“Huhu. Wouldn’t it be better to say that I’m here to personally witness the Eldest Young Master’s exploits and see if the contract will be well executed?”

Eldest Young Master Yeon So-hyeon had made a contract with the Sichuan Tang Clan.

To allow the Sichuan Tang Clan to enter Luoyang through the Valley of Sin, avoiding the eyes of the Sword House.

And that contract would be completed once Yeon So-hyeon had completely taken control of the Valley of Sin and the Sichuan Tang Clan had successfully established their base there.

“For now, please come inside. I can’t leave a distinguished guest standing outside.”

Yeon So-hyeon guided him to a place used for receiving guests.

Jung-ah moved to fetch tea and tea sets from the armored fortress, and Tang Gwi-hu said to her,

“Chief Maidservant. I prefer alcohol over tea.”


Jung-ah’s eyebrows twitched.

Was he asking for alcohol in a place that was practically the frontline until just now?

Tang Gwi-hu smiled with a nonchalant expression.

“I took a brief look around earlier, and there was a storage room with small liquor jars in the basement. Huhu.”

The implication of his words was clear.

Before being caught by Jung-ah’s Golden Eyes, he had freely roamed around the advance base, where the level of vigilance was heightened due to the battle.

And that was a guard network consisting of the Maidservants’ Unit and Tang Baek’s subordinates, all of whom possessed internal energy.

When Yeon So-hyeon nodded in permission, Jung-ah bowed her head.

“I will find and bring it up shortly.”

“If you have any trouble finding it, feel free to ask me.”

Tang Gwi-hu laughed, “Huhu.”

“Ah, but I suppose it would be simple for you to find?”

Jung-ah ignored Tang Gwi-hu’s meaningful look and withdrew.


In a modest reception room within the advance base.

After taking a sip of the alcohol poured into a teacup, Tang Gwi-hu spoke to Jung-ah, who was standing behind Yeon So-hyeon.

“Chief Maidservant. Could you please give us some privacy?”

The gentle curves of his eyes narrowed slightly.

“As far away as possible.”

Behind Yeon So-hyeon, Tang Baek was sitting in the corner of the reception room, fiddling with his chain sickles, and staring at Tang Gwi-hu with an blatant gaze.

Nevertheless, Tang Gwi-hu specifically mentioned only Jung-ah.

Yeon So-hyeon nodded.

“Go and inspect the perimeter of the base for a while.”

As Jung-ah left the room, Tang Gwi-hu laughed unnecessarily exaggeratedly.

“Oh my, thank you. As someone involved in intelligence work, I feel a bit uncomfortable around those with special talents.”

Yeon So-hyeon smiled.

He had been extremely cautious about security to prevent Jung-ah’s abilities from being judged by outsiders.

Therefore, Tang Gwi-hu’s words were mere guesses, and it was a trick to subtly probe Yeon So-hyeon to see if his guesses were correct.

“My Chief Maidservant is indeed exceptionally beautiful. It’s understandable that your mind could get agitated.”

‘As expected of the Eldest Young Master who devised that enormous scheme, he lightly brushes off this shallow trick.’

A delighted smile was added to Tang Gwi-hu’s lips.

“Did you perhaps know that I would come in person, Eldest Young Master?”

Yeon So-hyeon took a sip of tea and replied.

“I thought a high-ranking figure would come after I sent evidence to the Clan showing that the former clan leaders of the Sixteen Clans of Mount North Mang had expressed their intention to participate…”

His gaze turned to Tang Gwi-hu.

“But I didn’t expect you to come so quickly. Could it be that you were ‘already’ in Luoyang?”

“Huhu. Of course.”

Tang Gwi-hu covered his mouth and laughed.

“Although we’re called a clan, we’re ultimately a part of Sichuan. The entire Central Plains know that the people of Sichuan are impatient, don’t they?”

Yeon So-hyeon listened to his words, which lacked substance, and organized the situation in his mind.

After he had come down from Mount North Mang, rescued the personnel of the advance base, and gained the first moment of respite, Tang Gwi-hu had revealed himself.

And he was the head of the Shadow Squad, the intelligence organization directly under the clan leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan.

What that meant was…

“The Clan had already scattered shadows in Luoyang even before the investment group, including Daseollang, departed from Sichuan.”

Yeon So-hyeon continued.

“Could it be that the decision to deploy the shadows was made at the very moment you accepted the contract with me?”

Clap, clap, clap, Tang Gwi-hu applauded in an exaggerated manner.

“As expected of the Eldest Young Master! Absolutely correct!”

Yeon So-hyeon didn’t like his exaggerated attitude.

‘Should I start by erasing that fake smile from his face?’

“And for the Deputy Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan and the head of the Shadow Squad to personally make an appearance.”

“That’s because Luoyang’s expansion is that important to our Clan.”

Yeon So-hyeon showed a subtle smile.

“The fact that you revealed yourself at this specific time, not any other, must undoubtedly be to confirm whether the former clan leaders of the Sixteen Clans of Mount North Mang have joined the plan.”

“Of course.”

Tang Gwi-hu slightly opened his eyes, which habitually drew gentle curves, and looked at Yeon So-hyeon, but that characteristic smile remained the same.

However, Yeon So-hyeon’s words weren’t finished yet.

“Only after confirming the participation of the former clan leaders of the Sixteen Clans will the Sichuan Tang Clan approach the plan more seriously.”


Beneath Tang Gwi-hu’s narrow eyes, his eyeballs, filled with a deep murderous energy, shone with a strange green color.

“Because our Clan can pull out at any time the moment you fail to pay the price you promised, Eldest Young Master.”

The smile on his lips grew even deeper.

“Even if you have managed to get the former clan leaders to participate this time, if you fail in this Valley of Sin afterward, our Clan will suspend our business in Zhongjing and Changjiang.”

He gazed at Yeon So-hyeon with the eyes of a venomous snake targeting eggs in a nest.

“If that happens, the enraged former clan leaders of Mount North Mang will join hands with another successor of the Clan and tear you to shreds, Eldest Young Master.”

If things turned out that way, all the Sichuan Tang Clan would lose was their business, which had already been delayed, returning to its original state.

And if Yeon So-hyeon succeeded, they would achieve their long-cherished desire of expanding into Luoyang without any friction with the Luoyang Sword House.

The lands already acquired by the Emei Sect were a bonus.

The risk was low.

That was why the Sichuan Tang Clan, the hegemon of a single region, had joined the plan of Yeon So-hyeon, who was merely a Eldest Young Master, not even a Minor Patriarch.

“So, don’t I have to personally watch over you, Eldest Young Master, and determine the Clan’s stance?”

He laughed, “Huhuhu.”

“Of course. However…”

Yeon So-hyeon remained calm even at Tang Gwi-hu’s words describing the script of his demise.


Yeon So-hyeon needlessly caressed his teacup.

“Confirming the promise of the former clan leaders of Mount North Mang, and then observing my progress to determine the Clan’s stance?”

Yeon So-hyeon’s gaze, reflecting the light of the lantern and glinting, turned to Tang Gwi-hu.

“You’re saying that you, the Deputy Clan Leader, will make such important confirmations and decisions directly on-site?”

At Yeon So-hyeon’s provocative words, Tang Gwi-hu’s eyebrows slowly distorted.

“You… Are you saying that I, the Deputy Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan and the head of the Shadow Squad, am not in a position to make such judgments?”

For a moment, it seemed as if the temperature inside the reception room had plummeted.


Yeon So-hyeon smiled gently.

“As the younger brother of the current clan leader and the Deputy Clan Leader, you are more than capable of making such judgments.”

Tang Gwi-hu’s eyebrows moved back to their original position.

“Of course. This Tang Gwi-hu…”

But Yeon So-hyeon’s words weren’t finished.

“Judgment. Yes, I said you could make judgments.”

Yeon So-hyeon’s characteristic spirit subtly emanated from him as he sat elegantly in his chair.

“But if I were the clan leader, I would never entrust the ‘decision’ after the judgment to the head of an intelligence organization.”

Tang Gwi-hu’s smile froze in place.

“Even if the head of that intelligence organization is my trusted younger brother.”


Yeon So-hyeon looked at him and smiled, baring his teeth.

“I believe I have provided sufficient opportunities to satisfy the Deputy Clan Leader’s personal curiosity about this Eldest Young Master…”

Yeon So-hyeon set down the teacup he had been holding.

“Now, why don’t you bring the one with decision-making authority here so we can get to the main point?”


The smile disappeared from Tang Gwi-hu’s lips.

“I have already instructed the Chief Maidservant who left earlier to expect additional guests, so you can inform the decision-maker waiting outside the base through sound transmission.”


Tang Gwi-hu’s incomparably heavy face was directly stared at by Yeon So-hyeon with a gaze filled with a spirit that was not just chilling but flesh-cutting.

It was only for a brief moment, but it was enough to give a glimpse of the essence of Tang Gwi-hu’s existence.

And that would be the true face of Tang Gwi-hu, who was in charge of the intelligence of the super-massive force known as the Sichuan Tang Clan.

“Truly excellent.”

He emptied the teacup placed in front of him in one gulp.

“Of course, for someone of your caliber…”

The cup was set down, and his face had returned to its original gentle expression.

“…It’s no wonder that the absurd deal between you, Eldest Young Master, and the Sichuan Tang Clan was miraculously established.”

Unshakable even when shaken.

Rather, in that brief situation, he had read the other party’s move and even turned the tables.

This young man was unlike anyone Tang Gwi-hu had ever seen.

Yeon So-hyeon had demonstrated his abilities right before his eyes in a short moment, and Tang Gwi-hu had now made his judgment.

Now the decision was up to the one with the authority.


A short while later, a person who had been guided by Chief Maidservant Jung-ah from the entrance of the advance base entered the room.

That person’s entire body was wrapped in a cloak made of a rare material, as black as Yeon So-hyeon’s black robe.

The cloak seemed to absorb the surrounding light.

“Greetings, Eldest Young Master.”

As the person lifted the hood covering their face, long hair with a mysterious green tint flowed down like a waterfall.

Deep green eyes, symbolizing the purest bloodline of the Sichuan Tang Clan, reflected Yeon So-hyeon’s image.

“My name is Tang Eunrang[1].”

The woman in her prime smiled confidently at Yeon So-hyeon.

“I am a Minor Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan.”

Minor Clan Leader, Tang Eunrang.

She was the one with the ultimate decision-making authority on the Sichuan Tang Clan’s side.

“And first, I must apologize.”

Even before Yeon So-hyeon could introduce himself, she strode over and placed a bill on the table with a dignified attitude.

It was an extraordinary amount.

“This is an expression of our apology for testing you, Eldest Young Master.”

It was commonly considered lacking in class to immediately hand over money on the spot while apologizing, something only seen in merchant groups.

However, her attitude was respectful, elegant, and at the same time, brazenly confident.

“Isn’t a larger sum the most definite expression of apology, rather than needlessly drawing out verbose apologies?”

At her words, Yeon So-hyeon laughed refreshingly.

She was a person he liked.

“I accept your apology.”

Yeon So-hyeon readily offered her a seat.

  1. 唐銀朗[↩]

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