The Ruler of Darkness

Book 7: Chapter 23

The darkest hour.

“2nd Young Master is arriving!”

The elders lined up on both sides.

Those on the left belonged to the Luoyang faction, while those on the right were from the Gangnam faction.

Subordinates of insufficient rank lowered their bodies in unison and immediately disappeared from the courtyard.

As the elders straightened their attire, silence engulfed the surroundings.

In that darkness and silence, the sound of metal clanging and clicking echoed continuously.


As the owner of the sound appeared at the entrance of the residence, the elders bowed their heads in unison.

When the left foot, encased in black metal armor of unknown material, stepped on the cobblestone, a metallic clang rang out.

The right foot’s high-quality leather shoe had a heel to match the height of the left foot’s armor, producing a clicking sound.

Clang, and click.

The combination of sounds, precise in rhythm yet somehow unsettling, reverberated through the courtyard.

Four skilled warriors silently accompanied him like shadows without making a sound.

Clang, click.

Eventually, those footsteps came to an abrupt halt in front of Elder Hahu.


His lord did not turn to face him.

Nevertheless, Elder Hahu’s expression hardened, and cold sweat trickled down his wrinkled forehead.

His large frame seemed to rapidly shrink.


In his deeply bowed gaze, he saw his lord’s left hand, also encased in black armor like the left foot.

With a creaking sound, the armor on the left hand clenched and unclenched repeatedly.


Elder Hahu bowed his head even deeper.

“Elder Hahu.”

A voice resembling a beast’s growl, a deep bass mixed with the sound of wind whistling through torn paper doors.

It was a terribly hoarse voice.

“Yes, my lord. Please give your command.”

The end of Elder Hahu’s voice unintentionally cracked.

“Didn’t you say you were confident?”

“…I-I have no face to show.”

Creak, the armor on the left hand made another spine-chilling sound.

“Face(面目), you say.”

The right hand, covered in a leather glove instead of armor, grabbed Elder Hahu’s collar.


Although Elder Hahu could have shaken off that hand if he fully exerted his internal power, he did not resist.

No, he dared not resist.

And almost simultaneously, the left hand encased in black armor flashed.


In his lord’s left hand was Elder Hahu’s own eyeball.

He swallowed his scream.

As his lord, who barely reached his shoulder height, pulled his collar, Elder Hahu’s gaze met his lord’s.


Through the eyeholes of the golden mask that completely covered his face, fiery red eyes glared down at him.

Those eyes, burning like coal, were the symbol of the unique martial arts of the Four Heavenly Kings’ Ryeon-ju, the Demonic Rakshasa.

“You’ve lost an eye.”

The characteristic hoarse voice caused by inhalation burns softly settled around with internal energy.

“And now, if you lose your face like me, that’s when you truly lose face.”

Yeon Ja-cheong, who had lost his face to severe burns, spoke.

His left hand creaked and crushed Elder Hahu’s eyeball.


Seeing that left hand slowly approaching his own face, Elder Hahu trembled like a leaf.

The surrounding elders also raised their heads and stared at that hand with trembling gazes.

They were well aware that 2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong was a ruler who dominated through fear.

Nevertheless, this level of anger was unprecedented.

“My son!”

At the woman’s voice that resounded clearly through the courtyard, 2nd Young Master’s hand abruptly stopped.

“Although Elder Hahu has committed a grave mistake, your anger should be directed elsewhere, shouldn’t it?”

A seductive and gentle voice, yet somehow filled with venom.

The one who appeared, accompanied by dozens of maids and butlers, was none other than 2nd Young Master’s mother, Madam Guyang.

Dressed in a lavish palace dress, she approached with a leisurely gait and whispered to her son,

“That anger should be directed at the one coveting the position promised to you.”

Her violet-painted lips fluttered.

“That wicked Yeon So-hyeon, I mean.”


2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong’s left hand clenched and unclenched once more in the air as if in regret, then withdrew.


Elder Hahu, released from the collar grab, forcibly straightened his knees and stood up again, bowing his head.

“My son, an excellent choice-.”


Cutting off her voice, 2nd Young Master’s permanently hoarse voice pierced the ears of the elders.

“I will now head to the Imperial Capital to meet the current clan leaders of the Sixteen Clans.”

He would act under the assumption that Yeon So-hyeon had gathered all the former clan leaders.

Madam Guyang lightly clapped her hands.

“Indeed! Although they wouldn’t cooperate with us normally, if they find out that Yeon So-hyeon met with all the former clan leaders, the current clan leaders will surely want to join hands with each other!”

The more firmly Yeon So-hyeon united the former clan leaders, the easier it would be for the 2nd Young Master to form a united front with the current clan leaders.

“So, you all should now prevent those old horses from selling their family names.”

His red eyes flashed.

“Make it clear to the high-ranking officials those old horses will try to influence that the Sixteen Clans and the old horses are separate entities.”

The elders replied in unison,

“As you command!”

Eldest Young Master Yeon So-hyeon would move the former clan leaders, and 2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong would move the current clan leaders.

That alone was more than enough to warn the high-ranking officials of the fearsome consequences of interfering in the succession struggle of the Luoyang Sword House.

“Elder Ahn.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Elder Ahn, who had tasted defeat today like Elder Hahu, immediately replied.

“What move do the elders predict as that bastard’s next move?”

Neither Madam Guyang nor the 2nd Young Master ever referred to Yeon So-hyeon as the Eldest Young Master.

As if they could never acknowledge him as the ‘Eldest Young Master’ of the Luoyang Sword House, Elder Ahn bowed deeply and answered,

“We judged that his next move is also likely to be the only move, like this time!”

The creaking sound seemed to serve as a response.

“If that bastard wants to survive, the only choice he has going forward is the sole move.”

Apart from his anger towards Yeon So-hyeon, Yeon Ja-cheong’s mind operated thoroughly cold and calculating.

“Elder Hahu.”

“Yes, my lord. Please give your command.”

Elder Hahu, with thin blood flowing from his empty eye socket, replied.

“I will give you one more chance.”

“Thank you!”

2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong’s red eyes turned to him.

“If that bastard moves with his only move, we will utilize the overwhelming difference in power.”

“As you command!”

Madam Guyang smiled seductively.

“You mean to suppress his sole move with follow-up responses and preemptive strikes.”

2nd Young Master asked Elder Ahn again,

“He revealed his martial arts, you say?”

“Yes! Although we haven’t been able to specify it yet, based on the information gathered so far, it seems he has either crossed the wall or reached a realm close to it!”

“He had been hiding it his whole life.”

2nd Young Master’s red eyes flickered between the golden mask as he looked around at the elders.

“There better not be any more fools who underestimate him.”

Before the elders could respond, Madam Guyang answered,

“This mother will fill your absence, so go with peace of mind.”

It was she who had built the 2nd Young Master’s power in the Luoyang Sword House since his young age.

Therefore, it was only natural that filling his absence was her role.

As 2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong boarded the massive black carriage with his guards, those waiting raised the 2nd Young Master’s flag on that carriage.

“My son.”

Through the window, Madam Guyang whispered to 2nd Young Master,

“Whenever that anger seems to subside, remember this.”


“It was that Tang bitch who burned your left half and that face, and it was that Yak bitch who hindered the treatment.”

Recalling the twisted past, she spat out hatred with her eyes and resentment with her mouth.

“This Sword House must become ours.”

There was no need for a response, so none came.

The six famous horses neighed loudly, and 2nd Young Master’s Black Iron Fortress left the courtyard of the residence.

Twenty armored carriages led the way in front of the residence, and twenty armored carriages followed behind the Black Iron Fortress.

Dozens of mounted warriors joined the procession.

‘If only I had given birth to my son a few months earlier.’

The 2nd Young Master and the Eldest Young Master were both seventeen years old this year.

Madam Guyang gritted her teeth as she looked up at the sky with a hateful expression.

‘By now, my son would have become the Minor Patriarch and would be ruling the Sword House alongside me…!’

If that had been the case, she believed her son would have been the Eldest Young Master and undoubtedly would have become the Minor Patriarch without any issues.

“You all heard the orders.”

She lowered her head and shouted at the elders.

“Now, get moving!”

At that voice filled with abstract authority, the elders replied in unison,

“We will follow Madam’s command.”


Valley of Sin, Advance Base.

Standing on the watchtower, facing the wind, Yeon So-hyeon spoke,

“Bi, you’re here?”

Yeon Bi, the 4th Young Master, leaped up, landed on the watchtower, and bowed deeply to Yeon So-hyeon.

“Yes, Big Brother. This Bi has arrived.”

Yeon So-hyeon stretched out his hand and roughly ruffled the 4th Young Master’s hair, just like in the old days.

“You brat.”


Considering the 4th Young Master’s dignity as the leader of a faction, it was a sight that couldn’t be shown in front of others.

“You’ve worked hard.”

“No. You’re the one who has done all the hard work, Big Brother. I merely assisted a little on the side.”

The 4th Young Master, expressing sincerity beyond humility, delivered the news he had brought.

“I heard that 2nd Young Master’s procession has left Luoyang.”

“As expected. It’s a bit faster than anticipated. The Sichuan Tang Clan also came earlier than expected.”

Indeed, the world was vast, and capable individuals were many.

“Even so, it’s only a little. A very little.”

Yeon So-hyeon smiled at the 4th Young Master, who made a small gap between his thumb and index finger.

“Big Brother.”


“We must not trust the Sichuan Tang Clan completely.”

The 4th Young Master said the same words as Tang Baek.

“I know. Don’t worry.”

“Of course, even if they try their best, they’ll still be in the palm of your hand, Big Brother.”

Everything was proceeding as predicted by the Big Brother whom the 4th Young Master respected immensely.

However, the 4th Young Master’s expression was somewhat sullen.

“I wish we could spread poison along that bastard 2nd Young Master’s travel route and detonate Heavenly Thunder to kill him off.”

At the pointless grumbling, Yeon So-hyeon smiled.

“If we did that, the elders would use the assassination of the successor as a pretext to try and change the Clan from a clan leader system to an elder cabinet system.”

“They would definitely do that.”

The 4th Young Master glared at the air and briefly hurled curses at the elders.

As Yeon So-hyeon watched the 4th Young Master from behind, a memory that no longer existed came to mind.

Although the 4th Young Master’s business location had now been changed to the Valley of Sin through a joint venture by Yeon So-hyeon, in the original history, it was Hodu Village.

At that time, without Yeon So-hyeon’s involvement, the 4th Young Master, Yeon Bi, had taken his first steps alone.

The 4th Young Master, who was merely at the starting stage, posed no threat to anyone.

However, in that simple business, he had suffered an irreversible blow.

By 2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong.

Back then, 2nd Young Master had torn apart the 4th Young Master’s business in a radical way that no one could have imagined, crossing a line that had never been crossed before.

He even ignored the mediation recommendation of the Luoyang Sword House’s supreme operating council and endured disciplinary action afterward.

‘Until then, no one truly understood the distorted and twisted resentment he possessed.’

A monster raised and trapped in a curse-like resentment and hatred, constantly instilled by a mad mother.

That was 2nd Young Master Yeon Ja-cheong.


“Yes, Big Brother.”

“This time will be different.”

The 4th Young Master, interpreting those words in his own way, widened his eyes and then grinned.

“Of course.”

At that moment, cheers echoed from afar.

They were cheers signaling the completion of the fire suppression.

As the sun rose, the 4th Young Master raised his hand to shield his face.

And in the distance, as the eastern sky brightened, a new day was dawning.

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