The Ruler of Darkness

Book 7: Chapter 25

The general perception of Eldest Young Master Yeon So-hyeon had remained unchanged for a long time inside and outside of Luoyang.

The Swordless One.

The Eldest Young Master of the Luoyang Sword House who doesn’t wield a sword.

In a world where the ability to sense and manipulate energy depends on innate talent, that derogatory term was not simply blaming him for lacking that talent.

The eldest son who didn’t show his face even after the Clan Leader collapsed.

The Eldest Young Master of the number one clan in the world who just secluded himself and indulged in immortal pursuits, turning a blind eye to the world.

Over the past few years, his name rarely rose or fell among the people.

Even when rumors circulated about him ending his seclusion, the world only looked at him with a tepid gaze.

However, as he took a step outside the Luoyang Sword House, Luoyang’s mornings began to buzz with stories about him.


In front of the Luoyang Central Government Office, on the main street.

The main street leading up to the central government office was lined with tea stalls.

Those large and small tea stalls were a specialty of the government office area, filled with officials drinking tea before work to wake themselves up.

“Hey, did you hear about yesterday’s story? I mean the rumors about Mount North Mang.”

“Of course. Because of that…”

At the young official’s words, the bespectacled official drinking tea across from him put down his cup and leaned towards the table.

“…This morning, our family’s elders met with the elders of another family they are close with.”

The young official also lowered his body.

“…Our family had the same atmosphere. The head of the family stayed up all night with the elders.”

To the point where their whispers were meaningless, their surroundings were filled with that story.

“Have you heard that the high-ranking officials of the central government office couldn’t even leave the office yesterday evening?”

“I heard it was related to those people from Mount North Mang…”

“I also heard that he met all the retired elders of the Sixteen Clans.”

“Just what kind of skill does that Eldest Young Master have to cause such a stir after secluding himself for ten years?!”

“There are also rumors that he used martial arts.”

“Then does that mean the Eldest Young Master has been hiding his martial arts until now?”

“Haha. It’s hard to tell where the rumors end and the truth begins…”

An official with a white beard looked around and lowered his voice.

“…I heard that the Clan’s 2nd Young Master left Luoyang last night and headed to the Imperial Capital.”

“Does that mean…?!”

The white-bearded official nodded.

“Regardless of the authenticity of the rumors, for the Clan’s 2nd Young Master, who avoids external activities, to personally take action…”

“It means that the Eldest Young Master’s movements have become a threat to him.”

“Oh my, to think that the one who was ridiculed as the Swordless One while remaining in seclusion…”

It wasn’t just here.

Throughout Luoyang.

Wherever people who knew the weight carried by the name Mount North Mang gathered, the Eldest Young Master’s name was always mentioned.

And among the commoners, the rumor that the Eldest Young Master led the fire suppression in the Valley of Sin last night was a hot topic.

Thus, Yeon So-hyeon’s name began to rise and fall throughout Luoyang, regardless of class or background.


Luoyang Sword House, Business Support Group.

First Support Division meeting room.

Third Young Lady Yeon Da-eun shouted,

“How can this absurd proposal to completely re-examine the Valley of Sin project be discussed so seriously?!”

A member of the First Support Division shrugged his shoulders.

“Since a complaint about the issues has been filed, it’s only natural to review it.”

“Or are you saying, Third Young Lady, that we should cover up and ignore these complaints?”

At the snickering remarks, the Third Young Lady slammed the meeting table.

“Then show me the complaint documents right now!”

At those words, the snickering people played dumb.

“Hmm. Even so, the documents containing the complainant’s personal information are confidential…”

“We are also members of this First Support Division!”

The Third Young Lady pointed to the Fourth Young Lady, who was narrowing her eyes and looking around the crowd beside her, and shouted,


However, the members of the First Support Division looked at them with a “so what?” gaze.

“I’m sorry to say this, but…”

The person who had been continuously dealing with her clicked his tongue as if he had no choice.

“Aren’t you Young Ladies not originally members of this division? You’re just temporarily assigned here to gain experience…”

At the blatantly dismissive words, the Third Young Lady shouted angrily,

“Temporary?! Yes, that’s right! You said it well! Before being temporary members of this First Support Division, we are the secretaries of the Head of the Business Support Group!”

At her words, everyone made a startled expression.

Regardless of their status, their competence was well-known, and that’s why they knew the Young Ladies could become the secretaries of the Head of the Business Support Group.

“The Head of the Business Support Group to whom your superior, the Head of the First Support Division, reports to!”

At that moment, the door to the meeting room opened, and the Head of the First Support Division, who had been absent, poked his head in.

“Young Ladies. Would you mind having a conversation over here for a moment?”

As soon as they moved to a luxurious reception room and the door closed, the Head of the Division spoke,

“Let’s stop here. The decision has already been made.”

“…Head of the Division!”

As the Third Young Lady shouted furiously, the Head of the Division’s eyebrows twitched.

“Watch your words, Third Young Lady. You are merely a secretary to the Head of the Business Support Group, and the only reason I respect you is because you are a Young Lady of the main family.”


As the Third Young Lady faltered at the chilling spirit, the Fourth Young Lady, who had been quiet until then, stepped forward.

“Can I take your words to mean that the First Support Division is siding with the 2nd Young Master, Head of the Division?”

“2nd Young Master?”

The Head of the First Support Division grinned.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about… I’m just doing my job as usual.”

The Third Young Lady stepped forward again.

“The Head of the Business Support Group will not allow such a thing!”

The Head of the First Support Division shrugged.

“But he is currently on a business trip to Haedong Kingdom[1].”

“Do you think you can handle his anger when he returns?!”

At those words, the Head of the First Support Division fell silent for a moment.

In the Luoyang Sword House, there were those who “could not become” elders.

The powerful figures of the Luoyang Sword House with immense authority, influence, and prestige.

Notably, the head of the Clan’s Armory, the chief executives of businesses including the Clan’s Construction, the heads of organizations located inside and outside Luoyang with very large and important roles, including the intelligence department.

And the head of the Business Support Group.

To prevent power from being concentrated in these individuals, they were not allowed to concurrently hold the position of elder according to the family law.

“…His anger. Of course, that’s something to be feared. But.”

The Head of the First Support Division gave a wry smile.

“Young Ladies, why do you think he will be angry about work that has been carried out entirely according to procedure?”

At those words, it was the Third Young Lady’s side that was at a loss for words.


Although there was enough circumstantial evidence to make her stomach explode, there was no clear evidence that the First Support Division had colluded with the 2nd Young Master.

“He will…”

She thought of the Head of the Business Support Group, who had always spoken well of the Eldest Young Master, but just mentioning that to a division head-level figure would only invite ridicule.

“Head of the Division.”

The Fourth Young Lady stepped forward again.

“Please make sure to at least record that we have strongly expressed our concerns.”

“Yes, yes. I will officially record it.”

The Head of the Division raised his hand and pointed to the exit.


An empty corridor.

“That damn bastard!”

The Third Young Lady suddenly struck the wall, leaving a clear handprint on the corridor wall.

“…Anyone can tell this is your doing, Sister.”

“Ah, argh!”

Startled by the Fourth Young Lady’s words, the Third Young Lady scratched the wall a few more times, smudging the handprint.

“There, that should do it!”

Sighing at the sight of her sister with her hands on her waist and snorting, the Fourth Young Lady grabbed her and left the scene for now.

In the rear garden of the Support Group.

After making sure no one was around, the Fourth Young Lady spoke,

“The First Support Division has made it clear that they are siding with 2nd Young Master and are willing to jump into the successor’s strife.”

At her words, the Third Young Lady sighed and replied,

“…Of all things, the main family’s Business Support Group, which should maintain political neutrality more than anyone else, is getting involved in the most sensitive successor’s strife.”

Like any other department, the First Division of the Support Group was also a place where the most competitive and achievement-oriented individuals gathered.

It wasn’t so strange for them to start a dangerous game while the Head of the Business Support Group was away.

“Should we try visiting the Deputy Head again?”


At Fourth Young Lady Yeon Da-hye’s words, Third Young Lady Yeon Da-eun shook her head.

Recalling the result of this morning’s visit, it was obvious.

“It’ll be the same as last time. That toad of an old man is of no help in this situation.”

The Deputy Head of the Support Group had excellent abilities to act in place of the Head, but his approach was close to neglect based on unlimited competition between departments and individuals.

He had prepared double and triple safeguards for any responsibility issues that could arise for him in this matter and was observing the situation.

“…Ugh. When I heard that our big brother had ended his seclusion, I was skeptical. To think that our Business Support Group would end up in this situation.”

The pronunciation of “big brother” sounded unfamiliar to her.

Their big brother was someone they hadn’t seen or heard from since they were very young.

“I didn’t expect big brother to move so quickly and strongly.”

“Following the visit to Mount North Mang, he commanded the fire suppression, revealed his hidden martial arts, and struck down the underworld organizations…”

“In the end, it forced 2nd Young Master to take action.”

They had never even imagined that the Eldest Young Master, who had just ended his seclusion, and 2nd Young Master would clash.

“…We can’t just stand by and watch.”

“I agree.”

They had no particular fondness or significant grievances towards their big brother.

He was practically a stranger, and in some aspects, he was worse than others.

They had grievances bordering on contempt for the lunatic 2nd Young Master, but they weren’t doing this to side with the Eldest Young Master.

“At this rate, we won’t be able to face the Head, who trusted us and went on a business trip.”

“…That’s right.”

They thought of the Head of the Support Group, who was like a mother or grandmother to them.

The Head who had raised and cared for them after they lost their mother at a young age.

They wanted to prevent the Business Support Group from turning into a mess due to infighting by the time she returned.



Lost in thought for a moment, they soon realized that they knew surprisingly little about the Eldest Young Master.

“…I’m sick and tired of information about 2nd Young Master, but we know too little about our current big brother’s side.”

The Third Young Lady asked the Fourth Young Lady Yeon Da-hye, who was the information secretary to the Head of the Business Support Group,

“Who would know the most about our big brother right now?”

The Fourth Young Lady answered immediately,

“The Chief Eunuch.”

At the mention of that individual with a heavy and even terrifying presence, the Third Young Lady’s entire body stiffened.

“N-Not someone so dangerous. I mean someone who will provide us with information favorably…!”

At her words, the Fourth Young Lady hummed and stroked her chin.

“Come to think of it, there’s someone who fits your criteria and has met our big brother most recently.”

“Who is it?!”

The Fourth Young Lady answered,

“Second Sister.”

Heaven’s Seamless Attire.

At the mention of Second Young Lady Yeon Seo-rin, the Third Young Lady clapped her hands.

“Let’s go right away!”

-Volume 7 Ends-

  1. a medieval kingdom in northern Korea and southern Manchuria[↩]

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