The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 134

Chapter 133 – Pregnancy

“We have our own child?” Guan Yunyu’s phoenix eyes flashed brightly, and she squeezed Gao Yingmin’s hand tightly. Before, she was very worried about Gao Yingmin’s body. She was worried that Gao Yingmin had a problem with her body when she was with her through the secondary differentiation period. Now, Gao Yingmin’s physical changes are all due to pregnancy. Let go, and the rest is all joy.

“Mm.” Gao Yingmin responded to her lightly. Compared with Guan Yunyu’s happy expression, the emperor was much more calm and calm. These days, her body had some reactions, and she also guessed some.

The imperial doctor’s words undoubtedly verified these inner guesses. Forget it, Gao Yingmin thought more about this sudden little life than Guan Yunyu.

The emperor is pregnant, and everything cannot be neglected.

The imperial doctor prescribed some nourishing medicinal diet, and gave some instructions one after another about things that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy. Jianrong found several more experienced court ladies to take care of Gao Yingmin.

Guan Yunyu followed Jianrong, listening patiently all the time, asking every question several times in succession for fear of mistakes.

At night, the autumn night is slightly cool, the trees in the courtyard are rustling by the wind, and the bedroom is bright.

When Gao Yingmin came back from the bath, Guan Yunyu supported her nervously.

“Miss, be careful, the ground is slippery.”

Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and looked at her without saying a word.

Turning around and walking towards the bed, Guan Yunyu followed her, no matter what she did, Guan Yunyu’s attention was on Gao Yingmin, in case she accidentally fell, almost protecting her body.

Gao Yingmin was about to sit down when a few cushions flew to her side like a Frisbee. Guan Yunyu looked at her with a smile on the side.

“Be soft and sit comfortably.”

“Husband, it’s only been more than a month.” Gao Yingmin said softly. Guan Yunyu sat beside her solemnly.

“I asked the imperial doctor, the early stage of pregnancy is the most unstable, so it should be taken care of more carefully.”

“I always follow the book, there is no mistake.” Guan Yunyu pointed to the book next to the desk and said.

Gao Yingmin looked at the books spread out beside his desk, all of which were about Omega pregnancy precautions, and picked one, and sure enough, everything was detailed and clearly marked.

“Lady, this matter must not be careless, you listen to me.” Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes and said seriously.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin rubbed his swollen eyes and closed the book. People get tired easily during pregnancy, and she doesn’t have the energy to read these books anymore.

“Ma’am, can I listen?” Guan Yunyu asked Gao Yingmin, lying on his stomach beside Gao Yingmin, his phoenix eyes shining with stars, looking at Gao Yingmin.

“Listen to what?” Gao Yingmin asked softly, puzzled.

“The sound of the child’s heartbeat.” Guan Yunyu approached with a smile, as if to listen to the child’s heartbeat.

“It’s only been more than a month, and I can’t hear anything.” Gao Yingmin pinched Guan Yunyu’s ear and pulled her to his side.

“Yeah, I can’t see it at all.” Guan Yunyu smiled, staring straight at Gao Yingmin’s stomach, the joy was beyond words. Although I was worried that Gao Yingmin would be uncomfortable during childbirth, the joy in my heart was hard to restrain when I learned that I had a child.

“My lady, all this is like a dream.” Guan Yunyu said with a smile. Although she had noticed before that Guan Yunyu had taken good care of Gao Yingmin these days, but when the imperial doctor told them, it really made her a little too happy.

“Yunyu, do you like children very much?” Gao Yingmin asked softly.

“Our child, I am naturally happy.” Guan Yunyu said happily.

“But you are also like a child.” Gao Yingmin pinched her cheek, deliberately teasing her.

“Miss, trust me, I will take good care of you.” Guan Yunyu hid his smile and said with a straight face.

“I believe in you.” Gao Yingmin smiled slightly, and the two were immersed in this joy. However, after the joy, the two also began to make plans for the child.

The Qinglong gang has not yet thought of a perfect solution, and the imperial examination is in progress. At this time, when the news of His Majesty’s pregnancy comes out, I’m afraid it will cause some unnecessary disturbances.

“Don’t say anything about this for the time being, until after the imperial examinations are over.” Gao Yingmin said.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu replied.

That night, the two embraced each other and fell into a sweet dream.


After a few more days, the two chose a day when the weather was fine and the government affairs were not busy, and returned to the Guanfu.

Guan Herang was not in Guanfu because he was busy with the imperial examination. Gao Qingyao went out to greet him. He had sent a letter to inform Gao Yingmin that he was pregnant. When he came back this time, Gao Qingyao also handed the booklet he had sorted out to Guan Yunyu. . Guan Yunyu opened it, and it recorded in detail how to take care of Omega during pregnancy.

Omega during pregnancy will produce different reactions according to one’s own constitution.

Guan Yunyu would observe carefully every day. Gao Yingmin’s pregnancy reaction was a rise in body temperature and some lethargy, but there was no adverse reaction. The imperial doctor also said before that Gao Yingmin is a top omega, and his physique is already excellent, so there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as the weather changes, add more clothes in time, and avoid diseases such as wind and cold, you can only wait for the birth of a healthy offspring after September.

Guan Yunyu looks carefree on weekdays, but since she knew that Gao Yingmin was pregnant, she put all her thoughts on Gao Yingmin. tables and chairs on the bench.

Gao Yingmin likes to be dark, and there are no lights in the bedroom at night, so Guan Yunyu sent people to find a large number of night lights from the Western Regions, and placed them in various places in the bedroom to prevent Gao Yingmin from being too dark at night.

In short, Guan Yunyu was very considerate and protective of everything.

On this day, the two stayed in Guan’s mansion. After Gao Yingmin returned to the room alone, Guan Yunyu, Gao Qingyao, and Guan He asked their parents to discuss for a while before returning to the room.

Under the candlelight, Gao Yingmin was flipping through the booklet written by Gao Qingyao, very seriously, when Guan Yunyu approached, she closed the booklet, looked at her gently, and asked.

“Husband, what did you talk about with your parents?”

“We have thought about the name of the child after birth, my lady, let’s take a look.” Guan Yunyu handed the booklet to Gao Yingmin. When Gao Yingmin saw the surname, his expression changed slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at Guan Yunyu.

“Husband, why are you doing this?”

“I’ve discussed it with my parents. Although Your Majesty married into the Guan family, the child’s last name is Gao.” Guan Yunyu said seriously.

“This matter is unreasonable.” Gao Yingmin reminded softly.

“My lady, since we got married, which thing has been done according to the rules of our ancestors?” Guan Yunyu said with a slight smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Yingmin fell silent. Whether it was the marriage of the emperor or the imperial examination of a poor family, everything was unreasonable.

“This is what my old father meant.” Guan Yunyu saw Gao Yingmin’s concerns and said.

“But, this world is just…” Gao Yingmin said with a sigh.

“My father said that the Guan family has been devoted to their duties throughout the generations, and they have devoted themselves to supporting the Gao family. They never thought of becoming a royal family.” Guan Yunyu continued.

“So in this world, this royal family, the surname Gao is the most suitable.”

“You think so too?” Gao Yingmin Han asked softly, his eyes flickering slightly.

“Of course, if it wasn’t for the lady, I wouldn’t even care about the position of the emperor.” Guan Yunyu said with a smile.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin responded softly, and the Guan family’s concession could block the mouths of everyone in the court.

Even though he is an emperor, he can’t do many things as he pleases. She naturally hoped that her child could take Guan Yunyu’s surname.

Seeing Gao Yingmin frowned slightly, Guan Yunyu went up to meet her, stroked her brow with fingertips, held her hand, and said gently.

“My lady, if you are unhappy, neither the baby nor I will be happy.”

“There are three of us now.” Guan Yunyu looked down at Gao Yingmin’s stomach, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

The two sat at the desk, choosing the name of their future child.

“Which one do you think is better?” Guan Yunyu asked softly.

“These are pretty good.” Gao Yingmin selected a few and handed them to Guan Yunyu.

“It’s all my daughter’s name.” Guan Yunyu glanced at it and said with a smile.

“Well, I want a daughter.” Gao Yingmin said, then looked at Guan Yunyu and asked.

“Yun Yu, what about you?”

“Whether it’s a daughter or a son, I love them both.” Guan Yunyu replied with a smile, then thought for a while and said.

“As long as the temperament is like you, not like mine. Otherwise, we will be mad at us if we don’t keep it.”

As soon as he said this, Gao Yingmin smiled slightly and said something.

“I will definitely not spoil her like my mother-in-law, and will teach her well.”

“That’s natural, and I won’t be as strict as my father.” Guan Yunyu said with a smile. From a young age, Guan Herang taught her with the attitude of looking forward to a female Jackie Chan, but she really didn’t have such a big ambition. If it’s her child, she must make her happy every day, so she doesn’t need to be restrained by the rules of her ancestors.

That night, Guan Yunyu talked a lot excitedly. She told Gao Yingmin a lot about her childhood, how naughty and naughty she was.

Gao Yingmin listened quietly, showing surprise on her face from time to time. Compared with Guan Yunyu when she was a child, she should not be too obedient now.

“Miss, was I too naughty when I was a child?” Guan Yunyu asked Gao Yingmin embarrassedly, leaning on his arm.

“It’s fine now.” Gao Yingmin said calmly.

Guan Yunyu pursed her lips, meaning that she was very noisy when she was a child. For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable, so she moved closer and asked cheekily.

“My lady, you didn’t like me when I was a child?”

“It’s too skinny.” Gao Yingmin said softly. For a brat like Guan Yunyu, it’s no wonder that Guan Herang takes care of him all day long.

“Children, there is no such thing as skinny.” Guan Yunyu was not convinced, and argued.

Gao Yingmin smiled, touched her cheek, and said nothing.

“Miss, has it been like this since childhood?” Guan Yunyu asked curiously.

“Huh?” Gao Yingmin was puzzled, his cold eyes trembled slightly, and he looked at her.

“So quiet, calm, and smart.” Guan Yunyu praised without hesitation.

After Gao Yingmin listened, his cold eyes flickered, and he whispered.

“Born in the emperor’s family, there are many things that I can’t control myself.”

The author has something to say: Continue to accept my new article in advance, “She Is Not Happy”, a modern article, a main attack article, a short story of about 200,000 words~~Everyone please collect and support~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2409:18:00~2021-04-2715:27:40~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 1 Jingjingzi, Qiong, and Luye;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Siyuan; 36 bottles of cnm; 20 bottles of lk; 16 bottles of Xiaoqi; 10 bottles of Shaziyouhe; currently brushing dishes, 71405891mr, jx27125 bottles; 2 bottles of Yijiebuyi; 1 bottle of uglazy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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