The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 – Attacked

“No more. Your Majesty, I have retired.” Guan Yunyu clasped his fists and lowered his head, not daring to look at Gao Yingmin again, for fear that he would lose control.

She took small steps, pushed back to the door, pushed her butt, pushed the door open, and disappeared into the night of the palace in a retreating posture.

In the imperial study room, the candlelight was flickering, and it was filled with a strong fruity fragrance. Gao Yingmin’s red lips parted slightly, panting thinly, her curled eyelashes trembling slightly, she struggled to support her limp body, and sat back down again. to the table.

After being silent for a long time, he finally forgot what he wanted to do.

It wasn’t until the fruity scent in the imperial study room was blown away by the cool wind that she regained her senses, sighed deeply, picked up the pen again, and put it down helplessly.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn’t stop.

Gao Yingmin bit his lip slightly, and there was a faint mist in his eyes. It must be that he did not do enough self-control exercises on weekdays. Tonight, he will stay up all night and copy the Qingxin Sutra a few more times to cultivate himself.


When she got home, Guan Yunyu didn’t feel well either. The gland opening on the back of her neck was swollen and aching. She was hunched over, lying on the bed uncomfortably, tossing and turning, her whole body was so hot that she couldn’t sleep at all. So he simply got into the secret room, made two buckets of ice water for himself, soaked his body, and watched his body’s functions gradually fade away, soothing him down. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Guan Yunyu lay down on the bed again, it was already midnight, she hugged the pillow, and forced herself to fall asleep quickly, this annual ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was really tortured to death, almost physically and mentally tortured to death.

The next day, You Ran took the initiative to find Guan Yunyu, and the two of them looked like two pandas, with dark circles facing each other.

“Guan Shilang, what happened to you last night?”

“But like me, you can’t sleep or eat because of this ceremony?”

“No. I really wish there was a fast-forward button, just press it.” Guan Yunyu nodded, feeling dizzy. He fell into a dream last night and was still greedy for Gao Yingmin’s body, especially after having the specific size. , more concrete, greedy, she got up in the middle of the night and changed a few pairs of underwear.

“Hey, Guan Shilang, let’s work hard together to overcome this difficulty.” You Ran patted Guan Yunyu on the shoulder and said seriously.

“So, Master You intends to participate in it.” Guan Yunyu smiled and looked at You Ran.

“That’s right, that’s right, many people are powerful, I leave this matter to you alone, I feel ashamed.” You Ran looked at Guan Yunyu seriously, and said leisurely.

“Sure enough! It’s my Uncle You!” Guan Yunyu gave You Ran a thumbs up.

With Youran’s help, things began to go very smoothly. All the business circles in Chang’an City gave Youran face, and the price they offered was far lower than what Guan Yunyu could get.

In this way, it also saved a lot of money. Guan Yunyu held the golden abacus and knocked it cracklingly until it was finished.

“How is it?” You Ran looked at Guan Yunyu and asked curiously.

“The sum of seven seven eight eight is sixty million taels now, and there will be an extra ten million taels of budget.” Guan Yunyu took a sip of tea and looked at the blue sky. It was noon, and he hadn’t moved his chopsticks yet. The food that has gone cold, this is the first meal they ate today.

In the past, at this time, she just woke up, and then strolled around the street, teased the birds, listened to books, drank tea, and at night, drank flowers and wine, and visited gambling houses.

But this kind of life seems to be getting farther and farther away from her!

Now she gets up at 5 o’clock, goes out at 6 o’clock, goes to court at 7 o’clock, and goes down to court at 8 o’clock, and has to be busy until midnight to worship the heaven. Why is it so good to be an official? Why do everyone want to be an official?

“Why don’t you go talk to the abbots of Jinguang Temple?” You Ran suggested.

“No, we can’t touch a penny of the temple’s budget. It’s money for meritorious deeds.” Guan Yunyu waved his hand and refused.

“That’s not going to be easy, I’ve thought of all the tricks I can think of!” You Ran shrugged helplessly and said.

“Tell me! The cost of the carriages and horses, can we go to the army to dispatch some of the carriages and horses, so that we can save it, exactly 10,000,000 taels.” Guan Yunyu said leisurely, making a calculation.

“Guan Shilang, the horses and chariots of the Ministry of War all need tiger charms to dispatch them.”

“Our household department is in charge of money and the national treasury, but we don’t have such a great right to dispatch troops and horses.” You Ran said awkwardly. You Ran, who advocates making peace at home before disturbing the outside world, has had a bad relationship with the Ministry of War over the years.

“Hey! I’m not talking about the soldiers and horses in Chang’an City.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows mischievously, and looked at You Ran.

“I understand.” You Ran raised his eyebrows and smiled secretly. The little clever ghost is really, really smart.


The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was officially held. His Majesty set off from the main hall, passed through the main street of Chang’an, accepted the worship of the people along the way, and went to Jinguang Temple. At the selected auspicious time, he chanted scriptures and prayed for the prosperity of the country and the people in the coming year.

At noon in the sun, on the floats, the roller blinds were blown by the wind. Gao Yingmin was sitting in a plain white long dress, without any makeup, she was still extremely beautiful even though she was naked.

The plain long coat is tied to the neck, the calm and modest Gao Yingmin is an emperor who loves the people and loves him.

With Guan Yunyu riding by his side, he felt an unprecedentedly lively scene.

“Guan Shilang, I’ll take a team and go to the front door to find the way first.” Suo Yiming led a group of Jinyi guards to protect Gao Yingmin’s safety. Although the remnants of King Qi’s party were cleared, if they are not in order, some people will use this time to go out of the palace to offer sacrifices to His Majesty When the time comes, make trouble.

“it is good.”

“At the Jinguang Temple, there is a sister sitting in town, so I don’t have to worry about Mr. Suo.” Guan Yunyu clasped his fists and said to Suo Yiming.

“Your Majesty, please take care of Minister Guan.” Suo Yiming nodded. This time, the number of guard troops was double that of previous years. Thanks to Guan Yunyu, even the soldiers and horses under the command of the General Protecting the Nation were seconded. . The second son of the Guan family is really generous.

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Guan Yunyu and Suo Yiming promised, Suo Yiming rode away on horseback, Gao Yingmin lifted the curtain, and his eyes fell on Guan Yunyu.

“What’s the matter? Your Majesty?” Guan Yunyu rode the horse, approached the window, and poked out his slender hand from the window, carrying a pleasant fragrance. The soft handkerchief was passed to Guan Yunyu’s hand, she opened it, her eyes lit up, it was Snowflake Crisp.

Guan Yunyu curled his lips and smiled at Gao Yingmin, seeing Gao Yingmin sitting upright as if nothing had happened, he put down the curtain.

Guan Yunyu was driving a horse and eating snowflake crisps, the sweetness in his heart. Gao Yingmin didn’t know that she hadn’t run out of grains since morning. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, which has been busy for half a month, is short of this last shiver, and she can’t neglect it at all.

When we walked to the main street of Chang’an Avenue, the road became wider, and the fireworks rang out, emitting a strange brilliance in the sky. The people all over the city cheered. This year’s fireworks are more colorful than previous years.

Walking through the main street, the road becomes narrow, and the accompanying soldiers and horses are also restricted by this road, and there are fewer.

A beam of light flickered, Guan Yunyu looked vigilantly at the roof, at this moment, aware of something strange, a hundred sharp arrows were shot, and the soldiers in front and behind were all shot to death.

The horse raised its hooves in surprise.

“Escort!” Guan Yunyu shouted out his sword, took out a flare from his waist, and fired it. But after the launch, Guan Yunyu’s heart skipped a beat and he yelled “Oops.” Right now, fireworks are going off in unison, Suo Yiming probably won’t notice the signal flares here at all.

As Guan Yunyu thought about it, a man in black had already fallen from the sky, jumped directly onto the top of the carriage, held a long knife in his hand, and sliced open the ceiling of the carriage.

He slashed directly at Gao Yingmin, and Guan Yunyu drew his sword to block it, and the pheromones around the man spread accordingly, and the man underwent secondary differentiation, and the top-level pheromones revealed an extremely strong murderous aura, which made the crowd Soldiers, tremble.

Guan Yunyu lifted Gao Yingmin out of the carriage and guarded him behind him. The horse was frightened and ran forward. The man stepped on the tiles and chased them with excellent lightness skills. The long knife in his hand gleamed coldly.

Along the way, Guan Yunyu knocked down the men in black who were chasing the carriage. This place is only a few miles away from the front gate, and Suo Yiming’s troops can join them there.

The frightened horse did not turn along the established route at the corner, and rushed straight towards the back alley. Seeing that the carriage was about to hit the wall, Guan Yunyu picked up Gao Yingmin and jumped onto the roof. It hit the wall straight, the wheels of the cart fell to the ground, and the horses were frightened and scattered.

The man came after him with a long knife, and with a wave of his arm, Guan Yunyu subconsciously blocked it, and the sword was cut off by the man. Startled, Guan Yunyu stepped back a few steps while holding Gao Yingmin in his arms.

“Hand over to Your Majesty, I won’t kill you.” The man’s voice was icy cold, and the long knife was pointed at Guan Yunyu. Guan Yunyu didn’t emit any pheromone smell, he was a beta, not his opponent at all.

“Okay, here you are.” Guan Yunyu smiled, and pushed Gao Yingmin behind him forward. The man reached out to pick it up, but he felt bad. The letter wrapped around him. The man subconsciously took two steps back, the blade almost cut his wrist, he looked sullenly and looked at Guan Yunyu, it was he who underestimated the enemy.

“Look, I gave it to you, but you don’t want it.”

“How about, this time, I will throw away the sword, and you try again?” Guan Yunyu threw away the soft sword, and looked at the man with empty hands.

The man took two steps forward suspiciously, and when he saw Guan Yunyu’s hand in his bosom, he stepped back two steps vigilantly.

“Hey, I’m sorry, after fighting for so long, I’m a bit hungry and want to eat some snowflake crisps.” Guan Yunyu took out a soft handkerchief from his arms, took one into his mouth, and handed another to the man.

“Do you want to eat? I’ll give you some.”

“Clan leader, she is clearly delaying time! Kill her directly, don’t tremble with her!” The man in black shouted coldly.

That person also realized that there was such a big commotion just now, not far away, Suo Yiming’s soldiers and horses had already rushed towards this side.

The man flashed his long knife and slashed at Guan Yunyu. Guan Yunyu turned sideways, and a strand of hair on his ear temple was chopped off.

“You man, you can do it as soon as you do it, why are you cutting people’s hair?”

“Didn’t you hear a word?”

“The head can be broken, but the hairstyle can’t be messed up.” Guan Yunyu put one hand behind his back, stroked his hair with the other, and said angrily.

“Okay, I’ll let your head fall to the ground!” The man was forced by Guan Yunyu, his eyes were filled with a fierce light, and the extremely strong pheromone gushed out, showing full deterrent power.

“Hey, hey, I’m not an Omega. You don’t have to throw these pheromones at me. You’re an Alpha. I’m really not interested in you.” Guan Yunyu rubbed his nose. The smell is really powerful. Ruo Ruo It’s because there are Omega smells around, I’m afraid it will trigger a climax period. She looked sideways at Gao Yingmin and asked worriedly.

“Your Majesty, are you all right?”

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