The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 184

Chapter 183 – Episode Forty-Seventh

Extra Story 47 Modern Chapter

The Omega in the climax period was enthusiastic and active, which made Alpha lose his concentration at all. He could only let her lead him, the inhibitor just now seemed to have lost its effect, and Guan Yunyu felt the hot energy come back again.

The shallow mark can temporarily relieve the climax of Omega. Gao Yingmin stepped down from Guan Yunyu’s lap, and his fair cheeks were still slightly rosy.

Everything just happened too suddenly, now that he has calmed down, Gao Yingmin only felt a little too irrational. But Alpha is not like Omega, who can regain sanity for a short time after the fever subsides.

“Sister Gao, is the fresh air system on the car broken?” Guan Yunyu leaned over and continued to rub the back of Gao Yingmin’s neck with the tip of his nose, wanting to continue the endless marking. The ambergris is too fragrant, especially in the airtight car, and it seduces Alpha to just want to mark her.

“Yunyu.” Gao Yingmin was stunned, and called her softly, holding her cheek nervously to stop her from continuing to make trouble.

“I’m not full.” Guan Yunyu raised the corners of his lips, lit up his small fangs, and looked at her aggrieved.

“Go home to you.” Gao Yingmin kissed the corner of her lips tenderly, and said softly.

“Well. I want it now.” Guan Yunyu pestered Gao Yingmin to continue the action just now like a little wolf dog who couldn’t get enough to eat.

It was cold outside the car, but the temperature inside the car kept rising.

The car was galloping in the direction of the villa until the black car stopped at the entrance of the villa. The door of the back seat was opened. In the dark of night, Guan Yunyu was wearing only a thin shirt. She stepped out of the back seat with long legs. She bent down, He carried Gao Yingmin, who was covered with a coat, out of the car.

The cold wind blew up outside the car, and Gao Yingmin, who was tightly wrapped by Guan Yunyu, leaned docilely in Guan Yunyu’s arms. On such a winter night, Alpha’s scorching body temperature was the best anti-cold agent.

Gao Yingmin squinted his eyes half-closed, with black hair hanging down his face, and the corners of his moist lips were red. He looked like a kitten full of wine and food.

After entering the villa, Guan Yunyu carefully placed Gao Yingmin on the sofa, squatted halfway beside her, and touched her cheek. The heat had faded, and she was slightly relieved.

But seeing Gao Yingmin throw away her coat, at the moment Gao Yingmin was dripping with sweat, her cold eyes were half-closed, like a lazy kitten, she parted her red lips slightly, and said something softly.

“I want to take a bath.”

“Sister Gao, I’ll carry you there.” Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin and said with concern.

“Okay.” Gao Yingmin nodded weakly, and let Guan Yunyu carry her into the bathroom.

“Sister Gao, I’m sorry.” Guan Yunyu said softly, looking at Gao Yingmin’s weak and weak state.

“It’s not entirely your fault.” Gao Yingmin buried himself in Guan Yunyu’s arms, smelling the fruity fragrance from Alpha’s body, Gao Yingmin only felt at ease.

“Sister Gao, what is your next plan?” Guan Yunyu bit her lip and asked with lowered eyes.

“I can only work from home.” Gao Yingmin blinked his cold eyes, and looked at Guan Yunyu, seeing her in a daze for a while, but after realizing what Gao Yingmin meant, a smile flashed in his phoenix eyes.

“If it weren’t for knowing that you are stupid, I would really doubt whether you did it on purpose.” Gao Yingmin pinched Guan Yunyu’s arm tightly and hugged her tightly, and said coquettishly.

“Sister Gao, I really didn’t do it on purpose.” Guan Yunyu blushed when Gao Yingmin said that, and said seriously.

“I know.” Gao Yingmin smiled lightly, and pinched Guan Yunyu’s cheek lovingly. Now that Guan Yunyu has come to country M, the collision of pheromones between the two will trigger a climax between AO sooner or later.

She was already prepared, not to mention that her own Alpha would have to stay at home for seven days because of the Omega’s passion, which would be an extremely boring thing to think about.

“Sister Gao, I’ll go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients tomorrow.”

“Then, I’ll cook you some of your favorite food. I’m sure you won’t be able to eat these home-cooked dishes in country M.” Guan Yunyu planned for the next week. Guan Yunyu is familiar with many things.

“Yunyu, just send me the ingredients you need, and I’ll let the driver buy them.” Gao Yingmin raised his chin slightly, and looked at Guan Yunyu softly. He was not familiar with this place, so Gao Yingmin was still very worried. her safety concerns. It would be bad if she wasn’t by her side in a sudden situation like today’s.

“Okay, then I will stay by Sister Gao’s side every step of the way for these seven days, and accompany you through the climax.” Guan Yunyu said obediently.

“Hmm.” Gao Yingmin hooked Guan Yunyu’s neck and kissed her chin.

After entering the bathroom, Guan Yunyu turned on the water in the bathtub, and helped Gao Yingmin to sit aside.

The warm light from the bathroom shone on Gao Yingmin’s face. At this time, she was wearing a dignified and exquisite evening dress, but it was not as cold and elegant as at the reception, and she exuded a chic style.

Noticing that Guan Yunyu’s eyes had become hot and fiery, Gao Yingmin’s ears felt slightly hot, his cold eyes were slightly foggy, biting his red lips lightly, and said softly.

“Yunyu, I can do it myself next time.”

“Sister Gao, the water hasn’t been put away yet.” Guan Yunyu blinked and said seriously.

Gao Yingmin looked at this person silently, knowing that this person did it on purpose, but she thought she was cute. Gao Yingmin stared at her with deep eyes. No matter how thick-skinned Guan Yunyu was, he was a little embarrassed, but he still said to Gao Yingmin with concern.

“Sister Gao, let me help you with the zipper of the dress.”

“I can do it myself.” Gao Yingmin’s eyes flickered, he stretched his slender hands, and easily opened the zipper on his back.

The movements were so smooth that Guan Yunyu had no time to intervene, a trace of surprise flashed in her phoenix eyes, and she stared at Gao Yingmin in a daze. A lot of thoughts were wandering in her head, and suddenly she noticed something, and her eyes flashed brightly.

“Yunyu, what’s the matter?” Gao Yingmin noticed Guan Yunyu’s gradually burning gaze, raised his cold eyes slightly, and asked softly.

“Sister Gao, on the night of the engagement banquet, did you do it on purpose?” Guan Yunyu stared at Gao Yingmin, his ears were slightly red, and asked softly.

“What’s the matter?” Gao Yingmin asked softly, her lips slightly raised.

“That’s right, that night, you, you asked me to zip your zipper for you.” Guan Yunyu pursed his lips, his black eyes flickered with grievance, and he looked straight at Gao Yingmin.

“Pfft.” Gao Yingmin smiled lightly, her fragrant shoulders trembling slightly, she arched her waist and crossed her arms to prevent the evening dress from slipping off her shoulders. The big fool is not stupid, but his reaction is a bit slow.

“Sister Gao, you always play tricks on me.” Guan Yunyu rubbed against Gao Yingmin unconvinced. God knows how hard she had endured at that time, especially when she lived at Gao Yingmin’s house during the winter vacation, and she was with Gao Yingmin every day. The bed, but it still needs to be well-behaved, it cannot be overstepped, and it has to be calculated for the day until Gao Yingmin’s climax period.

Thinking about the hard times, really, made her cry.

Guan Yunyu looked at Gao Yingmin aggrievedly, but saw her slender hand hooked around Guan Yunyu’s neck, raised her red lips slightly, and whispered to her ear.

“Little villain, now, I’ll give it back to you.”

The author has something to say: I haven’t saved the manuscript, and I will update it every other day, depending on the fate, everyone will spread flowers~~Thank you~It’s too late~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-15 23:01:29~2021-06-19 23:14:58~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of An and Siyuan; 489822721 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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