The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 – Apologize

Gao Yingmin was kissed by Guan Yunyu so that his legs and feet became weak, and he was pressed in front of the table for a mark, and was carried back to the bedroom by Guan Yunyu in a daze.

“Yunyu, since you’re not drunk, you should go home?” Gao Yingmin tugged at her clothes, his red lips parted slightly, his lips were already swollen from Guan Yunyu’s kiss, and there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, looking pitiful. She regretted not letting Guan Herang take this guy away.

“Your Majesty, you want me to go back.”

“Is it good to have a late-night tryst with Yang Yizhi?” Guan Yunyu said angrily, biting Gao Yingmin’s earlobe. Dressed with Yang Yizhi as if going to church tonight, and being so close to Yang Yizhi all night, I don’t know how to avoid it! Talk and bite your ears! It’s horrible.

Gao Yingmin drooped his eyelids, avoiding her kiss, and dropped her shoulders with his hands. This person is so bad that he always misinterprets the meaning of other people’s words.

Back in the bedroom, Guan Yunyu became even more unscrupulous.

“Yunyu, don’t.” Gao Yingmin shouted, and the man with long hands and feet leaned over, with a hot and humid breath, very strong pheromone.

“Will you still bite your ear with him in the future?” Guan Yunyu bit Gao Yingmin’s small earlobe, and asked indignantly.

“With whom?” Gao Ying Min Youyou asked.

“Oh, you’ve learned to be smart.” Guan Yunyu squinted his phoenix eyes, this time he didn’t answer directly, but he knew who to ask? But even after asking, she was still angry.

After being bullied again, the glands on the nape of her neck were swollen, and she couldn’t let out any ambergris, only her fruity woody fragrance was left, and she was willing to give up.

“Hmph, I want you to know that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry!” Guan Yunyu said leisurely in Gao Yingmin’s ear.

Gao Yingmin opened his mouth slightly, he was too tired to speak, and thought, this is not a rabbit, it is clearly a very bad wolf with a big tail.


When going to court the next day, Guan Yunyu stood silently watching from behind, and saw Yang Yizhi stepping forward to get closer to Gao Yingmin, but before he got close, he saw that Yang Yizhi was stunned, and then went back cold Taking a step back viciously, a strangeness flashed across his eyes.

The strong pheromones around Gao Yingmin were filled with a word that Guan Yunyu wanted to convey to Yang Yizhi, get out.

Seeing Yang Yizhi startled, Guan Yunyu felt refreshed, lowered his head, and secretly smiled. Just like a treacherous fox.

After going to court, Guan Yunyu wanted to go to Gao Yingmin, but she coldly refused. Guan Yunyu looked at the indifference in Gao Yingmin’s eyes, and his heart thumped, because he was angry. Angry for treating her like that last night regardless of her feelings.

“Your Majesty, I’m sorry.” Guan Yunyu lowered his eyes, cautiously showing weakness.

“Admitting mistakes sometimes can’t solve all problems.” Gao Yingmin pursed his lips, his cold eyes showing a bit of sternness.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu bit his lip, obediently like a child who made a mistake.

“Yun Yu, don’t be so childish all the time, okay?”

“Learn to respect and trust, huh?” Gao Yingmin said lightly. She can’t pamper her Alpha like this, she is an emperor, this guy succumbed to her using Alpha’s pheromones yesterday, and tossed her so badly. This guy hasn’t had a secondary differentiation yet, so he’s just so powerful, and he will get it later. If something happens to her that doesn’t go her way, she treats her like this, and her life will not be easy in the future. Alpha is extremely possessive, she must teach this guy to be more rational. Do not act willfully.

“Okay. I got it.” Guan Yunyu came up slowly to hold Gao Yingmin’s hand, seeing the white and slender hand in front of him, but was retracted into the sleeve by the man calmly.

“Go back, we won’t meet in private for a short time.” Gao Yingmin’s tone was a little cold, showing the majesty that an emperor should have.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu bit his lip, his eyes were red with aggrieved eyes, and tears rolled in his phoenix pupils.

Seeing the little man turning around in frustration and leaving sadly, Gao Yingmin sighed slightly, why did this guy cry, she was ashamed to cry, when she cried last night, did Guan Yunyu let her go? Terrible! Terrible!

This day Gao Yingmin didn’t correct the memorial either. He was tossed about by that person all night yesterday, and he was groggy and uncomfortable.

After returning, he fell asleep.

At night, Jianrong realized that Gao Yingmin hadn’t eaten dinner, so he went into the bedroom to look for Gao Yingmin, and found her forehead was burning hot, and she was a little confused.

“Your Majesty, you have a fever.”

He gently brushed away Gao Yingmin’s long hair, and when he saw the terrifying glandular mouth, his face turned pale. I’m sorry for making such a fuss.

Jianrong hurriedly called the imperial doctor to diagnose Gao Yingmin, the high fever persisted, the imperial doctor and Jianrong were busy inside and outside Gao Yingmin’s bedroom until dawn, and Gao Yingmin’s fever barely subsided.

As early as today, it is definitely not possible. Jianrong announced the news to the ministers outside the palace. Guan Yunyu sensed that something was wrong. After all the ministers inquired with Jianrong about Gao Yingmin’s condition, she stepped forward and asked.

“Eunuch Jian, is she alright, Your Majesty?”

“You. Hey.” Jianrong pointed at Guan Yunyu, his eyes showing a rare sullen look. After all, the young and energetic Alpha doesn’t care about others.

“Can I go and see her?” Guan Yunyu looked at Jianrong worriedly and asked softly.


“It won’t work these days. You should reflect on it.” Jianrong said coldly.

“Guan Shilang, these are His Majesty’s original words, I just conveyed them to you.” Jian Rong said leisurely.

I saw the man drooping his head and wronging Bala. He looked very pitiful. If he hadn’t seen the wound on the back of Gao Yingmin’s neck, she would have been deceived by this guy’s cute appearance, but when he thought of His Majesty Jianrong was also ruthless about the injury. It deserves it, this guy is just relying on His Majesty’s pampering her too much, and he is proud of being favored.


When Guan Yunyu returned to the Guan Mansion, he met Guan Yunqing who had returned from patrolling the frontier. Seeing Guan Yunqing, Guan Yunyu’s eyes turned red and he threw himself into Guan Yunqing’s arms.


“What’s the matter? My good sister.” Guan Yunqing stroked Guan Yunyu’s long hair and asked softly.

“I seem to have done a very, very bad thing.” Guan Yunyu bit her lip and whispered.

“Okay, tell me, let me see if I can find a way to make it up for you, huh?” Guan Yunqing looked at Guan Yunyu tenderly. This guy, who does countless bad things every day, actually knows guilt right now. up? It really was the first time the sun came out from the west.

In the study, Guan Yunyu told Guan Yunqing everything he had done to Gao Yingmin. Seeing that Guan Yunqing was frowning and his face was not very good-looking, Guan Yunyu’s heart thumped, it was over.

“Sister, what you did this time is too childish.”

“The relationship between your majesty and the prime minister is the normal etiquette between the monarch and his ministers. There is no overstepping. How can you treat your majesty like this?” Guan Yunqing looked at Guan Yunyu coldly and raised his forehead. Of course, why would he do such an outrageous thing now.

“Your Majesty won’t keep ignoring me.” Guan Yunyu’s eyes turned red when he heard this, and he tugged at his hands in complete panic.

“Your Majesty understands righteousness deeply, so naturally he won’t be as small-bellied as you.” Guan Yunqing said in a dull tone. It’s her younger sister. She didn’t protect her this time. What kind of thing did she do? She was clearly an Alpha. She should understand how big the physical difference between an Alpha and an Omega is. How could she act so capriciously? The body is the foundation of a stable country.

“According to what His Majesty said, you should think about your mistakes and reflect on yourself.” Guan Yun said calmly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu lowered his head and clasped his fingers.

“Sister, don’t tell father about this.” Guan Yunqing reminded softly. If Guan Herang found out about this, Guan Yunyu would probably have to be beaten so hard that she wouldn’t be able to get out of bed for a month.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu was stunned when he heard this, and nodded quickly. After Guan Yunqing left, she sat alone in the study, pondered for a long time, and began to grind for herself.

Spreading out the paper, she began to write a letter of repentance profusely. She wrote more than 30 pages until it was dark, and she found that her crimes were really overwhelming. The more I write, the more I feel wronged for Gao Yingmin. It’s too difficult for Gao Yingmin to be her Alpha. Thinking like this, she is still writing. Wrote about falling asleep in the study.

When she woke up, it was daylight, and she packed up the confession book and put it in order.

In the early morning, she saw Gao Yingmin, who was concerned, his complexion was not very good, and his face was already small, but now it looked smaller, which made Guan Yunyu feel distressed. Gao Yingmin was still sitting upright, discussing with all the courtiers matters of size.

After getting off the court, Guan Yunyu shamelessly lingered next to Gao Yingmin, seeing that the frost on her face hadn’t melted, he secretly took out a stack of papers from his sleeve and stuffed them into Gao Yingmin’s hand.

“What is this?” Gao Yingmin looked at the thick stack of papers and asked lightly.

“Hey, Your Majesty, don’t you know after reading it?” Guan Yunyu was also embarrassed, and ran away in three steps at a time, leaving Gao Yingmin standing outside the hall with a thick stack of papers . This guy didn’t know how to care about her body, so he knew how to run.


Back in the imperial study, Gao Yingmin spread out the paper that Yun Yu gave her, and when he opened the first page, Gao Yingmin was amused, only to see the man’s flamboyant handwriting, with three large characters written in it.


Your Majesty, I’m sorry, as you said, I’m not human, I’m a bad person, I’m narrow-minded, I’m jealous, you can hit me, scold me, whatever you want, but please don’t ignore me. You ignore me, I am very sad, very remorse, very guilty. Sleepless nights, worrying about your body, and feeling guilty about the wrong things you did.

It’s also my first time to be an Alpha, I used to live like a beta, I don’t know how to get along with AO, I don’t know how to control pheromones, I don’t know that it will make you sick, I’m serious terribly sorry. I’m too childish, I’m jealous, I don’t do it right, I get upset, I don’t care about your feelings, I keep bullying you, I’m really uncomfortable, can you stop being angry with me, you haven’t treated me for three days Laughed, didn’t talk to me anymore, I was so sick.

After Gao Yingmin finished reading these thirty pages, it was already late at night. He rubbed his swollen eyes and found that this guy was quite talented. From the first meeting to the present, with a little longer, the entire novel can be serialized. The most annoying thing is that this guy actually described some details between the two of them carefully every time. Gao Yingmin His face flushed for a while, what exactly does this guy want to do, is it to repent, or to show off.

Gao Yingmin Fuer, the Alpha I chose, no matter how difficult it is to take care of, she has to teach her well. The Guan family dotes on her too much, especially Gao Qingyao, who dotes on Guan Yunyu to the limit, so I must You can’t pamper her anymore, otherwise, with Guan Yunyu’s personality, you can really reach the sky.

What a bad guy, Gao Yingmin thought so, and decided that he had to let this guy reflect on himself for a few days, and he couldn’t just forgive her like this.


The next day at night, Guan Yunyu lumbered over to Gao Yingmin’s side again, blinking her phoenix eyes, looking at her like little stars.

“Pretending to be cute is useless.”

“Besides, the things you did are not cute at all.” Gao Yingmin said leisurely.

“What about this.” Guan Yunyu took out another stack of papers from his sleeve and stuffed it into Gao Yingmin’s hand.

“Another letter of repentance?” Gao Yingmin narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. He actually wanted to laugh, but he still looked at her pretending to be calm. She lowered her head and flipped through the paper again, only to find that it was full of her name, and a sorry was added after each name. This thick stack should be 10,000 times? Gao Yingmin thought so.

Seeing Gao Yingmin counting how many times she had copied, Guan Yunyu’s ears turned red, and he was about to run away, but was held back by Gao Yingmin. The four eyes met, and there was a faint deep meaning in the cold eyes, looking at her meaningfully, and said.

“Go back to the bedroom and give me medicine.”

The author has something to say: Guan Yunyu (grievance): I did something wrong…Your Majesty, ignore me…

You Ran (calmly): Usually, I just kneel down on the durian… Do you want to try it…

Yunhexian (offering an idea): There is also the kneeling remote control, which cannot change the channel…you will be beaten if you change the channel…

Author (supporting the forehead): Ten thousand sentences of sorry is okay…

Guan Yunyu (happy): Your Majesty forgive me~~la la la~~

Everyone (shocked): That’s His Majesty’s kindness…

Hahahaha, what Xiaoguanguan did is really wrong, but she is still young, and she has a way to imitate. After all, Gao Yingmin did this to her before, so she imitated it, but the lethality of A and O is different. Yes, she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know anything about AO, she lived like a beta before, she didn’t try to understand Alpha…Anyway, Xiaoguanguan is such a person, not a perfect Xiaoguanguan, Childish and paranoid, everyone can dislike it, no one is perfect, no one can demand perfection from others… rashness is to be yourself, and apologize for mistakes, she is like this, has been on the way of apologizing and admitting mistakes, there is no way. ..

Also, if you have the patience to read the text, His Majesty used pheromones to Xiao Guanguan in Chapters 4 and 5, and then in Chapter 14, Xiao Guanguan also used pheromones to His Majesty in order to ask for money. Yield, it’s just that His Majesty was still on guard against Xiaoguanguan at that time, so he resisted, but now he is completely defenseless, so he can use it successfully.

It doesn’t matter, hahaha, you don’t need to like Xiaoguan, but you must not like the author, hahaha, the author is a hardworking little author who works hard to update the article every day, remember to work hard~~ Love you guys~~

Next episode preview:

“Your Majesty, are you… okay?” Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes, seeing that Gao Yingmin was not thinking about the memorial, but was watching her the whole time.

“Huh?” Gao Yingmin came back to his senses lightly, his cold eyes were a little confused.

“You like to look at me so much?” Guan Yunyu leaned closer, raised her thin lips, and saw a faint blush on that beautiful face as she wished.

“Shameless.” Gao Yingmin pursed his lips and pushed the man.

“Your Majesty, you have seen how shameless I am.”

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-25 10:00:00~2021-01-28 11:40:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 496108741;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 49610874, Gu Yuan 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 64 bottles of basil; 20 bottles of moon chestnut; 14 bottles of Hehehe, Xihejue; 60710 bottles of sunny, forget everything; Wu-, 340152936 bottles; Y, Zhizhizhi, Yu, 494274935 bottles; Linshao 4 bottles; Chenchenhu, Chongguan became a beauty, all the cp I knocked gave me 2 bottles of HE; dawn, Yijiebuyi, uglazy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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