The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

The future is now so arrogant that it is too late to be unreasonable. He shook off Luo Shangqian's hand, shook his legs and said, "I won't sit down."

Luo Shangqian was about to die of anger, and cursed secretly: "You walk and don't walk, sit and don't sit, what do you want to do? Do you want to eat free food? Then you sit outside and order what you want. When the time comes I'll pay for it, okay?"

Future stared, and said viciously: "Is this a problem that money can solve? Look at my cat, who is smart, lively and cute. She is struggling every day to be admitted to Tsinghua University for a Ph.D. in physics. She is tired from studying today. Yes, I wanted to eat brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, but before I could take a bite, I was chased away by you, and now I have suffered a serious psychological blow and suffered from depression!"

"She suffered from depression, so she couldn't be admitted to Tsinghua University. If she couldn't get into Tsinghua University, she would lose a Ph.D. comparable to Stephen Hawking. Without this Ph.D., basic physics is locked, space technology is limited, and humans cannot leave The earth was finally destroyed by the exhaustion of resources-all this is because you booked the venue tonight, you are a sinner of human civilization! Say! How will you compensate the loss of all mankind?"

Luo Shangqian pissed immediately after hearing this: "It's a pity that you don't come to our company as a PR manager!"

Future scratched his ass: "There is a solution. You don't have to pay for the loss of all mankind for the time being, but at least you have to apologize to Miao Bao and buy her ten plates of brown sugar glutinous rice cakes. I don't care about it. "

Buying brown sugar glutinous rice cakes is nothing, let alone ten sets, even if you buy one hundred thousand sets, for Luo Shangqian, it will save one reception.

But to apologize?Who is Luo Shangqian?Chairman of Yunhai Pharmaceutical!Worth more than 1000 billion!The second in command of Luoshi Group!Want him to apologize to such a young loli?
no way!

I'd rather die than give up!

Luo Shangqian's eyes were piercing, and he threatened in a low voice: "I advise you not to push yourself too hard, and keep talking, believe it or not, I really asked someone to do you?"

Future took out his mobile phone: "Hey, Little Rocky"

"Don't don't don't don't! Hey! Apologize, I apologize, okay?!" Luo Shangqian stood up straight and bowed 90 degrees to Meow, almost forcing himself to say these three words, " Sorry!"

Meow has never met Luo Shangqian, but from his pomp and clothes, it can be seen that he is an out-and-out big brother.

She never expected that such a boss would apologize to herself.

For a time, the image of the future in her heart was extremely tall, comparable to Monkey King and Ultraman.

Meow waved her hand, and said in a milky voice, "It's all right, just be more careful next time, and don't disturb others while eating."

Luo Shangqian was about to cry. In front of so many people, he was scolded by a little loli. If there was a hole in the ground, he would go in without saying a word.

Of course, the other guests would not look down on Luo Shangqian because of this kind of thing, but at this moment, they looked at the future as if they were looking at a high god.

Later, I don't know which clever ghost took the lead, everyone got up from their seats, bowed and apologized to Meow, and it was also regarded as a relief for Luo Shangqian.

The future sighed and said: "Brother Luo, I am very relieved that you can rein in the precipice and turn your back on the evil. As a reward, you don't need to buy ten plates of brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, you can buy five sets. I will wait downstairs, and you will get someone to give it to me later." Come on. In return, I will praise you in front of Little Rocky, goodbye."

The last sentence in the future dispelled all Luo Shangqian's resentment.What kind of brown sugar glutinous rice cake, what kind of apology, Luo Bao's favorability is more important than anything else!As long as it can improve the image in Luo Bao's heart, he can apologize to the brown sugar glutinous rice cake!
Walking downstairs, Meow put his arms around Future's neck, and looked at him with extreme admiration: "Future, you are really amazing! Why is that person so afraid of you?"

Future said in a deep tone: "Because I am a great teacher of the people, these small bourgeoisie are nothing but paper tigers in front of us proletarian working people."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, I will definitely become a person like you in the future, be open and aboveboard, and walk around the world with reason!"

"Hey~ This is my good cat. Here, brown sugar glutinous rice cakes are here, let's eat together."

The next day, at the entrance of Xicheng High School, a banner with yellow characters and red background was hung on the school gate: Warmly welcome the superiors to come to our school to inspect and guide the work.

According to the school's internal notice, there are many leaders who came this time, and their ranks are not small, especially that Zhang Liaosheng, who is a leader at the provincial level, and he must leave a good impression in front of him!

In the future, when I come to the class early in the morning, I repeatedly emphasize not to make trouble during the morning self-study, otherwise I will be dismissed, etc., so please don't make trouble.

If it were the first time they joined the job, the words would have been lost as soon as the words came out, and the students would definitely do whatever it took to make a fool of themselves, so that they would be fired in the future.

But now, after going through so many things together, although the students in class 14 are still making trouble all day long, there are very few people who hate the future, and those who wish him to resign.

The main thing is that in the future, he is too good at living, eloquent, humorous, open-minded, and never criticizes puberty. This kind of teacher will be liked wherever he goes.

As for the usual pranks, in Liu Chao's words, it's just that it's out of emotion.

Therefore, the students in class 14 cooperated very much today, cleaned up the hygiene early, and started to pretend to study hard, completely unable to see the bad image of the past.

In the spacious classroom, the ground is spotless and there is no mess. The potted orchids on the windowsill exude a fresh fragrance, lingering around the nose, making people feel like they are in a garden.

Every student is studying hard, some are bowing their heads in meditation, some are writing vigorously, all kinds of review books are neatly placed on each person's desk, and the writing sound of rubbing the pen tip against the paper is like pattering raindrops, which makes people feel Refreshing.

Mirae strode through the door pretending to be the inspection leader.

The girl by the door raised her head. She was a very beautiful student with the innocence unique to female high school students. She smiled shyly at Mirai, said "Hello, teacher" sweetly, and then continued to do her homework.

"Perfect!" Future clapped his hands and warned, "When the time comes for the leader to inspect, we will do as we do now."

After the drill was over, the students returned to their sluggish looks, and they were all swaying. Lei Lie hammered his shoulder and complained: "It's too uncomfortable not to be able to lie on my stomach."

Future said with a stern face: "Lei Lie, you are hunched over at a young age, lying on your stomach all day long, standing or sitting, when the time comes, your spine will be deformed, and you will be paraplegic!"

Lei Lie shook his legs and said, "It doesn't matter, it's not bad to be a paraplegic. It's so comfortable to have someone serve me to eat and drink every day."

Apart from the word awesome, I don't know how to evaluate these remarks in the future.

At this time, Liu Chao's call came from the other end of the corridor: "Future! Come to the office quickly, the leader is coming, Xing Kang told us to sit down quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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