The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 323

Chapter 323
The man who walked in was in his early 50s, dressed in a black suit, and stood with his hands behind his back. Although his figure was thin, he was still tall and straight. Coupled with his eagle-like sharp eyes, he was daunting and he dared not look at him.

The foreign department affairs officer didn't recognize this person, but Luo Laosi and Luo Laoba, who were standing beside Luo Shangqian, recognized him. They had the same reaction as Luo Shangqian, and they immediately turned pale and lost their souls.

Rocky stared blankly at this person, very familiar. Although he couldn't recognize him at the moment, he was really familiar. He must have seen him somewhere.
When the man walked in, Luo Laowu and the others stood beside him humbly, nodding their heads and lowering their eyebrows.

The man looked at Rocky, smiled heartily, and said, "This is Rocky, right? Ouch~ little Rocky, why are you so tall now? The last time I saw you, you came here."

He gestured at his waist and hips with his hand.

Judging from the height of the man's gestures, it should be when Rocky was very young, at most five or six years old.

At this moment, Luo Qi reacted suddenly, his pupils lost focus, and murmured: "Uncle?"

Luo Qi's uncle, that is, Luo Tianxiong's eldest brother, Luo Hannian, was the first in line heir of the Luo family. Later, he was defeated in a family battle and was "killed" by Luo Tianxiong who was hiding in the corpse.

Luo Shangqian looked at Luo Hannian dully: "How could it be possible that you are already dead?"

"It is true that I died once, but Yan Wang didn't accept me, and let me back." Luo Hannian looked at Luo Qi, pointed to his chest and heart, and said deeply, "Back then, your father shot me right here. , Fortunately, medical technology is now advanced, and it took more than a month to rescue him, and he was replaced with an artificial heart, which saved his life."

Luo Shangqian clenched his fists subconsciously: "During this period of time, the group's stock price has fallen. It was you who bribed the insider to carry out the short-selling transaction. You also arranged the attack!"

Luo Hannian shrugged: "Professional assistance is indispensable."

After the words fell, several figures walked in, a man and a woman who attacked Luo Tianxiong on the highway at that time, and the little old man were all on the list.

The leader was even more unexpected. He was actually the security captain of the Rock Manor, the legendary figure who was killed from blood and fire in the war-torn zone, Assande.

Luo Shangqian looked at Assande with a pale face: "You betrayed?!"

"Let me explain. Assande didn't betray, because" Luo Hannian's lips curled up in a sarcasm, "He was my man from the beginning to the end, including the overseas headhunter who recruited him back then." , is also mine.”

Luo Shangqian suddenly felt unwilling. This kind of thing is what he fears the most in family struggles. The original heir was not completely killed, and he had no ties with Nei Ying.

If the original heir dies, it will be over once and for all, and the tree will fall and the monkeys will disperse.

But once this tree is established, whether it is flourishing or dying, as long as the roots are there, it will grow leaves if you don't pay attention.

Luo Tianxiong's failure to completely kill Luo Hannian meant that Luo Hannian's informants who stayed in the Luo family would covertly support him, starting from the small hole and digging in bit by bit, and finally the ant nest was destroyed by the thousand-mile long embankment.

This is also why family battles are inevitable, and the winning party must kill the losing party. It is not a cold-blooded bloodthirsty, but something that cannot be done. It must be done.

Asand's incident is just a microcosm. It has been 10 years since Luo Hannian's "death". During these 10 years, his secret arrangements were all closed at this time, and the final result is like now, the return of the dead.

Luo Shangqian knew that he was powerless, so he protected the terrified Rocky behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Sanbo has already been blown into the hospital by you, and you will get revenge for the one shot. You can put forward other conditions, but don't No more wrongdoing, Rocky is innocent in this matter."

"My principle is very simple. What I lose must be regained with my own hands." Luo Hannian said with a smile, "Don't worry, I watched Rocky grow up, and even hugged him while drinking the full moon wine." She, as long as she promises what I say, will not be hurt."

Luo Shang moved to protect Luo Qi, and moved to the corner of the table: "You say."

"Two things, just sign it. One is Luo Tianxiong's agreement to give up treatment, and your daughter signed it. In fact, the third brother's current state, the probability of surviving is less than 10%. Signing it is also to let him off early and suffer less crime. The other is the equity transfer agreement. The third brother left a will for the lawyer before. If one day he dies unexpectedly or his person is controlled, the actual Control will be handed over to Rocky. The will has been notarized and I can’t move it, but Rocky can transfer the equity to me through this agreement.”

"Rocky, don't worry, after the control is handed over to me, I will not interfere with your life. I will copy all the material conditions to you according to the current standard, and you will have endless money to go back to school. You can do whatever job you want in the future, and no one will restrain you. If you don’t mind, I can even adopt you as a goddaughter. I found that I lost my fertility in the physical examination the year before last, and I will have no children in this life. With a person like you A smart and lively goddaughter, forget about my concern."

Rocky bit his lower lip tightly, unwaveringly: "I have lost my mother, and I will never lose my father again."

Luo Hannian's expression was very calm, and he waved his hand casually: "It's okay, it's not a sign after all, take them down."

Although Luo Shangqian usually works out regularly, in front of a professional like Ascend, it is not a trivial problem. Doing it is courting death.

At this moment, all escape routes were blocked, Assand approached with strides, and there was no room for a comeback.

However, there is another trick.

Luo Shang moved Rocky to the corner of the table, his eyes froze immediately.

Luo Hannian couldn't help frowning, he was a little strange just now, Luo Shangqian has been moving to the side, but next to the wall, there is not even a window.

He thought it was a subconscious action at first, but when he saw Luo Shangqian's eyes, he suddenly came to his senses: "Take Luo Shangqian down! Quick!"

Although Assande was fast, he was not as fast as Luo Shangqian stretched out his hand once.

"Click!" The corner of the table opened and the button was pressed.

This is the emergency button of the highest meeting room. Once pressed, a secret door will open on the side wall, leading all the way to the ground. The exit is in the woods 100 meters away from the Luoshi Group headquarters building, which is used to deal with emergencies.

Only Luo Tianxiong himself knew about this emergency button, not even Luo Shangqian.

Later, out of trust, Luo Tianxiong told Luo Lanshan.

A few hours ago, Luo Shangqian brought Luo Qi to a meeting. Luo Lanshan felt worried, so she told the secret to her trusted Luo Shangqian.

This chain of trust has created an impossible miracle, digging out a way out in the siege that cannot fly.

The button of this secret door can only be pressed once, it will be destroyed after being pressed, and it will only open for 5 seconds.

When the secret door opened, Luo Shangqian violently pushed Rocky in. Just as he was about to rush in together, a gunshot rang out. Several bullets shot into his back and pierced his front body, and he fell into a pool of blood
Assande saw the secret door began to close, and rushed over to catch Rocky.

But when Assande stepped on Luo Shangqian's back, Luo Shangqian, who was in a pool of blood, broke out with amazing force, grabbed Assande's trouser leg violently, even tore off his nails, but still did not let go.

The moment the secret door closed and the gap closed, the last words she heard were.
"Luo Bao. Run"

(End of this chapter)

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