The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

15. The other Turtle

Sniping Lv 1-5
Increases Precision with Projectile Attacks from the Distance. Needs to be well aimed and not done in haste. Needs to be clearly aware of the Targets Position. Precision increases with Level.
Survival Instinct Lv 1-3
To be able to better react to Mortal Danger. Needs to be aware of the Danger. Effect increases with Level. Being able to shorten casting time or build up time of abilities by slight Margin, increase with Level. 

Both of this at Level one. 
Survival Instinct cost 1000 Gold and Sniping 550 Gold. 
I gave it survival instinct after seeing its spell to defend itself. 
It was a stray thought, but I effect the Mental state of the Turtle and threw a pen at it. 
The Turtle completely panicked, trying to retreat at unstable footing without using its spell designed for it.

Rushing at a sniper can make him panic, I know that from personal gaming experience (as sniper). 
But such an obvious weakness will probably abused, so it’s a good countermeasure. 
I also considered Danger Sense, but it wouldn’t have helped with a panicked reaction. And it’s expensive.

7250 Gold. It’s much, but doesn’t feel like it. Especially because I plan to pack Laylas Monster full of things. 
Going Overboard will be so much fun!

And it will further decrease. I plan to use some more for a Turtle with a Sorcery stone. 
Wasteful? What can I waste? I am stuck here. Doing something distracting will be worth more than one could think. 
Even tough I don’t really feel bored, more like inactive. But playing Crazy scientist I fun.

This Time, the shell is more Oval. The Maximum height is 22 Cm, I believe. 
Its legs aren’t as stubby, but not much better. 
It can also barely look outside its shell. The shell which is special this Time. 
This Time, there is a bit of a hollow room between spine and shell. I specially formed it. 
And yes, the turtle is even smaller than 22 cm. It’s actually tiny under the shell. Or tinier.

The Quader-Like Crystal even has tiny indents in its shell. It a bit cute, if you hadn’t to look inside the turtle to look at it. 
The Shell, especially the upper part, are conducting the Mana wonderfully. 
When Mana is released, it’s cloud like. Like hitting something with the sponge from school which was always used to clean chalk from the board. And then this cloud says, we go there.

It’s easier to distinguish than most other Mana, like, well, having a dust cloud in the air. 
And it’s having great effect. This one can’t create Earth like the other one, but freely shape it. 
It isn’t that hard. It’s Earth and stone, but lacks on structural integrity when formed into anything not hill-shaped. 
Basically, it can terraform and throw peoples around. But when he has peoples, he is a machine gun. 
And speed suffer greatly with weight. When I had to guess, it would be a maximum amount of force that can be exerted. 
Speed x Mass = Force. And how much force there can be is hard capped. 
So how much Mass the stone has will affect the speed. But it goes in every direction. It even possible to let the stone fly high and let them drop after that. 

There is also a hard cap on weight. Not only weight of the stone, but also the burden of the stone. 
A Stone can only weight so much or the turtle can’t lift it. Speed will be lost when the stone carries or drags something. 
Depends on how much of a burden it is. A sleight will probably not be much of a bother, but someone pulling it at the opposite director will. 
And if the stone, wich gets lifted, has something on it, it will count to the maximum weight limit.

The Turtle can bunker itself into its shell and infuse the ground with Mana. 
Like this, the little one is able to sense when someone steps on the ground. 
Depending on the infused Mana, he can shape-shift the ground at moments notice.

The best idea I have for the turtle is a combat engineer, hiding himself under the Earth. 
Combat Engineering is something done in War. I think it means to destroy obstacles on the soldiers March, evening the Ground for the Military and detecting Mines. 
When this one can form the Ground easily to fit the Dungeons Monster and hinder intruder, it can lead to a great Advantage or Disadvantage. 
Especially since one of the two Monster is an Bull, who probably like rush attacks.

And if there is no other Monster to help, it can keep itself hidden. 
No use picking a fight solo when one isn’t made for it. Ahh, but Dungeon Master can only influence Monster to a certain extent. 
Well, no use lamenting. Having a guy like him could still be useful.

Let’s look for skills that I can give him. I already have an idea.

Seismic Sense Lv 1-10
Being able to sense Vibration from the Earth and categorising Source and Position. Accuracy and Range increase with Level. May work less or more effective, depending on ground. Sensitivity effects effectiveness.
Bunkering Lv 1-5
To Hide in a safe little place and escape damage and detection. Increase Hiding capabilities and Defense Qualities when active, increase with Level. Gets cancels by Movement outside the designated Bunker. Attacking negates Hiding capabilities. Needs to designate a Bunker. Getting a sense for the position of the Bunker, when needed.
Combat Engineering Lv 1-5
Being able to shape terrain to make it accessible or easier for allies to traverse. Detecting and neutralise Environmental Hazards. Effects increase with Level. Needs an definite Alliance.
Terraforming Lv 1-10
To be Able to change one’s surroundings more effective and achieve intended things for the Environment more easily. Effects increase with Level.
Earth Sorcery Technique Lv 1-10
To use Earth Sorcery more effective and increasing Mastery. Effects increase with Levels. Needs to be able to use Earth Sorcery
Burying Lv 1-5
To dig up the Earth and let something Vanish under it. Traces can be eliminated better when wanted. Only effects Holes ,ade for burying something. Effect increases with Level.
Digging Lv 1-10
To be able to better Dig the Earth. Helps with creating more stable Tunnels. Won’t differentiate between anything. Effect increases with Level.
Camouflage Mana Signs Lv 1-10
To make one’s Mana sign appear weaker or let them vanish from common Mana Sense. Will be cancels by the external use of Mana. Effect increases with Level.

I won’t use all of this skills, but getting an overview definitely helps.

Ok, I have it. 
Seismic Sense Level 2 1500 Gold, Bunkering Level 1 350 Gold, Combat Engineering Level 2. 1800 Gold, Burying Level 2 900. 
4550 Gold in Total. Expensive. But I think it’s worth it. 
Interesting enough, Combat Engineering cost more to begin with, but Seismic Sense has a steeper price increase. 
It probably has to do that Combat Engineering can open something up to Monster they couldn’t, while Seismic Sense acts more like an enhancement to abilities that can be already there.

What sucks is having 2700 Gold left. 
This one probably isn’t Ben the better Option when I think about it.

Haaaaa, it’s still useful. I can probably sell it without problems. 
Just not now.

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