The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

30. Giants

Fluffy Fur Lv. 1-5
A Fur which is Fluffy, Clean and has a good Temperatur. 
Being more tamed then Fur normally would, it also doesn’t spread left and right. 
It protects against physical Attacks a bit better, can repel forces of Nature and Magic just a bit better. 
Effect increases with Level.

3000 Gold each. Deal. 
I have now 169600 Gold, additional 40000 from a sale, it seems. 
Just how much time has passed? Or rather, was it short or long? 
Do Dungeon Master ever see the Sun, the Moon and Stars?

*WOOFF!* *Woof*

”Okay you two! I should give your Fur a proper look.”

As Chloe was distracted, Ciler and Calida redirect her Attention to them. 
Both cuddle themself against Chloe, getting fluffed by her.

”Your both so soft now, but Ciler…”


Why is there so much Grass and Dirt under your Fur? How did it even get so deep?”


Disheartned, Ciler let his Head down.

*sigh* “Ciler, I am not angry, but I want that you take care of yourself. 
Getting dirty doesn’t mean that you got hurt or something, but at least something happened that you are that dirty, right?”

Ciler still doesn’t lift his head, even looking to the left, to avoid Eye contact. 
Calida slams her paw down on his head, making her stance clear. 
After that, Ciler begins to lie flat on his stomach and look apologetic.

”Like I said, I am not very angry, but you should watch out for yourself. 
Come here.”

Chloe makes a Hand-gesture to invite him to her, and begins to pick him up. 
Ciler, being a rather fat Wolf, I mean broader than most, was rather heavy. 
But Chloe has 10 Strength and isn’t lazily laying around, so she can lift him up. 
She puts him in the Capsule. She can even influence the Terminal of the Capsule to appear outside, so she does. 
After a short while, Ciler appears, freshly cleaned as if dirt avoids him like the plague.

Calida begs Chloe for a bit of Attention and also a round of cleaning. 
As both are cleaned, Chloe notices the Abnormality of this whole place again. 
The Ground, walls and everything are clean as if never used and freshly unpacked. 
Somehow, that makes Chloe feel like the dirtiest thing in the Room and also begins to clean herself.

”You two, I still have a job to do, so can you go play without me?”

Both Howl in an affirmative and begin to play with each other. 
Chloe meanwhile ponders about how she should make a Giant. 
How did the Ethan Guy look like?

He had broad Shoulders, a head with big Proportions to the rest of the Body then an Average Human would have. 
His Torso was pretty much square formed, and his legs didn’t thin out against going down to his feet. 
His Feet were broad, really broad. But his Toes comparative small. 
His Arms also didn’t seem to thin out. 
And he had noticeable muscles Everywhere.

But it didn’t seems like having two muscles oppose each other around a bone, more like having three muscles each side on his upper arm alone. 
And at the Elbow seemed an Additional Muscles, at least it seemed like he has a bulge their, even at most other joints. 
At least the most noticeable ones.
Besides that, maybe his Hand were a bit too small?

Giants are Humanoid Creatures of unnatural Size. 
Often told to be aggressive or even Human eating, mostly living in secluded places. 
But there is something called Physics. And Physics is someone who says Size matters.

In the Insect World, prioritise of which Natural Law has the biggest impact is different from Bird or Human sized things. 
That Insect, Singbords and large Prey Birds have all different Wings lies also in that. 
Heck, look at Planes. The are gigantic Hunks of Metal, flying with immobile Wings and Turbines. 
So Size is Important.

So I can’t make gigantic Humans. 
Magic would be a brute force approach, possible, but inefficient. 
But I would till have to heavily relay on it. 
But I would at least like to make the Body not needing Magic to enhance it Body to stand. 
Probably a pipe Dream with my understanding of Anatomy, Biology and Physics, but hey. 
I am in a world of Magic. Why should I give up trying before even the first step?

So, first things first. Making a Blueprint. 
Why didn’t I made one before? 
Oh wait, for Zombie and Wolf, I had an example, and the Fog wasn’t really much to draw about. 
About the turtle? I just arranged how I thought it should be. 
Huh, well, I can begin to do it now.

First look with what Material I should work. 
Cant plan something and not have the Parts to actually make it. 
But I have one thought.

Medium Body Magic Stone 30000 Gold
A Magic Stone often Found in Monster who’s Main Trade is a big and Powerful Body. 
This Stone offers comparatively little Magic Protection, but gives the Body natural high Physical abilities. 
The Effect includes Strength, Toughens, Endurance, Regeneration, Speed, Reaction Speed, Enhanced Senses and greater Explosive Power. 
Since the Body of the Monster is greatly influenced, it often lead to a huge increase in Size and Muscle Mass.

Yep. A Medium sized Stone. For 30000 Gold. 
I have it. Conclusion? Too big. 
As i bought it, something happened. 
It’s a bit hard to describe. I looked at it and received Information through my Senses. 
Shortly after concluding for a bit, it was like my Mind was dragged somewhere. 
Then, I made Conclusion about why the Stone was to big. 
But it wasn’t me me, more like someone run this Conclusion while Using my Brain to do so.

The Reason “I” (?) think so is a bit hard to explain. 
In Layman terms, the Stone is Optimised to be used for enhancing large Bodies. 
Most other Magic Stone Double down to also have a Mana storage, this one doesn’t. 
Stacked with the Fact that the Magic is made to be used for flowing trough the Body, it needs Less Mana for a bigger Body.

More complex would be like that the Body Mana nourishes the Body and accelerate Metabolism, leading to greater Muscles Masses etc. So that it can convert Mana in a more efficient Mana to enhance the Natural Bodies Abilities. 
And like I said, Body Mana can’t be used for any external Magic, so most of the Mana goes in sustaining the Body. 
That also accelerate Blood flowing through and so on.

It was a Conclusion in my Mind, but I myself don’t even understand all the causes. 
I have some opinions about how the Bodies Functions get changed, but I must say that I will need that. 
Especially I can see now how Giants would Survive.

Nourishment would be a big Problem if they would be big Humans, especially how fragile the Humans digestive System is compared to most Animals. 
Especially Predator. That also includes how easily they can convert Food into energy. 
If it’s too inefficient to be worth much, they would starve fast. 
But when Body Mana can be pretty efficient in providing energy needed for Day to day tasks, it would things much easier.

But would they turn extremely hungry after overextending themself? 
The extra energy incomes constantly and seemingly won’t be stored for when needed. 
And it won’t be enough to completely replace replace day to day needs. 
And it’s unlikely that they can store food easily without eating more than they need, since the Mana isn’t quite enough. 
But just enough to live normally when conserving energy in most actions a bit.

Curious, but I won’t know for quite a while I guess.

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