The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

32. Muscles


Oh no. 
I got into a habit to talk to myself more than I should. 
Will I at some point verbalise nearly all of my Thoughts? 
I noticed that I got more talkative. 
I just need to look back to the Ethan-Guy.

Well, Anyway. 
I finally did all the Muscles. 
One would think it’s easy. My previous experiences made me think so. 
Bit, no. Wrong, so wrong.

I didn’t made the average Persons muscle structure. 
I made Muscles fit for a giant. 
It’s like Comparing smithing some kind of softer iron-alloy to steel. 
Maybe not, it was probably easier, but still.

The process was pretty much the same, just harder. 
If it would have been Ciler or the Zombie, fine. 
A bit more work. But with the Muscle mass or Giants? 
Soo much work.

At least i think I found something interesting. 
The Joints on the hand to arm are not very flexible. 
The whole body isn’t very flexible, being muscle ridden and all. 
Expect maybe the Finger. The skin is thick, but a giant shouldn’t have any problems closing his hands. 
Probably since there aren’t much muscles at the Fingers.

But the Joint to the Hand? 
Well, it seems they can hardly move it left, right, up and down. 
Using a knife may afford more movement then they can afford. 
And that’s impractical.

Because of that, a Giant will have his hand mostly face the same directions like the forearm. 
And how does the saying go? “The bigger they come, the harder they fall.” 
How do they stand up?

Yes, they can make a fist and stand up. 
But it’s gives less friction then the palm. 
And when someone has equipment to make a giant fall, then why not one to keep them down?

One can say that I am pessimistic, but remembering what happens at Laylas Dungeon, it doesn’t seem impossible. 
Giants are big. And have an Human Anatomy. 
Head and other Vitals are hard to reach. The Skin is thick and the Muscles dense. 
Some flimsy arrow won’t do.

The other possibilities is Magic. A Body Magic Stone give the worst magic Resistance. 
And giants don’t have scales or similar to protect them from Magic. 
That is, if someone can use Lethal enough magic.

30% of all Sapients, was it? 
Does it include races that are more and less likely to develop an affinity? 
And does every Dungeon City have access to enough Magic users? 
Won’t they just try to circumvent hardship if the find a way?

Humanity, at least, is lazy. 
Ain’t fix what ain’t broken. 
If they see a way, it first needs someone smart enough to ask himself the Question. 
“Is it the Best way?”

A Human won’t ask this Question until they are opposed to it, for various reasons. 
But when they are just fine, Change is hard to bring. 
And I think of they find it to hard to kill Giants, they will search for a way to cheese it. 
On the opposite, if it’s manageable, then nothing will change.

I won’t say that the intruding ones wouldn’t welcome an easier way. 
But they also aren’t the one who have to come up with the Idea. 
Government and Crafter could come up with an solution, if they would think it’s needed.

But as long it looks fine from the Outside, it’s fine. 
The Question is, is the Giant too hard to beat? 
Should I purposely weaken him, just that they are satisfied with the difficulty?

The answer is no. To everything. 
Because I won’t do anything at all.

The Dungeon Master is the World Giant, not me. 
Not my Problem, it’s his. 
And when he wants a Solution from me, he could have payed for it.

But to learn so much new is exhilarating, somehow. 
It’s valuable Information, in a way. 
Something I would have never learned at my old World.

And I won’t give the Giant any Skills. 
I could maybe give him something like the Thick Skin skill and so on. 
But I won’t. I plan to harass the Guy a bit.

its petty revenge, but it isn’t like it will be the Main Course. 
And I have a book to read.

Chloe reads through the book. The Parts that are interesting for her at least. 
She is gonna read the Rest Later, just be sure she didn’t overlook something. 
But first things first, she is gonna test it.

Chloe stretches her Hand out, summoning a ball of her Mana. 
Instead of letting it go, she wills it to diffuse into the ambient Mana. 
Normally, when Manna doesn’t have any Contact to her, it mixes with ambient Mana. 
Not being any distinct Mana anymore, also means it isn’t Chloe’s Mana anymore.

But now, her Mana hangs like a thread to her, all while spreading in the Air. 
It’s her Mana, and she has Control. 

Or not. Seems Chloe thought it will be that easy. 
Chloe tried to summon Snowflakes in the Air using the Ambient Mana and hers. 
It is very unresponsive.

Maybe she just spreed to far. 
She can try for now to summon it directly before her Hands.

After some trial and error, she successful summoned some snowflakes before her hand. 
Chloe begins to smile. That was the first step. 
Now she begins to infuse Mana into a Snowflake.

She already learned how to move Ambient Mana, even tough slowly. 
And the Flake begins to absorb it steadily. 
Since the process is slow, she can take her Time to form the flake.

After three Minutes, she has a Snowflake, being two-and-a-half fists high and wide. 
The Pattern has grown more difficult, still showing thin tips at the side of the Six big Tips. 
And it’s sharp. Sharp and not fragile.

Chloe herself hs cool body temperatures, but her touch should still melt snow. 
But not only that, the Flake doesn’t even break. 
On the other side, Chloe can’t put too much pressure on, since it’s sharp. 
She is sure, without a careful touch, that she would have gotten hurt.

Congratulations! You evolved Snow Cantrip into Snow Sorcery! As a Reward for evolving a Sorcery Skill, you receive +1 to Dexterity and Wisdom.

Well, if it isn’t a nice Surprise. 
Chloe begins to grin. Having something intimating in her Expression.

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